Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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I've only heard a few spoilers but nothing about EN. But the spoiler does make an interesting storyline though.

EN definately does still care about each other and although they had the breakup, I don't think it was something they wanted to do, but had to. They still have their moments, just right now the whole triangle thing is very confusing.
are you speaking of Mr. Speed. Im assuming so & I personally think his return will be a good thing. However they 'bring him back' or in what form. Ive also thought about what Eva said in her interview near the finale about possible relationship & everyone is guessing Ryan, but ya know, if Eric & Cal go nowhere (which i think they wont) I have to ask what will Eric think if he DOES see her getting closer to Ryan. Could we see them maybe continuing the Ryan/Eric/Nat triangle?
:p :eek:
Yup I was talking about Speed, it does raise some questioning with his return, and even ships can be questioned with it, cause Speed could help us out, you know? .. I really don't see Eric taking Ryan/Natalia in a nice way. I could see that triangle coming out to play too.
Hey ya'll!!! ***waves hello to mjszud***

I've not visited here before, but wanted stop by and lend my support to this ship. :) I think these two are just so perfect together...and the chemistry is just AWESOME!!! :devil: :D I've made a NED vid for youtube, which is how I found out about you guys (thanks mjszud :D) I'll try and stop by more often to chat... :)
I'm back from my random little theme parks adventure... So here's what I say,

I'm still a little bleck about the whole Speed thing. Not saying its a bad thing if he's back, but the killed him. They already did the "let's bring you back from the dead" thing. Some theories have been Eric hillucinating... That'd be good. It could explain his sudden jump to Calleigh.

Yeah, I defiently do not see him taking Nat/Ryan all to well. But, I also don't see him really saying anything about. Ei. being season four when he lent money to Ryan for his and Nat's ''date''. You could see he wasn't to pop for it but he didn't really voice it to Ryan either.
Hi everyone. I'm not new. I used to be bklynCSIfanatic. My computer crashed so I'm starting with a new username.

Back to E/N, the romantic tension is so thick you can't cut it. I hope they rediscover each other again. They belong together.
Yes, totally super pea soup thick. Chyea.

Oh, yeah, A&E are starting season this this week. The are slowly inching forward to season four. Haha, yesss, just a couple weeks... unless the change something... Anyway, Back to the beginning with our very first Eric/Natalia moment. And my favorite "Trust issues" moment. W00T! (Can ya tell I'm excited?)
True. EN could ahppen agian...but i dunno, I think Calleigh might end up with him...but it a tv never no! I EN do get together...I wonder how Ryan would react!
There are just so many ways her could. I actually see him voicing his opinion, and Eric getting mad. Like I said, they'd probably handle it a lot like they had in season four. A huff there, and ignore there, but then kinda play it cool.

What I do hope is that if they do get Calleigh and Eric together that they have Natalia re-act no so... happy. Have her jealous or something. Not just "Oh yay for you!"
Hello, hello. welcome KIANE & HORATIOSANGEL!!! New faces, yeah. I honestly cant even imagine how Ryan would react because the ryan/ nat thing just happened & then it was over after their one little date. Its been so long ago. I think its really going to depend on if theres any sparks between her & ryan. I think in the beginning for Ryan it was like 'oh, theres the new girl, shes hot, i'll give it a shot' i dont think he was super into her. but for eric, the jealousy was so obvious!! my personal oppinion: i dont think eric will hook up w/ cal. i think its just like what Eva said. but if it were to happen, then, yes, Nat better show something. I don't know, to me it's like they've (the writers) made sure it was Nat who saw the kiss on the cheek & she DID question him, so to me its kinda a push to Natalia to get back w/ eric. I could totally see him teasing her next season saying something like 'i think you were kinda jealous' ya know, smiling & joking but kinda serious deep down. who really knows, but they've been dragging out little hints of her & eric for so long (even Jake brought it up in interrogation) & the whole lab knows of their relationship, i just wouldnt doubt it at all if they dont start back up again in S6. (mainly due to jealousness between cal & then if they bring ryan back into play) oh yeah, it could definately happen!
Yeah, they put in a lot hints. And, as has been said, they (writers) have issues keeping things going. One of the ones the jumpes out at me is Susie/Madison thing. They kinda just dissappeared, a lot like Eric and Natalia's relation did. Thus, it could kinda just, re-appear. Like, Criss Angel...
ooh, new page, we need a pic. Is there one from the epi where eric was shot when they are in the lab discussing clavo & when he walks away (after he touches her arm, hee hee) she watches him as he leaves. & the camera is actually fixated on her watching him leave! see... it was still there. where do i find these pics?
I can find it for ya if you want...

Oh, yesh, I shall be writing a new EDeN story soon. Its in my mind. Its got to do with a C/E relationship and a reaction from Natalia. Chyeah, duh. New way that I would like her to react to it. haha

...Okay, so I lied... I can't find it for ya... I get my pics from and they don't have it. I'm not sure where else to find 'em...

But, I can give you this one:

right on, 'Urban hellraisers'!! thats where it REALLY began. Can't wait to read your EDeN story. I so hope you have put him BACK w/ Nat by storys end, tho!
  • I'm starting to think that if the writers really wanted too they could play it out as if Eric really has no clue that he was in a relationship w/ Nat. i mean, I was watching a rerun last night & their nice to each other but they were so distant after the shooting. Could it be that our poor hallucinating Eric could just be completely lost & not realize his feelings for Nat. They did seem to just disappear after the shooting epi, it's so possible. Im praying for a new Eric this season... one that remembers how he really feels for Ms. Boa Vista (or the future Mrs. Natalia Delko) :p
Oh & Ms. COOKIE, I see your back, doll, you best get your bum over here!!!
Its really mostly and angsty story but I have been thinking about doing another part to it for those who like happy ending, like me.

Anyways, the title is Nothing Nice to Say and it can be found at Under my username which is Fray Ray.
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