Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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doublehelix said:

Once again I was 'debating' DuDe vs. EDeN on another board. I do believe I converted another DuDe shipper.

Just a reminder that discussing issues from other message boards is discouraged here at Talk CSI. Let's stick to discussing Eric/Natalia, not shipping 'conquests' please. Thanks. :)
Let's hope it's right because it seems to be the only logical explanation. To me anyway. :)
Continuity has always been a problem, yes, but the writers were still giving the audience bits of EDeN & that they had been an item. I think "going under", "looks could kill",& "internal affairs" showed that there was still something lingering between them. ;) they don't have to mention can see it in those epis. & then there was also "throwing heat" & "no man's land" (or was it "man down"?) the epi he actually got shot at the end. They had a nice eye sex scene in the lab in that one & Nat's eyes followed him as he left. Then as we've all said before "wammo" :confused:Enter Mr. bullet.
I personally believe though that the scenes they did have after the shooting also hinted at what was there & still is...Natalia walking in as Cal kissed his cheek; Nat asking him about Cal's interst/Eric asking if she was ok; The ever loving embrace scene; & the "space" scene in chain reaction. although I have no clue what that actually meant or means but I look at it as TPTB still playing off them in some way. ;) It's still there in many ways, it's just not spoken of & I don't know if it's because he really has lost his memory or if it's that the writers have simply blown it off for now.
Honestly i'd rather be here guessing instead of hearing him or her say "were over, it's ok, move on". I don't think we'd ever hear them say that though!

Main point in all this...Eric was either already in love or "ready to fall" w/ Natalia just days (epis/weeks) before his shooting....w/in this one epi, it changed completely. My theory might sound crazy but he has only said or done 2 things that the old Eric would have done 1. ask if she was ok in "burned" & 2. hug her in "deep freeze". Both could have just been from his instinct w/ her. Everything else makes me question it though.
I believe he will find his way back. Maybe even by the end of this season! :D
Don't ever give up hope for them, KIANE ;). They've been played off of romantically since the first epi they shared a scene in "Three-way".
To this day, there is always a little "something" in their scenes. They'll get back together...hopefully soon!! :D

I thought of something earlier that I thought was great. In "no man's land"...the LAST time Eric smiled before he was shot was in the scene w/ natalia when they were in the lab discussing Clavo...***he held onto her elbow before he walked away & thet focused in on her watching him as they left*** ahh, what's that tell us..uh huh..still there!
The FIRST time he smiles AFTER he is shot isn't until "broken home" *& w/ Natalia!!! The scene where she comes in (almost to check on him kinda) & asks what he's doing. he's bummed & she manages to say something witty & he laughs! For the first time since his accident!!!
Im telling you ...they are the best together, totally meant to be in LOVE!!
I just had a thought.
We've seen Eric sort of have this psuedo-crush on Calleigh, if you could actually call it that, as well as his mopey attitude when Jake came part of the landscape. If he felt that strongly toward Calleigh, wouldn't Eric come out and say something? Rather odd he hasn't.
Simultaneously we see these very subtle scenes and actions that show that something still lingers between Eric and Natalia. Aside from that we also saw the interest Nat had when "Rich the shooting coach" asked her out, rather the lack thereof.
Put those details together and we have some credibility to Eric and Natalia having reunited already but working pretty hard to keep things secret given department policy, Rick Stetler's constant prowling, and dedication to H.

I'm not saying I am sold on this theory. I'm not. I think if TPTB reunited Eric and Natalia we would have most certainly have seen it. It's just pure, unadulterated speculation on my part. For the most part I am going to stick with their reunion at some point in the future.
:cool: :cool: :cool:
:lol:It would be quite the shocker if all that came out!
I personally want to SEE THEM reunite, meaning I want to see how it starts back up again & really it'd be nice to see them in an epi where they share a big "reunited" kiss!!
I do sometimes get the feeling that Natalia is feeling something stronger for him after that hug scene. Eric, too...just the way he looks at her, I think he's very confused.
Did anyone ever notice that when Eric is concerned for her & showing some sort of affection is when Nat gets that "look" like she can't resist him. Im not sure how to explain it but like in "collision", the ending, she was all over that. In "burned" when he asked if she was ok...then the question followed is about Calleigh's "interest" in him. It's like she gets all mushy when he's that way w/ her, I think it makes her see how great he is & that she can trust him. She seems to kinda crumble when he's that way. ;)
Well, with regard to the episode of "Raising Caine", we're not left with much. One scene in the wine cellar and there wasn't really any type of contact or subtle signals either. For now we're in a holding pattern until the writer's strike ends.

Keep on hopin' EDeN fans!
Yeah, the epi was good but I was really hoping for a little more on other character arcs. Even just a small sign. ;)
It sucks, this feels like the "end" & it's disappointing. Im tired of waiting to see something. I'll never give up hope, theres too much much there just "dangling". I still have NO DOUBT that they'll be together again, but my patience is wearing thin. :mad:

Well to continue discussion & happier thoughts, I'll bring up "this week on Miami one year ago"...."Throwing Heat"....
This being the epi that followed Natalia & Nick's big ending just showed in many ways Eric's feelings for Natalia. i don't remember the exact qoute, but she says to him "you're a great guy" then he reponds w/ something like this.."being good doesn't get you want you want"....that said so much!!! It's really sad because I think he was so into her & wanted to be with her & then was "overlooked" when Nick came back into the picture. They would have soooo gotten back together already had he not been shot in the head.. :mad: :mad:
There was something about the way they played out that scene...Eric hears the girl yelling...he turns his head in slow motion, & then he starts pounding the guy. Then at the end when he was looking around the was sad. I was wishing Nat would of come along, but regardless, that scene was all about Natalia. Let's hope the "lawsuit" will resurface & he'll remember his actions & that it was because of her.

So onto "this week on Miami 2 years ago"...SILENCER!!!!
It speaks for itself. :D :D
It was sexy, but also very sweet.
One thing more I liked was the end scene...Eric & Horatio standing outside the lab...Eric says " I guess everbody's looking out for thier own today"; they talk about Marisol. Then Horatio says "were both gonna be fine". It was a little like saying Natalia was there to help him through it, Marisol & H had each other & Nat & Eric had each other.

The good ol' days....your thought's please :D :D
Hi *waves*

*So I'm slyly sneaking in here*
I really think that Natalia and Eric had really great chamistry in s4, and I would have loved it if they had made them a 'real' couple. However after the whole 'mole' thing I was back to my Eric/Calleigh ways.

They do look good together though don't they? and the thread name is perfect :)

*I think I'm secretly multi-shipping Eric with Natalia and Calleigh hehe. I feel so bad.
CalleighD said:

*I think I'm secretly multi-shipping Eric with Natalia and Calleigh hehe. I feel so bad.

Don't feel bad i ship Natalia with Eric and with someone else its like i change my mind every day!
Welcome to the EDeN shipper thread!

:eek: ARE YOU KIDDING!!?? Eric and Natalia had awesome chemistry!! The best I have seen with any TV pair up in years!!
It almost seemed they were moving back to getting together again after their initial split but the whole "mole" business put the brakes on that.
I think if we had seen that pair in action it would have taken over the whole show. If anyone has gone on YouTube you could see that Eva was no stranger to steamy scenes from her AMC days.
We still think we'll see Eric and Natalia together again. We just don't know when. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Welcome CALLEIGHD! Don't feel ashamed...I multi- ship Calleigh w/ everyone. ;) Hope to see you around here. :)
Eric & Natalia though, no way...Im a die hard!!! I could not ever see them paired w/ anyone else....Eric would have to be killed off the show, & then i'd still mourn along w/ Nat :lol:!! They are just too awesome!!!! A perfect pair.

Btw, I think the Mole situation was a kicker for Eric, the thing is though, he trusts her w/ the job, & friend (my opinion) just not w/ his heart (sorry to sound mushy) I think you know what I mean. I really believe that he'll learn to forgive her completely & trust her whole-heartidly. We just have to take care of Mr. Bullet first :lol: Maybe he'll get in an accident & they'll be forced to remove it....he'll live of course....& then praisethelordhallelujah, Delko will be back! EDeN will be back....I long for the days! :D :D

Oh & Eva ROCKS w/ the steamy scenes :eek: :devil: :eek: :devil: & Eric is just freaking hot...together, yeah, im pretty sure my tv would explode & I'd probably have a heartattack...ah, it'd be so worth it! ;)
I would like to see something where they both do something for each other, Natalia does something good for Eric and later vice versa. It does not really matter what it is, just somethings that gets the ball rolling again.

Only thing is with the characteristic "One-couple-at-a-time"
that the CSI franchise seems to stick to, we'll likely have to wait until TPTB are done with Jake and Calleigh.

Go figure. :confused: :confused: :confused: ;) ;) ;)
yesterday Throwing Heat was on and they were so wonderful together. it seems to come naturally with the two of them. they just come within 10 metres to each other and the air starts to sparkle.

and i agree with what you say about trust, MJ. because he trusts her again he just isnt willing to risk it all yet. I hope it changes though
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