Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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I think I know the song. I listen to ALOT of radio. Yeah, the name kinda threw me off too. I couldn't quite figure out if is was mixed up or if I missed something


Thought that we could use a nice picture. Got from for anyone who wants to know
We..ran away?? *sighs*

Bad Eric! :devil: What are you doing in that pic, boy? :devil: :devil: What episode is that?
Lol. It's from "Silencer." It's like, my favorite EDeN scene EVER. He just walks up behind her and puts his arms on both sides of her... If they weren't in the lab...
If they weren't in the lab, Eric would've definately took her on that table, well.. he probably still would've if it wasn't for those damn glass windows/doors.

Thanks :) I'm gonna icon that.
Haha, already made an icon with it. I had the same thought. Wonderful for an icon... Though, since I only have paint its not so wonderluss
Let me see, I wanna see what you did with it. I bet you put something dirty for the text didn't you?? .. I know you, remember. :)

You beat me to it, evil you!
lol... actually no. But, after what you just said, I thought about re-doing one with the text something about if they weren't in the lab. So, you do know me pretty well obviously... Cause I was this |_| close to doing it.

It's actually part of that song "The first Cut is the Deepest"


It's not that great but I did it in like... five minutes

Let's play a game... it's called finish the thought...


hehe, could resist. After I thought about doing it, it kept bugging me so I had ta.
AHHHH (screams guts out)! that was a favorite picturee anyway, but blown up to full size- thank you, i needed that!! Remember in that epi (silencer) when Ryan comes in & they are totally ignoring him; if you listen real close you can hear Nat say to Eric "stop it", HMM... what was he doing :D?? Damn, shes lucky. Not to get TOTALLY preverted here or anything but im only assuming he nudged her w/ his 'man junk' :devil:. Did I mention how lucky she is? :p Oh I love the 'try to love again'. Ya need to put 'I WANT YOU BACK'. or 'Its never over' Or "Eric, your gun is poking me again" :devil:
Hum, maybe I'll try that with another picture. One where she's giving him some look. haha.

Glad you like the icon. I like the "Try to love again" one best
Geez, I forot to play the game, 'finish the thought..'. He definately would have her up against that table, no clothes, just 2 awesomely tanned & toned bodies , lots of touching, kissing, all that good porn stuff ya know we secretly love, especially w/ EDeN. She looks so tiny next to him (body wise) like he could pick her up & carry her off.... ok, im ashamed now... (pulls head out of gutter)
I thought this was worth posting: Sheryl Crow/ "the first cut is the deepest" I would of given you all of my heart, but there's someone whos torn it apart; & he's taken just all that I have, but if you want i'll try to love again.. Baby, i'll try to love again but I know... the first cut is the deepest, baby i know , the first cut is the deepest...but when it comes to bein' lucky he's cursed, when it comes to lovin' me he's worse; I still want you by my side, just to help me dry the tears that i've cried & i'm sure gonna give you a try; If you want i'll try to love again, baby, i'll try to love again, but I know... :)
I know, itsn't it just a wonderful EDeN song? See why I put it in that icon and think that someone who can should make a video with it. It just perfectly describes it. One of my favorite songs, and I was overjoyed when I realized it fit my favorite ship
im absolutely loving that everytime i pull up this page that that lovely pic of them is right up top!! we need to stick pics like that up at the top of every page. our other ship (carwasher) has a featured pic of the day. we need an awesome EDeN pic & a great song to go w/ it (or a 'thought') - every day!! they have lots of great scenes w/ all the cute smiles so im sure we could find them.
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