Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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Yeah I want to see Greg's place. We saw Sara, Nick, Catherine, and Grissom's. This year we need Greg's place. :D
Definitely! Would be so nice to see it in next season. Especially when we know that everyone have been there:lol:
Ooh I got some Pringles, I'll supply those. :D

I think it would be interesting to see how they have Greg's place. I could see it as more wild in the past but more toned down now, with some interesting touches.
I see it like you Dizz. In past he had crazy place and messy. Now... hmmm... maybe toned down a little bit. And I'm thinking about interesting touches. Maybe something really stylish?
Oh, you had to say "interesting touches" didn't you?! Mmmm..... bet he has a few of those :p
Hm u know what I've never given a thought about Greg's place.

I think that cause his tastes are so vast, that maybe so is his living tastes. I see in my mind that maybe he has one of those big brother chairs but larger.

Maybe some lava lamps~ typical 70's stuff.

But also M.Manson posters maybe in the spare room, CDs' everywhere and DVDs as well.

The kitchen would probably look like normal but he might have all the mod cons, like a microwave etc. Dont open the cupboards though, all the rubbish, junk foods will drop out.

He might have a walk in shower, where he can wipe away the days hard work.
Ohh your description candygirl is very good to what I would think of for him. Definitely lots of music stuff.
Oh, you had to say "interesting touches" didn't you?! Mmmm..... bet he has a few of those :p

Szmile... ekhem... we're talking about furniture:lol:

Candygirl - your description is really good. I just see how much posters and CDs he has. And maybe guitars on the walls?
Maybe because he liked to drum Cats in the Cradle he has some cymbals on the wall?? I could see him having a collection of guitar picks, maybe from when he was in College and went to rock shows. (Hmmm, sounds like me. :lol: )
Definitely much pics from rock shows on the walls too. And he's showing them every visitor and maybe telling some stories? He's that type like you said Dizz.
For some reason I can see Greg's bedroom (I wish) as a bit messy with no bed frame just a box spring and mattress on the floor. And yeah I can see posters on the walls.

I wonder if he has any pets, Eric has a dog but I can see Greg with a cat. A lot of fanfics have him with tropical fish and often with a cat.

I got the impression that Sara had never been to Greg's apartment, but I'm she has since then. But yeah Greg is sociable, has lots of visitors. Who wouldn't want to hang out with Greg?
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I'd definitely want to hang out with Greg. :D

Hmm, I can see him having maybe a rat as a pet. :lol:
I read a fanfic where Greg had a chinchilla. Thought that was cute.

I see Greg's apartment as being like Eric's. He bases Greg on so much of himself it would seem logical they'd have the same tastes. They both like music, wearing funky hats, crazy hair, compassionate, sometimes an insane showman but actually innately shy... I can see parallels between them, and therefore with the type of decor they'd have. I'm not sure I'd like to sleep next to him underneath a portrait of Sid Vicious, but nevertheless...
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