Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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They do jump through epis alot in repeats of S4, but they almost always show the EDeN ones. Maybe they're EDeN fans too! :p Did they show all of S3 already. I don't know those epis in order, it seemed like they jumped thru S1-3 rather quickly. I wonder when they'll get rights to S5..

HI NEED4SPEED, so glad you stopped by!! & couldn't agree w/ you more. We'll have our EDeN back soon. BTW how do you feel about..
i know your gung-ho on Speed's return, but how do you think it'll play out for EDeN? Speed was always there telling Eric his faults w/ women & I wonder if maybe his 'return' will be him giving his old pal Eric a little push in the right direction concerning his mix-up w/ the diva darlings of the lab. I just can't imagine what other conversation him & Speed would have,can you? Unless its just about death & stuff.
They've seemed to have gone through them all. I don't remember any that they've left out. Or, at least none noticable to me.

Glad you decided to jump in Need4Speed. EDeN is the only board I've been posting in lately. With occasional drops at the Add a Line board of course.
I think Speed's return won't matter. because it's Eric's life not Speed's. i mean sure they're best firends but Speed's had his share of bad relationships...remember the girl from the water and power company? Calleigh asked him about her and he was like "yes and she hates me" so who is Speed to be telling Eric who to date? it's Eric's life and he's a big boy who knows what he wants. so i don't think Speed's return will have much effect in the relationship department.
Yeah, who knows, it'll be exciting to see anyway! :p

Well I am THRILLED for this epi!!! Nat is still learning to shoot & when she pops her shoulder out of place, Eric is there & helps her pop it back & then comforts her 'til the pain eases. EEEE!!! Also, Stetler sees this & misunderstands the 'embrace'; thats how it was worded in the spoler section. Oh, I cannot wait. It's just the beginning, folks, its gotta be..

I think this epi might just air on my birthday which falls on monday this year.....ooh yay! Happy Birthday to me, baby! :p
Eric comforting her. Yay! So much yay! I can't wait to see how this one pans out. Stetler can take it the wrong way and then it backfire and helps them in actually getting back together. haha, perfecto. It would quite funny to see that. As for the Speed thing, I dunno. I. Just. Don't.
I'm excited for Speeds return and I think it might help push E to make a good decision.

ooh I like the sound of all of that, seems like something might be in the works for this ship again! aww he comforts her, so cute!

Need I think I'm following you :D
wow! i have a follower! LOL! :D and...
OMG!! I'm so looking forward to that ep!!! Eric comforts her..awww. and i'm glad they strayed away from Ryan/Natalia. because now that gives me hopes for two of my ships.....EDeN and CaRWash.
Hi everybody!!! I was making this photomanip for a friend of mine and I thought I should share it with you guys.


Enjoy!!! Oh and sorry if it's too big.
WOOHOO!! THANK YOU! That is very nice... im not good at doing photo stuff. If you take any banner requests, please let me know. I'd love a really good "EDeN" one. I want a kiss or something (hehe not for myself) but ya know maybe we can get a REAL screencap of that this season??!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :devil:

I am suggesting to any EDeN fan to stay out of the official spoiler thread, its getting quite ugly! I think were going to go back to all the hiphuggers bashing Natalia again. Its a shame some people dont have the respect for other ships. If that were e/c or c/r, h/c,you know what i mean..any shipper would be ALL over that scene in epi 5. & ya know, AGAIN, real once - was couple here, it is screaming GETTING BACK TOGETHER. & to anyone who hasnt read, jake & cal are officially an item in this epi. which i can totally handle for right now. We are one step closer to the way its suppose to be.

I pm'd this to FRAY already but wanted others suggestions, too, i was thinking of starting an EDeN song thread.. is everyone in & im all for title suggestions, if so!
Oh, love that Speedsdaughter. Very nice. Wow, go to school and come back and the thread suddenly got lots o replies. Chyea, yay!

Really. Hm, not surprised by that actually. And yes, i don't mind C/J. There is something addicting about them together. And, it does open so many doorways for EDeN. Haha, yippee!
yeah but....
yeah but C/J crushes my hopes for CaRWash :( .....and plus Jakes is..uh yeash trouble!!! but yes i do agree it opens doors for EDeN. which in this thread is my main conern
Well I am THRILLED for this epi!!! Nat is still learning to shoot & when she pops her shoulder out of place, Eric is there & helps her pop it back & then comforts her 'til the pain eases. EEEE!!! Also, Stetler sees this & misunderstands the 'embrace'; thats how it was worded in the spoler section. Oh, I cannot wait. It's just the beginning, folks, its gotta be..

Oh, I'm waiting for this. :D

Yeah an EDEN song thread would be nice.
Ive been curious about this...
Ive wondered before, if TPTB do indeed put Eric & Nat back together how would they acknowkedge the past.. like to new viewers how would they mention that they had a history together; maybe epi 5 is the start for that, w/ Stetler being involved maybe he will bring up their past relationship just to kinda remind viewers of what 'once was' before they placed them together again. Dunno, but it's coming i can feel it.....yeeee!!! You know theres got to be a moment during this scene when they both get the " god i still want you" feeling. Without a doubt EDeN is resurfacing, slowly but surely!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
And, its about to time it to, too. Thank goodness. I've been waiting very not so patiently. All this has got me rather excited... And, now i have to wait o.o
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