Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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I would love for Nat to come face to face w/ the lawsuit chick. Maybe she could set her up in a way to help Eric get the charges dropped. I think Natalia would dispise her, not only for suing Eric but the fact that she used "abuse" as her set up. Unfortunately, Nat knows what that's really like, so, it'd be nice to see her step up in that situation, if it resurfaces...which I think it will.

Trust is one of their biggest issues...aside from Mr. Bullet, but he won't last long ;)
I think in "one of their own", he saw two sides....she was the mole, but not an effective one. but, she also lied to him. It's easy for Calleigh & H to forgive her...there's no love there, but for Eric....he was really falling for her & felt betrayed & hurt. Who could blame him, right?
On the other hand, she COULDN'T really tell him she was the mole w/ out blowing her cover & the Fed's investigation, so she was in a tough spot. To a certain extent I think Eric sees that, but being a "trust issues" kinda guy to begin with, doesn't make it easy for him.
The good thing is that he WANTS to trust her w/ his heart, that's what is important ;) ;)He'll find a way.
one thing i really want the writers to do when they get back to work is to end this stupid storyline with Eric and lawsuit chick cause i think that its unfair for someone as generous as Eric to be stuck giving money to this b****. Also this damn bullet is bad for us Eric fan cause he cant dive anymore. its true that natalia should be the first one to be mad as hell that someone would fake being abuse just to sue someone and amke money. maybe Nat shoud get together with her group and do something about that girl!
I can't see them keeping this storyline w/ her going. It is very crappy. I think they should pull up Natalia's medical record & shove it in the bi%$*es face.
Im guessing she'll pop up dead or something, maybe even put Eric in a guilty looking position :confused:
or something will surface & bring her to drop it. Maybe she'll be involved w/ a murder & go to prison. Either way, I doubt he'll continue to pay it a whole lot longer.
I think Natalia should punch her. Give her a taste of her own damn medicine. ;)
MJ and Veggie both had a an AWESOME idea for an episode!!!
I wonder if us EDeN fans are developing some sort of collective consciousness?

Natalia get's put on a case involving the lawsuit chick. I think her name was Carmen. Natalia exposes her for being a fraud. Nat pays her a quick visit to Carmen in lock-up and shows her evidence photos of what Nick really did to her. That would be so AWESOME !!!!!
She says to Carmen " This is abuse."

DAMN that is a great idea!!
:D :D :D :D :D :D
maybe Nat shoud get together with her group and do something about that girl!

They should! I wonder if they would bring that back and finish it out. They need to.

Im guessing she'll pop up dead or something, maybe even put Eric in a guilty looking position

Oh yeah, I can actually see that one going down.
"Oh She's dead, Eric your under arrest"

I think Natalia should punch her. Give her a taste of her own damn medicine.

I totally agree!!! I'm all over that one. Nat should beat her ass. Nobody screws with Eric. :D

I wonder if us EDeN fans are developing some sort of collective consciousness?

We'll get back to ya on that. :)
Exactly, DOUBLEHELIX, that's what I was thinking of too, Nat would be such a bitch....give her the Nat death look :lol:

I could also see it played like this....Horatio or Calleigh saying this to her, while showing Carmen photos of Natalia... "I don't think Eric was trying to save you at all...(the famous pause)...*slides picture of Nat in front of her* this is who he was really saving"!!!!
:D :D :D
I want an epi like that!!!!
Natalia could see it all through a double mirror in the interrogation room, & then Nat can go plant a big one on him for being such a hero...& a real kiss, like one she's already given him before ;) ;)...none of the friendly kiss on the cheek stuff.
I would suggest something more picturesque, like both of them on a beach at sunset. :D ;) :D ;) :D ;)

By the way, Natalia has a GREAT death look. Don't recall seeing it since "Darkroom". :devil: :devil: :devil:
Ok then, big brother , on the beach at sunset WITH A BIG KISS!!!!

No roll in the sand? No? Come on...please!!! :lol: :devil:

No really, i could see a beach scene...that'd be really pretty. *whispers* but I still want the kiss. Maybe they can have one of thier famous "personal" chats about Eric seeing Speed. Natalia can tell him he's ok....& then kiss him!!!!! It's like a Corona beer commercial only "fluffy" :D :D *I must bring over a lovely EDeN pic*

& here we go...

MMMmmmmmmm. No roll in the sand just yet. Remember, we don't want things moving too fast too quickly. That's what caused problems the first time.
But the walk on the beach would be perfect. :D :D :D
Oh, that's true. We don't want Natalia to freak out or anything.
So.... walk on the beach, special little chat about Speed's ghost, small kiss on the lips, BIG smiles, holds each other close, & something nice playing in the background. No worries, I won't suggest the song, "let's get it on"... :lol: That'd actually be pretty damn funny, though.
Sounds like a plan!!! :D :D

Any more suggestions, people?
Well good news is that we could possibly be seeing new epis soon. Keep our fingers crossed guys!! In the meantime, here's a poll. Let's face it, there are MANY good EDeN scenes, but I tried to put up the ones that were most important in their relationship. Share your votes, please!!
NOTE: 'Dead Air' is mentioned for the jealousy & feelings that were emphasized in this epi, not the actual break up. ;)
I voted "silencer" me it was too cute and romantic the way he stood behind her smelling her hair and kissing her :devil:
To me it was the first LOVE/FLIRTING between CSIs in the lab....and definetly the chemistry was great. I really felt it was actually real.
If only real men would ever do these sirt of things! :rolleyes:
My sentiments exactly! I remember seeing the hallway scene in "Payback", the day after Eric and Nat had their "date". I remember watching it and thinking "Damn!! This scene isn't acting! This looks real!!" That says a great deal about the chemistry between the two. ;) ;) ;)
Has to be Silencer for me. It's just too sweet. Although I would have chosen Skeletons too, because of how Eric acted, so cute :D
Hi FLO :D, so glad you came over, hon!!

I went w/ 'collision'.
The scenes were so good, & emotional.
They seemed like a real couple, how Eric ran towards her & called out 'Talia. Then they had their little tif & made up at the end!! All kinds of awesome!!! :D

For the most part though, it showed TPTB were building more into their relationship then something that was purely sexual. This was after they stopped their "sexual activity" & there was still so much there between them.
Eric was a doll in this epi. Just a caring sweet guy, who was falling pretty damn hard for our dear Natalia!!
& I loved the look on his face when she said "he's in jail"...the Delko angry look!

Natalia.."Im okay Eric...& were ok"


Ok yeah, 'silencer' tops the sexy sexy, yummy yummy scenes :D :devil: :D :devil:, but 'collision' spoke something very significant for these two as a couple!! ;)
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