Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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I'm here!! Seriously, when am i not here? Well to anyone interested i sent my e-mail to corey the other day, askinf for some nat info. like i said before, i did't want to bluntly ask any shippy ?'s but i did let him know how much i love EDeN & the disappointment after the shooting & the possible switcheroo. :mad: i told him he did't HAVE to respond to that but that i wouldnt mind his input, so we'll see if i get anything back on it or not. watched "darkroom" monday. I'll give Ryan some credit for being there to help find Anya. he was pretty nice. but the 'abuse' comment i mentioned in my other post- eric & ryan were discussing jill & Ryan says something like "must of been living in fear"(something like that) & eric says "yeah, well, ask Natalia about that". awww, always thinking of her, he's so sweet. ya gotta love him. i guess i'll post this too. the protectiveness thing, this is all im saying - i dont think she needs someone to hold her hand when she crosses the street & everything, but she shouldnt be pushed out in rush hour traffic either. make sense? & yeah, shes a grown up & should be able to take care of herself but imagine when nick got out of prison H telling her " hey, get over it, your a big girl". she can be tough on the job & still have that weakness. :) see ya all for now!!
I was thinking about that 'Darkroom' scene too. My first thought "Aww, See Eric always thinks of Nat"
Eric is really cute with Nat. I just think she brings out something in him that nobody else can.

I love Ryan. I'm a CaRWasher too, so I don't think he's a complete jerk, but yeah he had his mean moments with Nat. Poor Nat.

So mjs, any word yet?? :D
I think she does too!She knows him on an "Eric @ home" level. No one else does & if anyone can bring a smile to his face, it's always her. No word yet, I sent it on Monday the 2nd, so I imagine it'll take a week or so. I promise, I'll let you know.
Where is everybody?? Missing EDeN sooo much & wanting my Corey Miller reply. I need something to go on here. Do you think he REALLY answers the e-mails or has someone sit there & reply for him. like he has a list of "answers" to the normal ?'s he gets all the time. That'd be incredibly disappointing if so. Ready for S6, need some eric & natalia!!!
mjszud said:
Where is everybody?? Missing EDeN sooo much & wanting my Corey Miller reply. I need something to go on here. Do you think he REALLY answers the e-mails or has someone sit there & reply for him. like he has a list of "answers" to the normal ?'s he gets all the time. That'd be incredibly disappointing if so. Ready for S6, need some eric & natalia!!!

i completely ah-gree with that last comment
well, actually i completely ah-gree with everything you've said in your last (insert correct number of posts here).

so true.

but yeah, the scene where Eric and Ryan are discussing it is great. Eric really does look out for her all the time and Ryan's just sorta like 'ehh you're fine. ok let's go work on our next thing'. And I ah-bsolutely just love how Eric says her name. It just rolls off of his tongue. truely fab-u-lous.
I am just completely needing some good eppies to come on A&E but they are all like S1 right now
i think cbs on saturdays are still airing S4. the season of EDeN! god i so am praying for something good in S6. i dont think him & cal will get anywhere so im not real bummed about that anymore or nat & ryan either. but on that same note im almost afraid that since were seeing all these changes in eric that the writers will give him a girlfriend outside of work. im not liking that thought at all. i want him & nat to realize they had something really great & there was & still is hope for them. & not to mention that they are hot for each other! i still beleive he has some feelings for her, tho. it seems like the writers made that pretty obvoius. especially like 'dead air', 'one of our own', 'looks could kill', the comment in 'darkroom', & mostly 'internal affairs'. & those were epis AFTER they were broken up, so whats that tell us! I think it says "im not over you" is what i think. but ya know me, always in EDeNland!!!
That "We might not have been together long, but long enough for me to know when somethings wrong" (Not exact quote) from Nat when Marisol was getting married was a good example. Then she went in there trying to convince him to go. That's exactly it!!!
I'm hoping for something in season 6 too.. I just really want them to find that solid ground like they used to have, and now their like... this triangle game.

I don't think their over each other just yet, I still think theres something there and they just need a kick in the right direction :D
that was a great epi CSIFRAY; it was "shock". so cute when she said that to him. it almost made it seem as if marisol asked her to talk to him for her or something, the way she kept saying things like 'its her wedding day, eric' & 'she just wants to be happy'. that whole conversation made her & eric seem so close! & considering no one else even knew who marisol was!! they need to be like that again. i would have loved to see nat go to the wedding w/ him. hint, hint, duhn, duhn, du-duhn!!!!! both of them in white, saying their vows barefoot on the beach, H walking nat down the aisle. aww, i can dream, right!!
Hey, for someone who can do videos... Sheryl Crow's "The First Cut is the Deepest" would be a good song.

Hey, found a Eva La Rue inter view here

I am aloud to post that right?
HI,HI! I'm pretty sure your allowed as they posted the link in the spoiler thread. I have to say I was a little overjoyed by her comments on the relationship part (even the names were mixed up, should've said Jake not Ryan). I love the song idea unfortunately im only good at making videos 'in my head'. I heard a song on the radio i think called "i'll wait for you" by elliot? not sure if thats the correct name but the lyrics are sooo EDeN perfect!!! You'll have to look up the words, it is them to the "T"!!
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