Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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Eva said that E/N won't resist each other for long? That's cool, because they are radiant together. They're magnets.

Thanks horatio for the video.
Oh, awesomeness. And, mjzpud your comment was so much less creepy than mine... eh-hem, yeah...

On the home front, I have started a blog and guess what most of my ranting was about? CSI: Miami... The whole first post was about the three, but I realized that Miami is the one I know the most about... Yeah...

Hmm, I think that it should show Eric helping her to fire the gun. Ta-ha, yes yes yes...
Wow... I'm so terrible. Please accept my apology?:


mjszud said:
but the 'abuse' comment i mentioned in my other post- eric & ryan were discussing jill & Ryan says something like "must of been living in fear"(something like that) & eric says "yeah, well, ask Natalia about that". awww, always thinking of her, he's so sweet. ya gotta love him.
I squee'd when Eric said that. (I actually squee whenever Eric says anything that has to do with 'Talia, but...) It was so... I think he really admires her and gives her a lot of credit for being able to survive with Nick for who knows how many years.

mjszud said:
I think she does too!She knows him on an "Eric @ home" level.
I think she knows him a little better than just at an "@ home" level, if you know what I'm saying. ;)

Miss_Boa_Vista said:
And I ah-bsolutely just love how Eric says her name. It just rolls off of his tongue. truely fab-u-lous.
Definitely. I always need a cold shower after that, especially when he says 'Talia.

CathStokes said:
If they weren't in the lab, Eric would've definately took her on that table
I love you.

mjszud said:
He definately would have her up against that table, no clothes, just 2 awesomely tanned & toned bodies , lots of touching, kissing, all that good porn stuff ya know we secretly love, especially w/ EDeN. She looks so tiny next to him (body wise) like he could pick her up & carry her off....

horatiosangel said:
I've not visited here before, but wanted stop by and lend my support to this ship. :) I think these two are just so perfect together...and the chemistry is just AWESOME!!! :devil: :D I've made a NED vid for youtube, which is how I found out about you guys (thanks mjszud :D) I'll try and stop by more often to chat... :)
Hi, horatiosangel! Glad to have you aboard the S.S. EDeN! :D

mjszud said:
ooh, new page, we need a pic. Is there one from the epi where eric was shot when they are in the lab discussing clavo & when he walks away (after he touches her arm, hee hee) she watches him as he leaves. & the camera is actually fixated on her watching him leave!
Well... I couldn't get a picture of her watching him as he walked away (one was out-of-focus and the other didn't have him in the picture), but I think the one that I just posted will do. :)

CSIFray said:
Ha ha, I am totally excited. The EDeN video for "The First Cut is the Deepest" has been made. On youtube, by spiritx33. Ha ha, thought I'd kinda creep the person out if I started makin a big deal and saying i love you... So i didn't say I love you... but I was a lil ecstatic...
You wouldn't have creeped me out if you said I love you. I'd probably do the same thing.

I'm glad you liked it. :D Take that as my other apology for practically abandoning this thread.

katbug said:
Snag if you want them. Click on them for the full size. Enjoy!
Those are both gorgeous, katbug. Nice job!

Kiane said:
Eva said that E/N won't resist each other for long? That's cool, because they are radiant together. They're magnets.
*gasp* Where did she say that? *excited*
Thanks for all the pics, they make my day, especially while waiting for S4 reruns to air on A&E. KIANE, your post:eva's comment; they cant resist each other much longer.... god, please dont burst my bubble by saying it was actually from a long time ago, i will die. if its recent, then oh yes, I , of course have known it but to hear from eva....YAY!!! BRING IT ON, & quick. Onto other subject:
Apparently Nat will finally be learning to shoot!that part makes me happy; however, Ryan will still be working at the gun range where shes learning; this depresses me. I am just going to hope this 'arrangement' will force Eric to realize that if he doesn't act quick, he'll lose her again. If their going to play this out then i sooo hope its going to be a triangle again.
Dont forget when replying to use your spoiler boxes!!! :p oh & MS.BVFAN, the fanfic, Id love to do one based on that scenario but my god, i would have a meltdown before i could get the rough draft to the computer. besides, there wouldn't be much dialogue going on, know what i mean... i'll just leave it to everyones imagination! :devil: :) :devil: :lol:
You wouldn't have creeped me out if you said I love you. I'd probably do the same thing.

I'm glad you liked it. Take that as my other apology for practically abandoning this thread.

Well, that's good to know, I tend to scare people with my reactions (I'm a bit excitable).

Yeah, I think it should be Mr. Delko who is at the gun range with Natalia... You know, helping her and all...
Thanks for all the compliments on the wallpapers. ***blushes***

Hope you enjoy them!
I re-watched that scene from 'Burned' where Natalia questions Eric about Natalia and I was thinking back to how some of ya'll made the comment that she was 'smiley' during it. I see what you mean, a little. But, it mostly seemed nervously done to me. And the laughing, too.
You mean about Calleigh, right? :) :) I agree totally, at first I thought oh no shes too "happy" about it & then I stopped & thought about it. For 1 thing, they are 2 adults & what did we expect her to do, go to him & smack him saying 'how could you do this to me'? Not likely, & she did question him to begin w/ so to me if she wasn't interested in him or concerned about Calleigh's recent 'closeness' to him - she wouldn't of brought it up. Secondly, go back to "dead air", Eric was pretty non-chalant at first too until he realized she accepted & then his jealousy really surfaced. I say shes a little jealous, look at the way her eyes kinda wander when shes talking to him, like shes almost afraid of what hes going to say back. I think it's all just a new start for them :p!!
Yeah, exactly. Much better worded. That's how it is.

I started to make a vid but I got so confused and lost that I just quit... lol. I've made one before, not sure why I got so thrown off this time. Ah well, in times come I might get one up and dedicate to all my shippy buddies
Go to Eva's interview in the new season spoilers thread. read Eva's interview about the season finale and the new season. Eva said that Calleigh reaction's to Eric is more so of a concerned family member towards Eric, and that Calleigh and Jake's attraction are still being developed. Eva says the tension beween Eric and Natalia is obvious.
The Eva interview I read was w/ TVGUIDE.COM & she did say about e/c being cal just concerned, which is what i had thought all along anyway, & she said Natalia can't help but be attracted to eric'cus they have such great sexual chemistry together; Is that the same interview or is there another one somewhere??
Oh, i still beleive it regardless!! I can't help it, it's just bound to happen again. They had no real closure; other shipper fans seem to think they did but if you really look at the picture & the way they are w/ one another, it's so obvious that their relationship is still there, just waiting for the right moment to act on it, & w/ Cal & Ryan both entering the picture the way they are, i think it's coming! :p
Mmmhmm, its going to happen again. Its there with all its hint-y goodness. Let's see, 'Triple Threat' is on tonight. But, alas, I think I have already talked about them in that episode on her... Pah, Maybe I'll find something I overlooked the first time (he he)
Ok, so yesterday I went back to some old interviews from Ann Donahue & another from Jon Togo. They were from April of '06. Anyway, Ann was talking about the love triangle & she says "its only going to get worse"; well we all know that after that epi it never continued. Then I read Jons & he makes the comment "at the end of the epi, its still unresolved", he also says he thinks he was a pawn used in a game of chess between eric & nat; & to stress on thier feelings for each other. Also, Ann said that the triangle was one of her favorite storylines. Now granted this is old info, but still, it gives me hope that all this coming up will be the continuity of eric/nat's relationship! We all know it was never "finished" so I can see that this might just be thier angle w/ all thats going on.
I can see it coming back up. Its still there in a very slight way. Though, Calleigh has kinda been thrown into the mix now. (Would that make it a love rectangle?) So, that could change some stuff and make it a bit more interested for when it does come back up. Unless, they take the easy way out and make it an "Oh thats so great. I'm so fine and not jealous at all" kind of thing. Which, I don't really see them doing. They do seem to enjoy drama.
Yeah, I dont know how it will all play out. If Eva was right tho, they could just come back on the opener as if it were no big deal (between e/c) & then 2 freakin' years from now continue off of it. The way they are I wouldn't doubt it. I mean, Im all for the drama but I thinks its way too much to do a 'love rectangle'.Its just all so confusing. Really I didn't think Eric looked all that heartbroken after seeing Cal kiss Jake. Not like how he was in 'dead air'! So, anyway, i was watching ' Triple threat' rerun & I loved them being on the case together, how relaxed they are w/ each cute. It could just be that Eric thinks Nat doesn't want him anymore after she went back to Nick! The poor guy is just as confused as we are probably!!
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