Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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ohh boy, you go away with some friends and their cousins for 2 weeks and you really miss a lot around here don't you? lol. that's good.

sooooo, welcome to the new shippers from page 7 and let;s all drink a midori cocktail to some EDeN this season.

*lifts glass* Cheers!
Oh gosh, please let us have EDeN. I dunno how much more of this I can take. -Holds on to my fan fics for dear life- these loves are my life lines. They keep me sane.

Lets start with bringing our adorkable smiles back and escalate (a lot) from there, why don't we?
Oh god, you know I agree. Im holding onto what Eva said in her interview when she said "natalia & Eric have that great sexual chemistry. I think she can't help but be attracted to him". They've been building on it for so long, its high time they get back in gear. I don't know if i'd rather see them just attack each other 'cus they can't take it anymore or if I want them to be more emotional & mushy. I want all of it but which do you think should come first?? I definately at some point want to see the relationship outside of work!!! in bed, preferably! If any 2 on this show could pull off a great sex scene it would be them!!
lol. That one defiently got me laughing. Anyway, I like drama... Uh yeah, check out my fan fics... So, I'd like to see some emotionalism in there somewhere.

Uh, my FF is attracting E/C fans too. What's wrong with that? Nothing 'cept they want me to update and they'll be sad when they realize its actually suppose to be an EDeN and thats what the updates would lead too. Lol
'Kay, I'm about to watch it. I've been meaning to search for some vids... just haven't.

Yeah, my newest one the Nothing Nice to Say. I've gotten some comments about saying like "E/C yay. Update soon." I polity replied that I would but, not to burst any bubbles, it IS actually and EDeN fic...

Ha ha, I am totally excited. The EDeN video for "The First Cut is the Deepest" has been made. On youtube, by spiritx33. Ha ha, thought I'd kinda creep the person out if I started makin a big deal and saying i love you... So i didn't say I love you... but I was a lil ecstatic...
Hey - I have never posted here before.....but I made 2 Eric/Natalia wallpapers for the last challenge. If anyone wants them...just let me know. I am not sure if it is ok to post them here or not. I plan on posting them at the wallpaper thread tomorrow.
I'm pretty sure your allowed to post them here. People post wallpapers all the time... though that doesn't exactly mean that you can... Well, in short, I don't know if you are allowed but I would love to see them.
  • jumps in singing " if ya want my body, and ya think i'm sexy, come on sugar let me know" :D :D oh god, does anyone besides me even remember that song? probably not, but it just popped into my head when I came on here to see all this EDeNness going on!
  • Thanks so much KATBUG, those are so great, I will gladly take them. I especially love the second one w/ the hands above them. Very creative, good job! I did litterally go "oooohhhhh" & probably made a really stupid face. :p
  • I too saw the "1st cut is the deepest" vid ( & of course "out of reach, which is awesome, ya have to check it out- I swear I almost cried!) Very nice.
  • I just lost it laughing when I read your comment CSIFRAY, I have no clue what you look like but , you "jumping up & down like a dork", I could somehow picture it. Its perfectly fine,i myself am ALWAYS 'geeking out' over EDeN. :D :D
  • I just finished reading your FF, FRAY, loving it so far, but when is he going to wake up from dreaming, or hit his head & say " oh my god, what was I doing w/ Calleigh, I just remembered I'm in love w/ Nat" DUH!! :lol:
And yeah, I get pretty excited easily and that was just the cheese to the cake (Yum, cheesecake) It totally made my day. I was so worn out from babysitting and I saw that and I pretty much freaked.

I've watched the "Out of Reach" one too. Left a comment there too... But it was as, um, well, frightening.

I think I'm going to set up a 'warning' chapter for all those E/C fans that are reading it thinking its an E/C story...

I watched the clip from 'Dead Air' today. I just get all sad when I watch it everytime. Though, for some reason, I do kinda like the scene...
katbug: those wallpapers are amazing, great job, they look really cute together in them, You brought out some awesome chemistry in them, kudos!

Its best to put a warning, they'll think your writing for them.
Yeah, it's mostly EDeN angsty like right now, with slightly EC (Slight being that its mentioned they are dating) And I put that in the summary... But, I didn't say mostly EDeN, which I guess I should... *Ahem* oops...
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