Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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mjszud said:
"Collision" on tonite! Yay!! We need a pic from that one, at the end when he's apologizing to her.

mjszud said:
That would be just hilarious if in a few years, her & Calleigh just saif "f*** this, it's too complicated" & went w/ each other.
I've been tossing around the idea of Natalia/Calleigh for a while now. EDeN will always be my OTP, but I like the idea of Nat/Cal, too. There's a LiveJournal community for them that has some really awesome fanfics there.

Speaking of LiveJournal communities... *cough*thegardenofeden*cough*
I'm not into slash though... So...

I missed collision... I don't know what happens in it *cough*sorryyyyy.

Bleh, my fics taking a while. Gotta get it just so.
CSIFray said:
I missed collision... I don't know what happens in it *cough*sorryyyyy.
You really don't know what happens in it? ... You poor, deprived soul!

I tried explaining it, but it just came out so... crappy. Here's a mini-rundown of the parts involving Natalia/some Eric, thanks to the official CBS website. (If you don't want to know, that's fine. I could take it down. Just let me know :))

  • When Horatio and Ryan arrive at Barbara (the victim)'s home, they know something is wrong… and Horatio sees a small boy dart by the window. He finds the kid hiding behind a chair and coaxes him out.
  • Back at CSI, Natalia Boa Vista has a visceral reaction to the child as he is interviewed by a social worker. She confers with Horatio about the boy, who could possibly be a victim of abuse.
  • The social worker reports that Danny has been trained not to talk, that's he's terrified of the repercussions of telling the truth. All they can do is give the kid time. Horatio notes Natalia's emotional reaction over the boy's situation, but has other pressing business.
  • Across the hall, Delko sees Natalia, who asks one too many questions about the ongoing case and the fact that Horatio's CSI Team is being stonewalled of late. Delko gets a little terse and suspicious, and Natalia reacts badly. Yes, she's aware there is a mole working within CSI. Delko decides to start over, and tells her that they think Barbara Sommers was killed because someone wanted the stolen diamond necklace. Natalia makes a cryptic remark that "perhaps her past caught up with her." She will not elaborate except to say that many people live secret lives. Again, that casts her in a suspicious light. Maybe she is the mole.
  • Meanwhile, Alexx reports the results of her fluoroscope of Barbara Sommers to Horatio. She is sickened by what she found--physical abuse from head to toe, fourteen fractures, a living nightmare she endured for years judging by the density of the knitted bone. That's why she stole the necklace--she was running. And that's why her son won't talk. Horatio knows someone who might be of help to get the boy to talk--and that someone is Natalia Boa Vista.
  • Horatio knows Natalia's secret. She was in a terrifyingly brutal, abusive relationship. She has been part of an underground network of women who have fled their tormenting husbands or former boyfriends, and the organization prides itself on its anonymity. It's what keeps these women safe. Horatio is asking his colleague to break that anonymity and get background on Barbara Sommers so that they can solve her murder. It's not easy for Natalia to break her vow, but for Horatio and Danny Sommers' sake, she'll do it.
  • In the hallway, Delko has put it all together about Natalia's secret life, and apologizes for his suspicions. She tells him that her past is behind her, and that the man who hurt her is in jail. A new chapter of trust starts between them--one that could lead to something very special.
*squee* I love that last part. :D
Oh thanks alot. No, I haven't seen it. I've seen scattered S4 eps. So, not that one yet... Yay. So, this is the eppie where Eric finds out. Now I need to see it.

I missed 'If looks Could Kill' on CBS and now it's coming on A&E on Sept 5. Yay, I get to catch it
Slash pairings I think are probably mostly for our humor anyway!
Thanks BVFAN, for the "collision" pics. The way she smiles when she says "accepted" sweet.

Im seriously starting to think that Eric does not remember Nat as the lab Natalia, his ex, but seeing her as Nat, the new CSI trainee...ok..think about this(its driving me nuts):
His obvious feelings for her were there right up until his shooting.
He has been so 'distant' from her.
In the finale he says "& you would know this because..." Why the hell wouldn't he know she has neices?
& her response "I have neices"(like, duh, Eric, you knew that).
Both times she questioned him about Calleigh, his response to her was no big deal, he'd just grin & blow it off. Eric is far from being an ass. Why wouldn't he have shown some sort of emotion towards these questions just knowing that Natalia was acknowledging the possiblity of him being involved w/ her. Even though he knew NOTHING actually happened, it would still give him reason to have a little bit of a guilty concious just simply because its his ex-girlfriend questioning him! Wouldn't you all think???? Unless, like I said, the man is clueless, He had no recolection of his sisters death/illness which was during his relationship w/ Nat, isn't it possible he blocked those memories out because he had such a hard time letting go of his sister, & along w/ the bad memories of Marisol's illness went out the memories of Natalia also. That whole year could just be a blur to him!!!!
I see your point. But, wow. I never thought about it like that I suppose. It could be. Maybe they'll help us out soon in the season. Yurrrp
mjszud said:
Slash pairings I think are probably mostly for our humor anyway!
Thanks BVFAN, for the "collision" pics. The way she smiles when she says "accepted" sweet.

Im seriously starting to think that Eric does not remember Nat as the lab Natalia, his ex, but seeing her as Nat, the new CSI trainee...ok..think about this(its driving me nuts):
His obvious feelings for her were there right up until his shooting.
He has been so 'distant' from her.
In the finale he says "& you would know this because..." Why the hell wouldn't he know she has neices?
& her response "I have neices"(like, duh, Eric, you knew that).
Both times she questioned him about Calleigh, his response to her was no big deal, he'd just grin & blow it off. Eric is far from being an ass. Why wouldn't he have shown some sort of emotion towards these questions just knowing that Natalia was acknowledging the possiblity of him being involved w/ her. Even though he knew NOTHING actually happened, it would still give him reason to have a little bit of a guilty concious just simply because its his ex-girlfriend questioning him! Wouldn't you all think???? Unless, like I said, the man is clueless, He had no recolection of his sisters death/illness which was during his relationship w/ Nat, isn't it possible he blocked those memories out because he had such a hard time letting go of his sister, & along w/ the bad memories of Marisol's illness went out the memories of Natalia also. That whole year could just be a blur to him!!!!
good point there
Ok, so Corey Miller just did an interview, in case no one read it, but im sure you all did. As we knew all along what Eva said was true. Im not reading into the part about 'complications' tho, 'cus I think he was actually speaking of just Jake & Cal. Which if it has anything to do w/ Stetlers response to all the dating around in the lab, maybe thats what he means. I was so happy to hear him say that they try to ignore the boards & do whats best for the show cus sometimes I feel like others think just because theres more support for one couple & thats going to make TPTB aim for them. If that was the case Natalia would have been kicked to the curb & dead by now. So, heres to the reconciliation of EDeN!
When you first come onto the first page of csifiles, it says MILLER something something, sorry I forget, but its right there. Its supposed to be on Adams yahoo site as well, but since your always here its probably easier to read it on the front page (ya know before ya log in). You should definately read it, its rather sad how he describes Eric's injury, but i'd like to hear what everyone thinks of the interview & the E/C situation that he talks about!

LOOKYLOOKYLOOKY!(at my new banner by CSIKAT) I FOUND ERIC'S COUCH.... & look who is on it!!!!
& to the left, to the left, uh-huh...yes...georgousness I tell you! (also by CSIKAT)
Hey EDeN fans!!! :D I haven't posted in here in a while, but I've been busy keepin' the EDeN love alive with my vids... :) :) :)

I have a question for y'all... if a petition was started for fans of EDeN to sign that would eventually be sent to TPTB to show them how much we love our Eric/Nat and how much we want them back together, would y'll sign it? Let me know what you think... :D If enough people are interested, I'll try and get one started... :)

And BTW, I love the new icon and banner, mjszud!!! :devil:
Thanks HANGEL! I'd definately sign it, you know I would. & thanks for keeping the love alive in the vids, they are always a treat for us EDEN JUNKIES. What's your take on the new season, you've never really shared what you think about the sticky situations that are arising!!
Hey mj!!! :D

Well, even though I try and stay away from the whole "spoiler thread" deal... after the HUGE letdown that was the S5 finale... :rolleyes: I have heard a couple of things about the new season and have seen the new S6 promo that was posted on youtube. I'm sorry, but I just don't see the romantic chemistry between Eric and Calleigh like I do between Eric and Natalia... I see the Eric/Cal relationship as more of a friendship or brother/sister sorta thing. And I think that since the shooting, Calleigh feels very protective of him, but even Corey Miller said in his interview that Eric might have mistaken the protectiveness for something else... I just don't see the Eric/Cal thing as endgame. For me, its obvious that Eric and Nat are perfect for each other and soooo belong together. I think it's just a matter of time before they are back together. I mean the screen literally bursts into flames whenever these 2 are on screen together...c'mon TPTB... GET WITH IT!!! :D And those are my thoughts on that, mj... Sorry you asked??? :lol::lol::lol:

I looked back over some of the earlier posts and I love the idea of these 2 going to a Latin/Salsa club together on a date... Did anyone see that movie "Dance with Me"? I could so see them at a Mambo/Salsa club like the characters in that movie and him teaching her "all the right moves"... so hot!!! :devil::D
I would sign in a heart beat!!!! I really like Eric and Natalia together!! they have a beautiful and natural chemistry that can not be avoided!!!
:lol:HANGEL, How could I be sorry w/ that reply!! And I so agree, anyone here knows that.These are my facts & what I see as of now:

Eric was all into Nat up til his shooting which left him w/ memory loss & CONFUSION... Corey Miller has confirmed that.

Also confirmed is that it's to be a one-sided feeling for E/C. Again, remember, Eric is LOST right now in his own mind.

TPTB have already involved Natalia w/ this's been her both times to question Eric, I ask; if they just wanted some random person to shed light on his feelings for Cal, TPTB could of chosen any character for that. But its been Nat. Why else would they of used her specifically BOTH times if they didn't plan to involve her further more.

Also in "going under", the flirty scene between them, that was not us being dillusional. It actually said in the writers blog that they were rekindling some of their heat. Again I ask, why would they bother to have them seem 'into each other' & then drop it mid season. Its not due to fan reaction- Corey Miller made it clear that they do what they feel is best for the show & not focus on fan/message board reaction.

Spoilers for epi 5- why would that be thrown in, I ask?

Lastly, in Adams interview he said their past together would have an impact on E/C develpment. If EDEN's story was over then why would he say that. He would of just come right out & said that the writers have dropped it or something or that Nat wouldn't be involved. Again..he didn't.

Honestly, if I wasn't looking at these facts I probably WOULD think E/C had a chance but w/ all we have to work on...I just don't see it. Even if it does just mean that they (e/c) won't get together due to Eric's past w/ Nat & they feel it would cause problems, regardless of how it's played out, somewhere it will resurface.

*worried about FRAY, where are you?*
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