Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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Yeah I think when they changed SFT to the Ning network it sort of became a mess because it did bring out all the Greg/Eric fans making it all about him which it should not be. I hope that does not happen to erockster. I really love listening to it when I am at home and not watching anything on TV. I use to listen to my local radio station, now I just listen to that in my car or when I do not have access to my computer.
Great news for us Greg fans!

Do you have any spoilers that concern CSI's Greg Sanders (played by Eric Szmanda)? Seems like he is always overlooked. — Dee
Matt: Consider Greg overlooked no more, Dee. Dude's getting an overdue promotion!

From - best of all this is my question!!!

So sweet!!!!!!!! It is about time!!! And congrats on getting your question answered. :thumbsup:

OMG! I was here yesterday but a little bit early and didn't post at all. Today I have watched three epis (yesterday night, four) from first season and I didn't think about getting to Net today, but now... I'm so happy! It's great to hear that news! You made my day. Day? No, week!;)

eRockster is my favourite project by him 'cause I also love music. When I see their lists I just can't be mad that I can't listen it. So many good music which I would love to hear.
And personally I really like radio. I can't live without it. Especially when I'm driving - but changing all the time stations (I know, it's not safe when you're a driver:lol:).

And I'm agree with candygirl that Dizz is our mecca of information:thumbsup:
Awww, Deirdre- I feel your pain as well. But YAY! with the good news.

Question- for any american listener of Erockster! Do you hear Eric as a DJ? or is that only online?
Well he's not really been a DJ on the online version. You do hear him every once in awhile with just the station promotions/identifiers. He is not the only one who does them though, but the most frequent person I've heard. The online version is basically just music all the time, which is wonderful.
Well actually a lot of internet radio stations hardly have any commercials, that is what is great about them. I've listened to others in the past and hardly ever had commercials that I can think of.
Are you living in heaven? LOL, ok, seriously. The worst thing in Polish radio stations are commercials. I hate them and they're taking so much time. They can last even five minutes! And it doesn't matter of what kind of station you'll take - with only pop music, rock, classic, whatever - commercials are everywhere.
Ah ok thanks for answering me that question Dizzney. Sight sounds like heaven, but still you can hear that.

The closest thing I got to Eric Szmanda was that Cut Copy are on a musical tv show in England lol. Yeah the radio stations are full of comercials too unless its Radio 1,2,3,4 cause the Tv Licence pays for the radio so no adverts.

Yeah I'm hearing what ure saying about the Ning ring, like the Greg Files, thats was owned by CBS?
No Greg Files was not...actually I know the girl who started the Greg Files. :lol: Ning is a social networking site that anyone can start something on. But Eric fans made SFT all about him when it should not have been. I mean I do not understand why people posted photos of him on the site. I am sure he knows what he looks like. :lol:

I keep having problems with erockster tonight cutting out on me. Perhaps it is because I also got football scores running on my computer at the same time as a ton of other things. :lol:
Haha, Dizzney, these computers are just not good enough with having multiple thigns running lol.

I don't think I've got anywhere close to hearing/seeing Eric on anything in the UK (except for online interviews and stuff) apart from CSI, which totally sucks.

And on the subject of radio commercials, god they grind on my nerves sooo much.
Ahhha see Dizzney- you really are the mecca of all Eric things. (we're not worthy, we're not worthy!)

*sigh* Bubbles my friend, I soo know how you're feeling as well.

:scream: theres sooo many fangirls- you all know the ones.

And as we're talking about Eric/Greg sites, the wiki- that was offical but now is not. Thats gone down hill too. :rolleyes: It used to be fun to post and to hear from other shipers like myself....

Us Eric and Greg fans do need to stick together.
I'm being very, very, very, very good and not looking at any spoilers whatsoever. I'm thrilled that we do have a Greg spoiler, and that you all seem to be very happy about it... but it's killing me!!! Lol! Hopefully when whatever the spoiler is about actually happens it will be a huge and wonderful surprise to me.

Eric's mother reads the fanmail... oh boy ;) Looks like I'll have to tone myself down then :p

BTW, the blueberries went mouldy so I had to use peaches instead to make the pancakes. They're still on offer if you'd like one.
Szmile - its good that you can stay away from spoilers. Sometimes surprises are much better. However if you do cave, be aware that spoilers are very addictive. Kinda like falling for Greg/Eric - you just can't get enough!!

As far as radio, commercials are the reason I don't listen to the radio while I am driving (only time I listen to music) instead I play CD's. I don't think I can even get erockster in the central US.

ErisSzmandaWeb is the only Eric site I visit, besides the forums like TalkCSI, & Blacktieaffair.
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Oh really? I visit EricSzmandaWeb, myself! LOL! What the blazes are they doing to the forums, for heaven's sake?!

I realised during Season 8 how addictive spoilers were. It really ruined it for me, which was part of the reason I hated 8. I never knew what was coming up in the other seasons and so it was all new and shiny. Season 8 I just thought "yeah, I know that, so what?"

I'm gagging to ask you about the Greg spoiler now! LOL! I shall behave and be strong. I'll watch it online in a month. Can't be doing with waiting until February. That is surely illegal under the "cruel and unusual punishment" rule?

EDIT: Been thinking about what the spoiler could be. Judging from your reactions I'm going to guess that it's something we've already discussed on here. So, I've come up with 2 scenarios:

1) His book will be published
2) He's getting a promotion.

If the correct answer is 2), then I will dance the Hokey Cokey up and down Mukwonago. You're all invited to join in :D
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I think that everyone visits EricSzmandaweb though, its our staple diet though right.

Hm, not gonna say what it is or isnt about. See spoilers lol.

Hm, blacktieaffair sounds nice. Need to google it.

Wojo I totally agree... And you know I agree with that right? Eric is an adiction, a good one like air or food or hm something else.
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