Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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I wanna new question. And a new banner and a picture for the thread... But, I'm too lazy to do those right now. So, maybe tomorrow. But, I can do the question. Just let me think of one...

We all know why this ship is amazing. They've got great chemestry. But, a different kind then Yo!Bling... (yeah, my minds still a bit back there.) There's is tenser I suppose.

Do you think Calleigh would react if they got back together? Not sure if that ones been approached, but I can't remember it so we are going to re-approuch it.
CookiMonstasBabe said:
oh, Need4Speed is here. as a fellow CaRWasher, I REALLY hope Natalia and Ryan are just being good friends, I cant see them happening either!! Sorry to hear that we are getting bashed by HipHuggers!!

Yes i'm here. :D and i know! i hate it that they keep bashing us!! we don't do anything to them!! so why do they do it to us!?

anyways sorry about the CaRWash ranting..back to EDeN!!!
Hey COOKIEBABE!Keep visiting us, we miss ya!

CSIFray said:
I wanna new question. And a new banner and a picture for the thread... But, I'm too lazy to do those right now. So, maybe tomorrow. But, I can do the question. Just let me think of one...

We all know why this ship is amazing. They've got great chemestry. But, a different kind then Yo!Bling... (yeah, my minds still a bit back there.) There's is tenser I suppose.

Do you think Calleigh would react if they got back together? Not sure if that ones been approached, but I can't remember it so we are going to re-approuch it.

I really don't think she would be jealous. When you go back to S4 when they were together, Cal never once acted jealous of their relationship & Eric actually went to her about Gloria messing w/ Nat; why, if you were worried that she'd be mad, would you talk to her about your personal life? They are friends, bottom line.The only time I saw a reaction was in "skeletons" when she knew Natalia not feeling well was a pregnancy scare & I think that was just an "oh, shit, she's pg" kinda feeling. I don't think it had anything to do w/ Eric himself. I honestly think she would just be happy for him, if she just loovvved him so much, like some think, she would be w/ him instead of Jake &they would've been together a long time ago. Eric is the type to "grab it" if he wants it (back then); if Cal & Eric had such a great sexual attraction, they'd of already done it. There wasn't anything in their way. It all goes back to: they are friends! You can totally have a 'friend only' relationship w/ someone of the opposite sex, Even if you think their attractive doesn't always mean you want them.

I'll qoute Corey Miller's response to E/C questions:
"don't jump to conclusions"
"were NOT grey's anatomy" *note* on that show theres the whole thing about the guy getting married & then he sleeps w/ his best friend, whose name is also Calleigh.
"it doesn't mean the characters can't flirt"
What does that tell us?

In other Corey news, I heard on another thread that he said (about the whole show) that their 'kicking it up a notch'
& that we'd learn more about character backgrounds.Yay. I so hope kicking it up a notch will mean more 'at home-ness' between some characters.Hmmmm.
& to qoute Eva:
"they have such great sexual chemistry, I think she can't help but be attracted to him"
KICKING IT UP A NOTCH!!! :devil: :devil: :devil: HELLOOO!
Boa_Vista_Fan said:
They really do look sweet together. There's so much chemistry there and it just... fits. It's almost unreal how they seem so perfect for each other. (The writers better realize this and put them back together! If not... I'll... I'll... poke them. :rolleyes:)

What episode is the Netherlands up to?

On another note...

I just re-watched 'Skeletons.' They're adorable:
Eric: "After you see him--"
Natalia: "--her."
Eric: "Her. Then... then what do we do?"
[Natalia looks down and smiles]
Eric: "What?"
Natalia: "It's nothing."
Eric: "It's something. What?"
Natalia: It's just nice that you... you said 'we'."
Eric: "It takes two to tango."

What is this about?
i hate it that they keep bashing us!! we don't do anything to them!! so why do they do it to us!?
Let's not encourage bad feeling between ships please. If you see any ship 'bashing' taking place, please click on the 'Notify Moderator' button. Thank you.
I don't see her reacting much either. I just can't. Something would have had to of happened by this point. You don't go 5 years with pretty much nothing then randomly jump into a relationship. Friends will start dating friends of the oppisite sex all the time, but there's usually that period of extensive flirting before hand. So, there's that.

Oh, I love 'Skeletons' I'm ready to see it again. Woo rah.

'Urban Hellraisers' is on tonight.
Hi there MRSDELKO17 !! Im a bit confused about your questions; im assuming wherever you are, you are still in S4, correct?
Well, the 'baby', are you talking about her 'pregnancy scare'? That was in the 'skeletons' epi. & so was the quote from BOA VISTA FAN, it's after she tells Eric she thinks she might be pregnant & they are talking about her going to the doctor. Its a great epi if ya haven't seen it!!

Loved the fanfic (both) Fray , I haven't made my review yet, but I'm liking it alot so far! Good job.

Thanks for popping in MiamiDade , I probably started the whole "bashing" thing. I didn't mean they were all bashing, I just meant we shouldn't go into the spoiler thread w/ a bunch of posotive EDeN comments 'cus it was starting to get ugly towards Natalia, not necessarily us. Sorry if anyone took me wrong. :)

:p :p :pEXCELLENT EPISODE ALERT: Tonite is back to back EDeN on A&E. "payback" at 7 & "silencer" at 8. :p :p :p
Glad you like the =D

Oh, thinks for the alert. I'll probably record it. I recorded 'Urban Hellraisers' the other night. Still gotta watch it. Hum-hummm, yup!
i watched Slinecewr again today (I recorded it on my DVR) and i love the scene where Eric goes up behind her nad they talk about the Midouri and strst flirting like mad!! and the best part was Ryan walking in on them and he starts to feel all akward and his expression is like "ooooookkkk" just gonna walk away" it was hilarious yet cute :D
I KNOW, one of their best moments, I think. I love it when he says "let me help" & she looks over at him *hes looking down* & shes smilin all big like shes thinkin 'oh hes so sweet'. & HE BUYS HER MIDORI, so she'll have it when she comes over. Its not a huge gesture but to me I think it says alot 'cus hes basically saying he wants her to keep coming over so he can be w/ her.

I hope if they do get back together, which I have faith that they will, I really hope they actually go on a few dates. Like Natalia says in 'dead air'- in public! or have dinner at home together, not just the sex. But then again, yes, they need that too! I think Eric would of taken her out but that was when he was broke all the time 'cus of Marisol & it was all so new. Besides, if Nat was so offended she would't have been there all the time, so ya know she just said it 'cus she was mad. I don't think he ever realised how much he really liked her 'til he was afraid someone else was going to take her away.

New question: where do you think they'd go on a date?
Italian. i can see italian... but, that could just be because I'm craving it o.o Anyways...

Working on a OS that may have a follow up or two... or more.

It's a Romance/Angst/Hurt/Comfort/slightly tragic. Niether of them die though. Someone... extremely, we'll say... close to them does. Not a Miami character either.
NONONONO! Are you gonna make their child die? Oh, how awful. Don't they have a dog or something that you can have tragically run over or something! :lol:

Italian restaurant, huh? I could see them dancing alot. Whether it be slow dancing in the living room or at a club doing some sexy salsa moves!! Ooh, I would pay to see an epi like that. Maybe they could go undercover on a case at some groovy little club or something.... that would cause a spark between them! They just look like they could 'own' the dance floor together, & the perfect song they could do it to- "smooth" by Rob Thomas/carlos santana (is that his name?) I know Eva practically grew up dancing, does Adam have the moves? I think this should go over into the WISH LIST FOR S6. :D :D :D
Hmm, my inspiration for the story came from science class when we were in the midst of one of our random semi off topic discussions. The point of it will be to test and stretch the relationship. Ho-hummm. It makes me sad just to write it. It's going to be kinda short but I'm takin' my time with it.

Dancing I can see. undercover assignments are always fun to do in these shows. I've been waiting for one for these two. Like what the did in NCIS and WAT
i could see them going to a Latin type club and go like Salsa and stuff. i imagine that Eric is a very good dancer.. i don't know why, but i picture him one. and i can picture them in a nice casual restaurant. not to shabby or too fancy. something inbetween.
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