Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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I agree it is time he gets some sort of Promotion. I still hope it is a level 3, only because I want him higher than Riley. Even if it means we missed him becoming a Level 2.
Here's no other option. New character just can't have higher level than a main character who is for years in the show. Like you Dizz, I want Greggo to have level 3, even when we not gonna see his promotion to level 2.
Yeh, i'd like to see him higher than Riley, even if that meant we missed his L2. The way I see it so far is, though, that they're trying to make Greg and Riley very similar, so I hope they're not going to be the same level.
Greg has had solo cases, we just haven't see many of them. Like Lab Rats, You kill me, and The Happy place (until Sara ruined it:scream:).

I expect Greg to get promoted soon.
Well obviously Greg was at work that day, since we saw him grumble at Grissom, so we know he was working on some case.

Oh another note, interestingly enough there is a new interview on erockster, however Eric is not shown in it at all. I wonder if they decided to not show him since it seemed like half the comments left for the interviews on the site were all about him and not about the bands?
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I think Dizz, you're right about eRockster. For the beginning Eric's face was a good way to promote this project, but... They knew (Eric, his friends, other producers etc.) that after some time it can end like SFT. Everyone would concentrate on him, not on the music. Maybe Eric helped to find some group of his fans that around is a really good music so they started to listen it. And I think it's ok. But unfortunately some group of people are forgetting that eRockster is a business project connected only with music, not Eric himself. It's annoying 'cause in some way is not showing respect for the star who wants to make something else, not always being recognized as a TV show main character. 'Cause big group of people is seeing him there like that - as Greg Sanders, not Eric Szmanda - producer, host and promotor of good music.
Yeah I totally agree. I mean I am a fan of the station, you know I listen to it a lot. Although lately since I have not been home as much I have not had as much of a chance, but I really like finding out about new bands I never heard of. I have a few new favorite bands because of erockster.

I know he did the new interview because at one little point you can hear his voice. Although I admit I do prefer hearing the questions asked (they don't necessarily have to show him). The interview like it was done in this one is how it was done for the Duffy interview where all the music artist is giving answers to unknown questions.
You know what? I think both of you are correct. Erockster is a business, but unfortunatly most of its listeners and board memebers are only there for Eric, to hear their favourite Actor etc. Sad but true.

They also know that without Eric and his popularity, the station would be just another run of the mill station!

Does that sound terrible?

Oh by the way, I've seen the 2009 calenda! omg Greg is in it once!!!! Baaahhhh:scream:
Oh by the way, I've seen the 2009 calenda! omg Greg is in it once!!!! Baaahhhh:scream:

I saw that on amazon, but you can't order it on amazon, you have to order it from individuals or something. :sigh: anyone know where you can order one from a company? I checked cbsstore website and they don't have a calendar.

I did find it strange that Warrick was not in the calendar. Sara's only there once in a pic with Grissom.

I actually think Greg is in it twice. In one pic, he's wearing that helmet thingy. at least that looks like his hair. :lol: But, if that's the case, that's strange cause Nicky's only in one pic. I dunno, maybe that's supposed to be Hodges with the helmet thingy on and what looks like hair is something in the background. :lol: They should have had a group shot. :lol:

There's one listing on there that has the calendar listed as "used- like new". Um... how can a 2009 calendar be used when it's not even 2009 yet? :lol:
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I think the other one is Hodges with the helmet on. I could be wrong. Hmm I wonder if any of the stores will carry it here.

True about the station needing him to a point. Most of the listeners would not have a clue about it if it was not for Eric. Maybe he is just trying to tone down his presence a little.
I think the other one is Hodges with the helmet on. I could be wrong. Hmm I wonder if any of the stores will carry it here.

True about the station needing him to a point. Most of the listeners would not have a clue about it if it was not for Eric. Maybe he is just trying to tone down his presence a little.

True thats what I think he is doing anyways...

Nope that is Hodges...

blah!!! yeah I can buy it, cause i handled the calenda and oggled at Nick and Greg pic.

I would be a lot happier if I could get an Eric Szmanda and George Eads offical callenda for the whole year.
Yeah I totally agree. I mean I am a fan of the station, you know I listen to it a lot.

And teasing me:lol:

Although lately since I have not been home as much I have not had as much of a chance, but I really like finding out about new bands I never heard of. I have a few new favorite bands because of erockster.

Two weeks ago (if I good remember) were Hercules And Love Affair gigs in Warsaw and Cracow. Unfortunately it's so far from my home city, and I couldn't 'cause of my uni too:( I'd love to see this band...

You know what? I think both of you are correct. Erockster is a business, but unfortunatly most of its listeners and board memebers are only there for Eric, to hear their favourite Actor etc. Sad but true.

True, but eRockster is not a place to admire him. This place is here:lol:
True, but eRockster is not a place to admire him. This place is here:lol:
And that I agree with you 100%!!

I am sure the calendar is sold somewhere here, I just have not looked. Not sure I will buy it anyway.
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