Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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Fray, I think you should write the fic, it seems really amazing, so bring it on dangit!
oh yes, undercover fics are always the best. :devil:

Wish they do it on the show though..

I'm glad A&E showed Silencer and Payback. E/N had some fun little moments in there :D
Need4Speed said:
i could see them going to a Latin type club and go like Salsa and stuff. i imagine that Eric is a very good dancer.. i don't know why, but i picture him one. and i can picture them in a nice casual restaurant. not to shabby or too fancy. something inbetween.

Yeah, the man just looks like he knows how to move!! GGRRR!!

They don't stike me as 'shabby' or 'fancy' either. They obviously had fun just being casual & w/ each other. Nat may live in a rich neighborhood, but I don't think she's all about fancy restaurants & froo-froo stuff. After her scary marriage I'd think she would just want some normalcy in a relationship.
The fic is slowly coming. I'm writing a little at a time. Blah, can't do much more of it right now. it's mostly angst at the point I'm in...

Dancing, uh-huh. Always a dancer we can see him.

Oh, I got to watch silencer finally yesterday I think. I kept rewinding to the part where he comes up behind her. I watched it, like, 5 times. lol
oh i love that scene!!! especially when Ryan walks in on them he's just like "oooooook just gonna walk away...." it's great!!!! :lol:
Yeah, he's trying to talk and they're like "Thank you" "No problem" and he just walks away. Cracks me up. lol.

'Skeletons' is on tonight. Not sure if I'll watch it or record or niether. I love it but I've seen it a bajillion times and can probably quote most of the lines.
YYEEEEA!! Love 'skeletons' but can do w/out the hand little man wanted a hug! The very beginning has to be part of my favorite tho just because he tells that girl he's been busy (hellooo w/ Nat) I then the other girl comes up & is like "he tells me the same thing"! So obvious that he'd been spending all his time w/Natalia & didn't want to be w/ anyone else!! & holding her hand...heeheehee, love it. & then the 2nd best to me was when she says "you know I haven't been w/ anybody else since my divorce" & Eric says "I believe you Natalia". For a man who has trust issues he certainly didn't have any problem believing her . i always thought that was a nice little moment 'cus it showed that he was able to trust her. & of course he says her name like a million times in that epi & MY GOD I FREAKING LOVE IT!

Did anyone see it, I missed it. No one has said any showing of Natalia at all; she must not be very active in the first epi, that sucks! Oh well, let them get over that e/c hump. It sounds to me like their gonna confront it in the premeir & then move on!
It's full of great moments, it is. But, I didn't watch it. Gasp.

Hopefully they do clear it up and move it on reallll early in the season. Then we get out little moments the rest of the season. Woot Hoot. I can't wait... Let's see... How much longer do I got for this?
I just asked in the spoiler thread about Nat in the first epi & they responded w/ this: She is doing her thing & that in epi 5 , she learns to shoot at the gun range, her instructors name is Rich, who she flirts w/ quite a bit" What should we think about that? I mean, Nat is flirty anyway, but ok, we have from last season suspicion of a growing relationship w/ Ryan?, & in epi 5 Eric embracing her, which I can't help but question why that would come up if there weren't a logical reason for TPTB to bring up their past, plus Nat being questionative last season? Now they throw in her instructor? I was assuming it would be Ryan who teaches her! HMMM, what do you all think?
I have no idea what to think... They are confusing me. The reason I avoid spoilers for the most part. 'Cept EDeN. can't resist.

What the flip? Throwing in someone else. Someone get me an advil... all this is giving me a killer headache. It takes to much thinking. I just don't get what they're up to with these two. They have to be planning on something. They can't just throw everything in and then leave it... well....
I agree, pass on the Advil. Seriously, pass it on :p.. Anyways, I thought it was Ryan who was going to teach her too? Now its some new dude, who she flirts with? I think our whole thing just got was a small box, and now its a 5th wheel thing.Hopefully all these ppl can figure out whos going with who and shuddaup about it!.. *coughs Eden coughs*
It has become well needed, hasn't it? Blah, I think I'm just going to give up trying to follow theses spoilers and stick it with fanfics that may contain spoilers but I can dismiss cause they're fics... Did you get that?
CSIFray said:
Do you think Calleigh would react if they got back together? Not sure if that ones been approached, but I can't remember it so we are going to re-approuch it.
Good question.

I can see Calleigh being a little upset about it, seeing as how she has feelings for him at the moment (That's what the viewers have been led to believe, anyway). I can't see her making too much of a big deal out of it, though. She's too mature to get whiny and everything. And I don't think I see her trying to "win him back," either. Maybe she'll take the revival of EDeN to mean that maybe she should be with Jake (Or with Ryan, if I had my way).

And I also honestly think that she'd be happy for her friends. Even if she might be a little uspet at first.

... But that's just me.

mjszud said:
New question: where do you think they'd go on a date?
I agree with CSIFray I definitely see them going to an Italian restaurant. I could also see Eric taking her scuba diving, which I think would just be adorable. It'd be her first time and so she'd be all nervous and wouldn't trust the air tank or something like that, so Eric would hold her hand while they swam, looking at all the pretty coral and fish... *squee*

And maybe... *gasp*


(I call dibs on the "EDeN Goes to Disney World" fanfic!)

mjszud said:
I could see them dancing alot. Whether it be slow dancing in the living room or at a club doing some sexy salsa moves!! Ooh, I would pay to see an epi like that. Maybe they could go undercover on a case at some groovy little club or something.... that would cause a spark between them!
That'd be hot. I could see Natalia in some really tight dress, where the skirt part of it is really short (no more than six inches down from the hip) and flowy, and it'd be like... a really sexy red color. Eric would be in a long-sleeved shirt that same color, and three of the buttons closest to the collar would be unbuttoned (And the collar would be flipped up, of course). He'd have a pair of black slacks, black shoes, and a black hat like this.

God, they'd look so sexy together. *dreamy sigh* (Not like they don't already, but... you know.)

CathStokes said:
I'm glad A&E showed Silencer and Payback. E/N had some fun little moments in there :D
Two of my favorite EDeN episodes. <3

mjszud said:
Did anyone see it, I missed it. No one has said any showing of Natalia at all; she must not be very active in the first epi, that sucks! Oh well, let them get over that e/c hump. It sounds to me like their gonna confront it in the premeir & then move on!
I was lucky enough to catch it last night before going to bed. I saw no Natalia in it at all. (And I watched it at least ten times, five of which were in slow-mo (because I have no life :p). There were a few shots of Eric, though. One with Calleigh and Jake and one with Calleigh in what looks like a surprise shooting... or something.

mjszud said:
I just asked in the spoiler thread about Nat in the first epi & they responded w/ this: She is doing her thing & that in epi 5 , she learns to shoot at the gun range, her instructors name is Rich, who she flirts w/ quite a bit" What should we think about that?
Honestly, I'm not that surprised. Like you said, Natalia has always been flirty. That, and *goes into psychologist mode* I think she feels the need to always have a man in her life. She's probably more than used to having a man take care of her (I don't know how long Nick was with Natalia, but I'm sure he pretty much took care of her [I'm sure he was controlling]), and she's probably not completely used to doing everything herself and having all this freedom. Maybe she doesn't feel all that comfortable being single.
Okay. I'm done with that. Just my two cents.

It is getting a little crazy, though. I'm waiting her to go through all the guys and then at the end of the season she'll reveal to the lab that she is, in fact, a lesbian.

"Collision" on tonite! Yay!! We need a pic from that one, at the end when he's apologizing to her. Have you ever read (in the episode archives on the official website) where their describing the end w/ the two of them; it says something like this: "they find a new trust in each other, a trust that could lead to something really special". Its so sweet, I don't know who writes for those but I love them for how they describe Nat & Eric.

Welll now in the spoilers its all turning into "oh no, shes getting a boyfriend", "she's supposed to be w/ Ryan" -- basically everyone is voicing their opinion ( im not saying anything), Anyway, on w/ the good news, someone KINDA confirmed by what they've read that there is NO 'hooking up' between her & Ryan or suggestion of it. As for the instructor, I think hes just a quick throw in, maybe to make Eric jealous, who knows, but, its in epi 4 that she is flirting & learning to shoot & then in epi 5 that is the 'embrace'. So thats all I have & I have come to the conclusion that when the characters flirt that it could mean absolutely nothing. I think TPTB just like them ALL to flirt. I will only truly believe in what is CANON. Everything else seems to be too misleading so I have to see it to believe it!
That would be just hilarious if in a few years, her & Calleigh just saif "f*** this, it's too complicated" & went w/ each other. Do I hear a new thread... Cal & Nat... Sugar & Spice. God, Im pretty sure that Eric & Ryan would be in hog heaven if that happened.
I think I'd end up on the floor laughing if that happened... It'd be odd...

Freak, I still need an advil. This call for to much thinkin' and then I have to remember that i still have to wait D=
that's a good idea MJ!! i'd post in a Cal and Nat thread!!! I'll go make it right now!! and i like your title idea!! it's so perfect!! i'll be sure to credit you for it in the first post!!!
*leaves to go make Cal and Nat thread*
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