Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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AHHH, "Collision" was a great EDeN epi!!! That was a huge turning point for them. Plus at the end in that scene, they both had that look on their face like they were about to take it a step closer & then the elevator door opened. It was beautiful. Very touching. The look on Eric's face said it all.

"dead air" was very confusing, yes, but it was for drama & to give them opinion. It was a way for them to leave it "open". She might of said "you & I had a chance & you just blew it" but the following epi in "shock" also showed us that she wasn't exactly over him. We've gotten so many more epis since then that says their not over.

A quote from Jon Togo about "Dead air"...

"Ryan is a pawn in this game of chess being played between Eric & Natalia. It has slightly more to do w/ Natalia & Eric's feelings for each other. All I can say is it's NOT resolved at the end of the episode."


EDIT: Can't find the soundtrack thread...damn. Couldn' help it though, so here we go....some "collision" loveliness!!

Collide by Howie Day

The dawn is breaking
a light shining through
you're barely waking
& i'm tangled up in you

When i'm open, you're closed
where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
even the wrong words seem to rhyme
out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
you & I ...collide

Im quiet you know
you make a first impression
i've found i'm scared to know i'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
even the wrong words seem to rhyme
out of the doubt that fills your mind
you somehow find
you & I ...collide

you finally find
you & I.. collide
you finally find
you & I.. collide magic?? *hint hint*
doublehelix said:
It was season 4, the episode was "Collision". The scene was right near the end with Eric and Nat outside the elevator. Of all the scenes they have had, I thought this one one of the most important. In that scene, he learned something very important about her, that she was not long out of an abusive marriage and deserved better. Simultaneously, she came to a realization that he was not a repeat of her ex-husband and that there was REAL potential in him and their relationship. It could have gone in a great direction had it not been derailed later.

A personal favorite of mine anyway. :) :) :)
I could never forget "Collision"! That's one of my favorite EDeN episodes of all-time. It's just so adorable and so touching... She's so hesitant to tell him her secret in the beginning (perhaps she was worried that their relationship and his opinion of her would change if he found out her secret?) but by the end of the episode when Eric finds out and he goes to apologize and see if she's okay, she realizes that nothing's changed, that they're still okay, and... like the episode summary at the official site says, "A new chapter of trust starts between them--one that could lead to something very special."

mjszud said:
A quote from Jon Togo about "Dead air"...

"Ryan is a pawn in this game of chess being played between Eric & Natalia. It has slightly more to do w/ Natalia & Eric's feelings for each other. All I can say is it's NOT resolved at the end of the episode."
THANK YOU, Jonathan Togo! :D

That's got to be huge for him to say because you know he'd be thrilled if Ryan got together with Natalia. (Who saw that season four season premiere interview? He also kept talking about her almost every time she was on screen in "Death Eminent", so what he said about Eric and Natalia not over makes me very happy.)

mjszud said: magic?? *hint hint*
...I'll see what I can do... ;)
Ooh, I didn't get to see any interview. but I know from Togo's other comments he seems to love Natalia's character. Not Ryan...Jonathon Togo. So yeah, it is huge. I really love to hear from other characters/actors their view or opinion of how they see EDeN's relationship. It seems to mean more. It is sooo not over. *gets excited*

Poor Ryan, though....kinda feel bad for him but ya know, he's a turd sometimes & he broke up
our favorite couple..shame, shame on him! He would need a huge turn-around for his character if they ever decided to give him a real love interest; he's too into the job.

Back to EDeN...that quote from "collision" summary is indeed a fave of mine, too. The problem is then Eric finds out she lied. :eek: :( The upside is that all things wrong w/ our couple can be totally fixed. the Ryan triangle, the "mole" lie, the "bullet" that i'm about to rip out of Delko's head. :mad:GRRR! FLO & I think it needs a name...what should we call it? I call it Love Interupptus.. :rolleyes:
Eeshk, where is everyone?

Well, to let ya all know...Monday, A&E is starting re-runs of season 4 again....YAY!! Their starting I believe w/ "Urban Hellraisers". Yes, the epi that started our EDeN...*sigh* ahh, happiness..loveliness! :D :D
Fear not! We're still checking in now and again. It's just that with the writers strike and with only one more epi coming up, everything is sort of in limbo.
The last episode, "Miami COnfidential", as good as it was and as good as Eva was in it, didn't really give us much in the way of EDeN. They say patience is a virtue, but whoever said that was likely willing to wait for something until death.
I have been on some EDeN fan vs. DuDe fan 'debates' on another board. I actually was able to get on DuDe fan to say-"You may be right about Eric and Natalia."

From the spoiler in the lobby, I'm not to sure were going to see much for EDeN. But let me go out on a limb here, in the spoiler there seems to be a broader theme of 'reunion', H is reunited with his long-lost love and she is reunited with her son. Hmmmm. Food for thought isn't it?
I think I am 'reaching' a bit too much here. Oh well.
:) ;) :) ;)
Ah Victory! Good goin' DOUBLEHELIX!! :lol:

There may not be much EDeN but I can still hope that maybe..just maybe the ending will be about someone other than "Horatio's story". I look at this. The end of "no man's land" was Eric being shot. The end of Calleigh's big epi ended w/ Horatio. You see where I'm getting at. ;)
Anyway, I don't look to see them reunite JUST YET. There will be a big bang first. Im crossing my fingers that this prgnancy/parenthood plot will trigger a memory in Eric & that they'll show us somehow that he indeed has lost his memory of "old" Natalia & their relationship. :eek: ;) :eek: Plot twist? Could be! Let's hope so, cause we all know eventually he WILL remember & get those feelings back.
We can hope, right :D. Corey miller said we'd see alot of Eric & his problems w/ recovery, we've seen a few things (Speed, shooting flashbacks)so im hoping maybe this will be another one.
;) ;) :D :D
DuDe? What's that? E/C? If you can get an ECer to agree on anything Eden. Take full advantage of that. They rarely say anything.

Does that mean Speed will make another appearance? Sweet!

Your obsessed with plot twists, I swear, But you know I love the way your mind works Mjs. It would be interesting to see all of that on the screen. :D (theres always fic!)
DuDe is another acronym, short for DUquesneDElko (Du + De= DuDe). It wasn't easy to get the other poster to post that.
I had to remind them of all sorts of EDeN scenes. It was a victory of rational thinking over knee-jerk reactions.
I didn't gloat about it either, at least not on the board I was on at the time. :)
Me? Obsessed? Never CATH!! ;)
No really...there is suspposed to be a plot twist w/ nat & Eva mentioned a twist at the end of "raising caine"...that's what I was going on. :)
I'm just not convinced that Eric is "all there". I don't think we'll get another Speed scene, although it would be very nice, but doubtful :(.
The actual twist may just be that "whatever happens to her" Rich the instructor guy will be the prime suspect. Or that Ryan has something to do w/ it all. They've built up a friendship between them that tells me if he is involved it'll make it even more of a shock because their friends.
None of this is much of a shock to us because we see all the clues but to the average viewer, they wouldn't be expecting it.
We could possibly have already figured out the twist part ( a little) it's what is actually supposed to happen that has me on the edge of my seat! Then they can focus back on our beautiful couple here ;) ; :D

DHELIX,if you missed previews for next week, all you missed was Horatio & a new set of :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

** MJ kidnaps Eric & makes him watch Season 4 & first 1/2 of season 5... over & over again**
Honnestly there is no way Ryan would do anything to hurt Nat after everything she did for him i believe they are friends now and hopefully if the gun instrutor try to hurt her its not gonna be H who saves her but Ryan or Eric. I believe too that Eric is not all there yet yesterday when i was watching episode 601 i was so mad about his jalousy toward Calleigh's relationship i was like hey you worked with her for more than 6 year and suddenly you have a crush on her??? also i was mad because its like what he had with nat seems like it was nothing to him now or that he forgot about it!!
Yeah, I know. The local TV station did what it usually does.
But I was able to get a good enough look to get the idea this time. Not only that, the network does tend to overly dramatize things.

Has anyone at all heard or read if "Rich the shooting coach" is going to be on this epi? Guess we'll have to wait until the list of the recurring cast is out.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
From what I read in the epi preview from the Futon Critic, Rich isn't scheduled to appear. Who knows when he'll show up again.

Supposedly the new epis won't come until March & thats IF they have settled the strike. Im thinking his next appearance/Nat's arc/twist will all come together soon after we get some new epis. The finale episodes will probably revolve around Horatio/Kyle & Calleigh/Jake. My guess, anyway.

Once again I was 'debating' DuDe vs. EDeN on another board. I do believe I converted another DuDe shipper. This particular poster was becoming impatient with the DuDe situation. I gave them a reply that maybe DuDe was not meant to be and that EDeN was going to be more probable.
They gave me this reply
natalia is okay. i still like calleigh a little more, just because there's more history...i know D/BV is more likely to happen, it probably WILL

I think they are still holding out some hope for DuDe and that's OK. Just gotta keep on pluggin'!
:) :p :) :p
I don't think for a second that Ryan would intentionally hurt Natalia, that's not what I was really saying. But because Ryan got his job back so quickly & w/ no reason as to why makes me wonder if there's something there we haven't seen yet. I just seem to think that he's got something to do w/ Rich & Rich's interest in Nat. Which seems to me to be more than just ..interested in her shooting ability. I don't believe that Ryan would set out to kill her or harm her, maybe he's completely unaware of this guy's real agenda, but I just have the gut feeling that Rich is there for another reason & that Ryan knows why.

My guess is if something goes down w/ Nat & Rich..violently, is that it will be too late for a rescue. It will happen & then the team will investigate. Although I would love to see Eric come through as the hero, but ya know they'll play it as a true crime scene & set out to find the suspect.

VEG, I know how ya feel. That's why Im stuck on the theory that Eric doesn't really remember much. It seems far fetched but then again, he's been shot in the head & has memory loss so it's very possible. Plus I was rewatchhing "man down" & at the end this was the conversation..
Eric: "H, I don't remember anything"
Horatio: "you were shot in the line of duty"
Eric: "where's Marisol? Where's my sister? Why isn't she here?"
I seriously doubt that when H had to tell Eric that she was gone that he added " by the way you love Natalia!!!"
Eric Delko minus the bullet would be responding different to Nat's concern for Calleigh's interest & I personally think there should of been some conversation between them about his new "interest" but it's been blown off as if EDeN never existed. :mad:
There's a peice of the puzzle missing in Eric's brain & that peice is Natalia. I think sometime this season he will find it & it will change everything!! :D :D
Eric is too much of a good guy to forget so easily about Natalia & he was way too INTO her prior to his shooting to just push her aside. Im tellin' ya... he does not remember!!

Way to go DHELIX!! ;) You'd have to be blind to not see what the writers have put into these 2. I stole this motto from Frank Tripp "IT IS WHAT IT IS...DON'T MAKE IT WHAT IT ISN'T!!" It's totally EDeN!!
I am beginning to think that MJSZUD might be right.

TPTB just seemed to drop any mention that Eric and Natalia had a relationship, and a pretty intense one at that, albeit rather brief. I used to sort of dismiss this theory, in that I thought that Eric's memory loss went as far back as
Marisol's passing and probably not much farther. This is one of my main gripes with this show and that is a certain lack of continuity over the long term. The only mention of them ever being an item was by Jake Berkely and that was when he was interrogating Natalia for her husband's murder.
At this point I am at a loss to explain as why their past relationship is mentioned so little if at all. If your theory is correct what's needed here is some memory jarring.

As far as Ryan and Natalia are concerned I think they will continue to have a friendly, but sightly stressed, working relationship. I believe there will always be some measure of animosity between the two and on some level Ryan will bear a certain amount of resentment to her. I don't think he would ever hurt her or put her in harm's way. But there will always be some degree of animosity.

In time Eric will find his way, just how much time is another matter all together.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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