Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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So Santa got me the Season 5 DVD for Christmas, and of course one of the first episodes I watched was "Darkroom" with the commentary. And something in it made me squee like crazyyyyyy.

During the scene where the CSIs are on the jetti looking for the girl buried under the rocks, John Haynes (one of the commentators) is talking, and Eva completely interrupts him:

Eva: "Can we talk about Adam Rodriguez's arms in this? Look how--he looks very hot there."
John: "He's the man."
Eva: "Adam Rodriguez is lookin' sorta hot right there."
John: "He sure is."
Eva: "Not that he doesn't always, but..."

Even though it's not Natalia saying that about Eric, it was still a great shipper moment for me. Because whether you believe it or not, your relationship and opinions on a certain actor always play a role in how your character interacts with that actor's character.

Happy Belated 2 Year Anniversary! :D

Oh! And Merry Christmas! (To those who celebrate it.)
:lol: That is a very nice 'shipper' moment ;). They are too cute!!

I don't own any of the DVD' there any nice commentaries from S4 when they were "together"?

The more old epis I watch, like the early seasons, the more convinced I am that we will get our EDeN back. Eric completely changed in S4, partly due to his sister & Speed, but his sensitivity level spiked w/ Natalia. He was so different w/ her. They've never put out a storyline, a love storyline, like this before...not where the characters actually stay.

Happy belated Holidays!!!
mjszud said:
I don't own any of the DVD' there any nice commentaries from S4 when they were "together"?

Uh... kind of/sort of.

There was a commentary for "Payback" and they talk about our favorite scene, but it's not really what an EDeN shipper would prefer.

Because I'm currently sick and therefore have a life that consists of laying in bed all day, here's the commentary for the entire scene (give or take a few words):

Sam Hill (director): "This was the very first scene I think we shot in the episode."
Marc Dube (writer): "And these are the episodes you want to spend time on. These are the intimate moments the characters get to have fun with. So you really want to take your time on these moments."
Sam: "It was somewhat comical, but I was really worried about how this scene was gonna come together and make sure that everything... at the moment when you're shooting something, you feel good about what you have before you move on, and I think Marc and I both felt good about the performances we were getting out of these two."
Marc: "Well, Eva La Rue played it playfully, which was kind of refreshing. I mean, she could've easily played the angry, betrayed woman; instead, she played it playfully and it was kind of different. It was nice to see."
Sam: "As soon as we finished shooting this, I went upstairs and asked the editors if they would please cut that together. So we could see that completely cut in before we finished the photography in case there was anything in there that didn't come out right. But I think they did a bang-up job."

It was great... In all of the commentaries for the episodes Eva appeared in but one, the commentators all said how she was such a great addition to the cast.

...Wait a minute.

Her birthday was last week, wasn't it?


We forgot her birthday.

*hangs head in shame*

you didnt forgot its today! Kaya was born at the begginning of december so its probably why youre confused.
Happy happy lallala.

Ok, anyhoo! This made me think of the video from Eva's 40th birthday bash when Adam called her "baby". Like you said BVFAN, its one of moments you still giggle like a school girl even though it's not Eric/Natalia :lol:. It's great, I love it!
There's also a picture from their 100the episode party w/ the whole cast & some crew; Eva is standing by Adam & her hand is on his arm. Its so cute.**wishes it was Eric & Natalia**sigh** I'll try to find it again & bring it over.

Raising Caine...our LAST NEW epi for some time. :(WAAA! On a good note...NO RICH! WEEHOO! Hopefully we'll get some EDeN...& hopefully this "great ending" will give us some hints on Natalia's big arc.
mjszud said:
Ok, anyhoo! This made me think of the video from Eva's 40th birthday bash when Adam called her "baby". Like you said BVFAN, its one of moments you still giggle like a school girl even though it's not Eric/Natalia :lol:. It's great, I love it!
I LOVED that! "Eva! Happy birthday, babe." I must've replayed that at least... oh, I don't know... thirty-two times. Adorableeeeeeeeee. I love those four... Adam, Eva, Eric, and Natalia. <33333

*now insanely giddy*
Soon i will buy season 5 so i cant wait to watch darkroom with commentaries.

by the way Boa Vista fan i really love your icon its really pretty!
If I had the "darkroom" epi I would replay a million times over Eric saying, "ask Natalia about that"..... loove it.
Then I would have to rewatch the part on the rocks so I could see how great his arms look (according to Eva :))

Well I don't know what i'd do w/out EDeN on this would definately not be the same. It's nice to know that writers/producers see the chemistry, too. Obviously, or they wouldn't play as much as they do on them!!
Because I have no shame...

It's up!

Today is the prologue, tomorrow is chapter one, and then Sunday is the final/best part. :D

Oh, EDeN... I love 'em. We need to get that friggin' bullet out of Delko's head so he can go back to being normal. Because that's where all this wrong-ness started, right?

veggie said:
by the way Boa Vista fan i really love your icon its really pretty!

Because I'm almost positive that I have absolutely no skills when it comes to icon making, that means a lot. :)
So i'm not the only one who think that the stupid bullet change Delko to much? Cause before he never had a crush on Calleigh and apparently once he got shot she was the only one. Its pretty weird that he could forgot about Natalia that easily.
AWWW! Very nice BVFAN.....looove IT!! 2 beds??? What? All they need is a couch, ya know!! :D

Well you are NOT the only ones seeing the bullet as our enemy here. I've thought it since this all started happening. I personally think it will all come out somehow, though. Just not sure how the writers will play it out, but I would love for them to somehow play on him "having lost" part of his memory from 2 years ago & then something happen to "trigger" those memories.

I think our dear Natalia was mourning (bluuuhhhh) over Nick when Eric got shot, so she was still a little distant. After Eric got shot, he became more co-dependant, & needy; Cal played in as the "best friend" role, reaching out to him w/ motherly concern & naturally Eric clinged to that. Maybe not knowing any different.

I've watched over & over again every epi from S5 up til the shooting & there was sooo much still there w/ him & Nat. Even in "no man's land" when their in the lab discussing Clavo...Eric standing so very extra close to her, Nat looking at him w/ wide eyes, then he walked out & she stared at him leave. Then wammo! "oh, your Natalia, the new I know you?" DUH, Eric!!
The good thing is that this season their showing more "closeness"...the hug being the main one but others too.

Something I love from S5 "looks could kill"..
Cal: Hey, I heard you had an unwelcomeing visitor.
Nat: Eric?
Cal: He's just concerned for you..& quite frankly so am I.

Obviously Eric had discussed his "concerns" for Natalia w/ Calleigh. Now tell me you would go to someone to talk about how much you still care about your ex-girlfriend, if you had a crush on them?!?! Doubt it. ;

EDeN will be back....when Eric gets his head back :rolleyes: :)
veggie said:
So i'm not the only one who think that the stupid bullet change Delko to much?
Definitely not. Things had been going fine prior to "Man Down", but once he was shot? Psssssth. Forget about it.

We need to dislodge that bullet somehow.

Anyone know how to properly inject anesthesia? And who's not afraid to use a scalpel?

...Sorry. That was gross. :-/

...But needs to be done.

mjszud said:
AWWW! Very nice BVFAN.....looove IT!! 2 beds??? What? All they need is a couch, ya know!! :D
Thanks! :D

Yeah... I stayed at that hotel when I was, like, four, and all I remember seeing were rooms with two beds. I probably could've made it one, but then I'd feel unbalanced thinking about it. :rolleyes:

But just because there are two beds doesn't mean that they'll both be occupied. ;)

mjszud said:
Something I love from S5 "looks could kill"..
Cal: Hey, I heard you had an unwelcomeing visitor.
Nat: Eric?
Cal: He's just concerned for you..& quite frankly so am I.
I loved that. Another squee moment for me.

Almost all of that episode was full of win, but I loved the one camera shot when Eric and 'Talia first arrive at the crime scene and they step into the frame from the right... they look SO gorgeous. There's not even a screencap that I can put up that captures how great they looked.
Everyone has mentioned some great, and highly important, EDeN scenes. Scenes that show how great they look together, and scenes that have been important in the ongoing story of our hero and heroine. Except one though.

It was season 4, the episode was "Collision". The scene was right near the end with Eric and Nat outside the elevator. Of all the scenes they have had, I thought this one one of the most important. In that scene, he learned something very important about her, that she was not long out of an abusive marriage and deserved better. Simultaneously, she came to a realization that he was not a repeat of her ex-husband and that there was REAL potential in him and their relationship. It could have gone in a great direction had it not been derailed later.

A personal favorite of mine anyway. :) :) :)
you are right the only problem was in dead air like Natalia said " you and i, we had a chance and you blew it" so its really weird how they broke up.
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