Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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I suppose so. Well, here a picture I found while browsing CSI-caps earlier. Enjoy.

Ohhh, "dead air" :(. I found some nice pics, too at (think?) I'd post some that I saved but im such a tard I havent figured out how to put them here :p. My story for this pic: Nat: you know he's just my friend, Eric. Eric: I would of come over, ya know. Nat: I know, but it was just a friends thing, no big deal. Eric:*smiles* So what about tonight? Nat: *smiles back* hmmm *leans in toward Eric* your house or mine? :D :D :devil:
lol. Well, I like the episode... I actually liked the angst that they put there. It really made me like it more. Ecspecially when Natalia confronts Eric later on. Just such a great scene.
oh, dont get me wrong, I like the episode. I thought it really showed that the 2 of them were taking each other more serious (not just sexual). There was just so much confusion between them, & then TPTB, just dropped it. I hope this season it resurfaces. Do you think Eric will ever come right out & ask if she was w/ Ryan (ya know, sexually)? If they do bring up the triangle again, i hope Eric confronts Ryan about it this time. Any other guy would have gotten a clue by the way Eric was acting that he didn't want him (Ryan) to go out w/ her, but Ryan was just so "duh" about the whole thing. I don't want them to drag out a whole "who does she love?" story forever but it'd be nice to see them get the continuity they need for their relationship & to have Ryan be the one to stir things up again.
Yeah, the last the really mentioned between Natalia and Eric's relationship is when he got upset when finding out that Natalia was the mole. Otherwise, they dropped it, and need to bring it up again. And, not quite like it was handled last time.
Ya know they (the 2 of them) don't really bring it up, but I think its kinda funny how its STILL been brought up lightly through certain stories, tho. Like in "looks could kill", Nick mentions it. In "internal affairs", Nick says to Eric something about "hes just trying to get laid", (which is what got Eric so pissed..hehe) & Jake also says something about it in interrogation, the mention of her "dating Delko". It just always makes me think that theres a reason why they still made comments about them. I think the writers just want to clear all the obvious obstacles before putting them back together & they also needed time to grow on each other more. At first theres always sex & attraction, but it takes a while before you REALLY fall in love so maybe thats their reason for dragging them out for so long!
I missed the epi "Looks could Kill" cause, really, I don't remember it... Internal affairs i remember the Nick part but I don't remember Jake questioning it. Gah, I miss alot...

Let's hope that that's their reason for draggin' it out. Some obstacles and some angst is a good thing. Let's not keep it drug out forever. That make me sad. :)
Every's poofed so i bring a picture:


and a question: How do you think that they'd get them back together?
Wheres the picture, hon? ok, it just popped up. My answer; I would like to see Natalia & Ryan start having a 'close friends' relationship, this making Eric grow to be jealous thinking that it's more than friends. Or this guy Michael Lipton end up being a threat to Natalia, this making Eric mad at Ryan for placing Natalia in danger. Either one could ignite the old flame!! I could not EVER see Eric accepting a relationship between Nat/Ryan w/out showing some sort of jealousy about it & i couldn't really see TPTB putting Nat w/ Ryan & Cal w/ Eric. Thats just a bit much, i think, even for Miami. I guess it'd be different if Nat/Eric's relationship was just them flirting w/ hints here & there but we all know they've gone much further; thats why i love this ship 'cus its not all fantasy, they actually DID have a REAL relationship, it's based on (CSI:Miami)facts!
I really don't see them getting Natalia with Ryan. I don't know why, but I can't. Maybe they'll get them real close in friendship but not a couple. But, eh, the writers never fail to amaze me. And yes, this ship was canon. So, ha, there's another amazing reason to support the amazing ship... amazingly...
oh yeah, never could see it. I love Ryan/Jon but he always appears shorter than her & in real life..not a big deal.. but on television I think it'd look weird! 'Member in "shattered", Nat was in tinny-shoes.. probably just so the scene would look right when they were standing next to each other.

TPTB are great at making us think one thing & turning it into another, so, I could totally see them trying to make the viewers beleive that there is something going on between them (Ryan/Nat) & then they'll turn it into them being 'good friends'.

In other news: go to You Tube & check out HANGELS video.."Long Trip Alone". Its bee-yoo-ti-fool!! The very end just had me tickled all over!! Alot said in one look!! :p
Oh, a new vid? I haven't been on YT in a couple days (Gasp I know) And, season four is starting at the end of this week :) But, I think they are starting with Felony Flight... But, still, unless the mess it up, we should be going in order. Yay.
I think "game over" is on today, & they never go through every epi from S3 so yeah it shouldn't be very far away!! Yay, much needed EDeNism! Whats tonite? Bloodline? No EDeN, in fact, I think Natalia has like 2 scenes. But I love her hair in that epi.

So I was watching the "long trip alone" video (over & over again).. & my god, would ya look at how happy they are!! Uh, so into each other... we have yet to see either one of them that happy since they were w/ each other . Right now, Eric & Nat both need to be happy again. They need each other, they'll come to realize it eventually! :p
They only time the even get remotely close is when they have their underline flirty scenes together. I thought that they went through all the season 3 eps. It's season 4 where I always notice that they randomly skip random episodes.
hi guys. I'm a big EDeN shipper, and i've been meaning to post here for ages. but i've been so busy trying to multiship...CaRWash, Talleigh, H/Yelina, EDen, and Hardy Boys, to post here. but i'll post here more often :D

and as for how they'll get back together, i think it'll all come down to jealousy and realize that they were wrong to break up in the first place.
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