Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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I don't know either, but I agree that she should've been less "smiley" about him and Calleigh. I gonna whack her.
mjszud said:
i love that pictur!! the hands- sooo cute. see, they had something right? still do, i think. personally, i believe that the bullet he was shot w/ is lodged in his " i love nat" section of the brain. curious for next weeks epi - maybe erics "protectiveness" will come back out!

been a while since i've posted here
but this comment truely made me laugh out loud
lol i loved it
ah-dorably key-ute
i compuhletely loved it
and i loved it as much as i loved the ericxnat scenes
yes the calleigh and eric scenes made me mad too
i screamed. my brother ran up thinking something was wrong and got mad when i showed him the scene where she asked and smiled.

Special News: My neighbor is officially hooked on them. Just sharing news.
^^Be glad you didn't notice how smiley she was, I'm hoping it was her way of grinning and bearing. while inside she's thinking she's going to kick Cal's ass. {I still luv ya Calleigh!}

Congrats on getting your neighbor hooked Miss_Boa_Vista :D
to anyone who cares to read the interview ... its on the opening page of csifiles. you probably have to scroll down to find it cuz it was from april 2. its also on adams website im so glad you came over here MISS BOA VISTA- its nice to know you share my pov!! it seemed like he awoke @ the hospital unaware of his sisters death so how farfetched could it be that JUST MAYBE he has lost his S5 memory (aka NED season). its a possibility, right? hes just blocking it all out, it'll come back!!
omg seriously
they just need to get back together
i'll cry
i will
me and my friend cried when they broke up
^and i hope its a possibility. probably not but hopefully
this is a little confusing but according to the spoiler thread, its been said that nat is introducing a 2 yr old daughter named abby! theres alot of confusion on this, but it makes TOTAL sense to me! now that nick is out of her life she can get her baby back, maybe nick never even new of her. nat couldve hid her to protect her from him. how great is this if this is true? & im imagining this could be big enough news to turn erics head around! i can soooo picture him in 'stepdad' mode! but remember its a possibility that this spoiler is way off. i hope not!!!
well, that does make a lot of sense. I think this will also scare Ryan away, as i dont really see him as a father figure. Could you imagine her calling Eric 'Daddy' though? how cute!
mj its you agian! who do you ship??
i always found Eric and Natalia cute last season!(thats my way of saying i was shipping them when they where together)
it would make sense, cause maybe she send Nick to jail after she found out she was pregnant, never told him so she raised the kid by herself wich means Eric would have met her btu when Nick got out of jail she could have send the kid away to protect her. i really hope the kid storyline is true that would be so great!
sorry guys... i just read over @ the spoiler thread that its supposed to be some lady named lindsay w/ a 2 yr old, which really really just sucks cuz it would of been a PERFECT storyline for her & explained soooo much. & eric - oh god- i could just foresee him getting close to the baby & reconnect w/ nat. this is totally bumming me out cuz i was completely phsyched for this to happen. maybe the other post was wrong, i dont know, i just know that now im sad.
Well snap that just ruins all the fun. I figured it would be Nat with a kid so they'd be a possibility that Eric would get close to it and they could reconnect. Eh, Wishful thinking, I suppose.
SOMETHING has got to happen w/ her.first of all, they threw in the 'abuse' thing again after months of being off subject. so why?? what would be the purpose of that? EVERYTHING means something w/ this show. & ok we have ryan & the gambling. H is supposed to almost die & dare i mention the others, we know theres a story there. so what is nat just going to sit back in the next 2 epis & do lab work & snap a few pics of evidence. god i hope not!! we need to hope for something, im getting discouraged now.
a new love for nat? No No NO! i am crying people. she says its one of the boys well theres only 3 . im going to just pretend its not happening!! i want her to be happy BUT W/ ERIC. what are the writers thinking. i dont want it to he H cuz then theyll be forced to kill her off the show & i dont want ryan either but she says 'helping a friend'. uuggghhhh NO! is it AT ALL possible that shes just stirring things up in the interview & that she means that this time she actually starts to 'care' for eric?
She better be not be finding a new love interest, dangit to heck. I want my EC man! One of the boys? *sighs* Hopefully its Eric and "new love" means its a new love for them. Maybe the time apart made them realize how great they are together. The Ryan/Natalia shipper in me is hoping maybe its Ryan as well. But Oh well.
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