Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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Now that I've had a chance to watch that scene over (with a LARGE amount of alcohol close by), I don't think Natalia was "smiley" in a good way. It looked to me like Eva wanted to portray Natalia as slightly upset/hurt over the idea of Eric and Calleigh together, and I think the only reason Natalia smiled was so that she could look polite and also shield the fact that she was feeling uncomfortable about it. It turned out looking incredibly awkward, which I think worked.

I'm hoping your right and that she wasn't PRO for it, I'm just worried mostly because I hate that if she IS pro it, then we're dead. but if your right and she's not, then we have a great fighting chance to pull through this and become something more.


im in MAJOR confusion, too. i think all NED/EDeN & carwash fans are! i guess if the writers hadnt given us those scenes in the beginning of the season & totally mislead us it wouldnt have been such a shock.

I agree, if they wouldn't have been so into showing NED/EdeN and CaRWash in the beginning, then this wouldn't be such a shock, but since we've had so many scenes its like wth are you trying to do to us?!?

but it seemed as tho as soon as the 'shooting' epi came along, our ships sailed & left us saying "what the hell?" .

The shooting definately screwed us and all Calleigh ships over.

was honestly waiting for the moment when natalia would break down along his bedside & we got practically nothing.

I was waiting on it too, to be honest. I thought when they showed him in the hospital, the whole time I was thinking, she gets to see him, if H or Cal says he remembers everything about Speed's passing, then that means she's in she's able to see him. But it never came, and I felt very betrayed.
ok reading these last few posts & thinking of that epi just depresses me. i know the writers wanted to throw calleigh in there but seriously that was just pure stupidity that she was not even there! i would love to go off on the writers about this one cuz wether or not nat has deep feelings for him they still should of allowed her to show some emotion. i think anyone in her shoes would still be effected by something like that. as for evas interview where she says she doesnt think she ever really felt anything for him- trusting him, maybe, but she seemed to act like she cared for him to me. & as far as mr. delko is concerned , he TOTALLY acted like he had feelings! PATHETIC i tell ya. i miss EDeN so much! i wish the writers would stop jerking us around w/ these 2, if it was just a little flirtation here & there like all our characters do then that would be fine, but this is eric & natalia & they just had way more than anyone else. yes sex is just 'sex' sometimes but i dont beleive it when it comes to them. i still beleive there is something more. i guess we can still wish for it, right??
sorry guys i dont mean to double post here but had to let you know- i looked up EDeN & it said the origin of the term in hebrew means "delight", & how perfect is it that its: 'adam & eve in the garden of eden' & thats their names in real life (well Eva) but still, i wonder if the writers realized this when they were putting them together! it is simply perfection!! they now have the BEST shipper name of all ships, at least meaningful ones so yah i say they are destined to be together. Adam N Eva in the Garden of EDeN!!!! (this is not pertaining to their personal lives BTW)
Eva say that? That really just.. is like wth?? Maybe she's just throwing us off, right? thats possible, just throwing us off..

Heres to wishing! *hands out glasses*

Even if was just sex, I'd sure as hell have an reaction! Why couldn't she?
Hey, just got back from Vacation... AANNDD

I agree! Eric was shot then all of a sudden it was all Cal/Eric and Nat/Ryan... I am all like "WTH!!!"

If it weren't for Yelina returning I might have started to lose interest in CSI: Miami too (GSR isn't my ship so started losin my interest for CSI 'til we got some YoBling scenes hehe) Mostly just cause the totally screwed it all up and confused the hell out of me. I hate it when that happens. Rawr
Huh, where is everyone?

Anyway, I am watching Three-ways and here we go--

Nat makes comment about Eric's trust issues.
Eric walks by and says something along the lines of 'maybe i do'
Nat smiles as he walks about...

Perfect example of why they should be together... It was the smile not just that she smiled haha
[secretly roles my eyes at you] yeah Yelina showing up kinda saved them for a bit.

haha, I watched that episode too, she's like you got some trust issues and she's smiling at him and he's like yeah I do.

Yeah I love the smile when he walked away, she had a major crush then and there, you can tell.
I know, it made me happy and then mad because of what was done regarding them and the happy cause you just can't be unhappy with a sweet moment like that
love the "three-ways" moment. he totally checks out her bod when he walks away!! hee hee!! their so cute, i cant stand it, & did anyone get to catch "going under"?? another great one- nat says "well then get out of my way" all seductive like in his ear & eric just gets that big smile & says "thats what im talking about"!!!! it was obvious he forgave her & were ready to start things over til the EX showed up & then of course the bullet lodged in his "i love you, natalia" part of the brain (yes, im convinced of this, ok!) more good EDeN moments to come-yay!!
I agree with you, that's what happening... That and Post Tramatic Stress has him looking at Calleigh, haha -jumps into denial land-
shy, anyone have any WISHES for the new season? heres some of mine: (1) i think the "neice" she speaks of should actually turn out to be hers & that she was kinda adopted by her sister christina to keep her safe from nick ( he never knew she was pg, she found out after she left him & went into hiding) & maybe the little girl still has to ba secret from the possible psycho ex mother-in-law. (2) i want her to in danger, maybe from the michael lipton dude & eric come to her rescue, i want him to like kill someone in her defense ( internal affairs & throwing heat proved his hate for abuse ) & ya know its all cuz of nat. (3) sweet moments between the 2, i could handle a small kiss & long loving hug!! btw, "payback" is on tonite @ 8C on A&E.
CathStokes said:
I'm hoping your right and that she wasn't PRO for it, I'm just worried mostly because I hate that if she IS pro it, then we're dead. but if your right and she's not, then we have a great fighting chance to pull through this and become something more.
I'm pretty sure I'm right. (Wow, that sounded so bad.) I think I read that in an Eva interview... If I find it, I'll post a link.

CathStokes said:
I was waiting on it too, to be honest. I thought when they showed him in the hospital, the whole time I was thinking, she gets to see him, if H or Cal says he remembers everything about Speed's passing, then that means she's in she's able to see him. But it never came, and I felt very betrayed.
I couldn't understand why Natalia didn't visit Eric... My shipping heart insists that she did, but that the scene was left on the cutting room floor. I started writing a fanfic about it when the episode first aired, but my muse has disappeared. :(

mjszud said:
how perfect is it that its: 'adam & eve in the garden of eden' & thats their names in real life (well Eva)
Whoa... I didn't even realize that until you mentioned it! That's awesome! Definitely the perfect name for this ship.

CSIFray said:
Anyway, I am watching Three-ways and here we go--

Nat makes comment about Eric's trust issues.
Eric walks by and says something along the lines of 'maybe i do'
Nat smiles as he walks about...

Perfect example of why they should be together... It was the smile not just that she smiled haha
I loved that episode. (Well... maybe just that scene.)

And he TOTALLY checked out her butt on the way out.

CSIFray said:
is 'Payback' a good NED eppie?
YES. One of the best. :D
Anyway, I am watching Three-ways and here we go--

Nat makes comment about Eric's trust issues.
Eric walks by and says something along the lines of 'maybe i do'
Nat smiles as he walks about...

Perfect example of why they should be together... It was the smile not just that she smiled haha
That was a very sweet scene; I really enjoyed that! You could see the easiness between them and it seemed as if they were comfortable with each other too... :D

I really liked this bit too, definitely gave me a laugh:
(Eric and Natalia are processing a truck.)
Eric: Natalia, you don't need to ask permission to work a case, okay? Matter of fact, the more you ask, the more we think you can't do it.
Natalia: Then get out of my way.
Eric: That's what I'm talking about.

From 'Going Under' :D
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