Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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Wojo I totally agree... And you know I agree with that right? Eric is an adiction, a good one like air or food or hm something else.

Hmm... Air is not addiction, food - it depends on the point of view. Anyway, both are important and we can't live without them... Just like with Eric, day without him never is a good day;)
And most of us are on here every day at some point or another, seeing if there's anything new on Eric/Greg, or any new discussion or whatever, which goes along with the whole addiction thing ;)

I really wish i could stay away from spoilers, but i'm just too weak... lol

And did I see pancakes again? Imagine waiting until February, man.... you're doing well keeping from the spoilers Szmile, I'm very impressed!
If the correct answer is 2), then I will dance the Hokey Cokey up and down Mukwonago. You're all invited to join in :D

Do you mean the Hokey Pokey, not Cokey?? :guffaw:

I am a spoiler junkie, I admit it.

A day without Eric?? Nooo...I must catch a glimpse at least daily to be fullfilled. Watching CSI on Spike right now. :D
I know, a day without something Eric is kinda mad. I always either come on here or watch CSI or both. Unless I'm totally 100% too busy ,then i'll still try. Plus my couple of printed out pics of Eric on my wall help me ;)

I thought it was the hokey cokey (wooah the hokey cokey, knees bent arms stretched, lol)
Ahh well I found out here in the US we call it Pokey and there in the UK you call it Cokey. I looked it up. Interesting...we just learned something. :lol:
The English (ie me) call it the Hokey Cokey :) It's you weirdo Americans who call it Pokey :p

Just found this. That's right folks, just click on the "Try this style" link and you too can create the Eric Szmanda look in the comfort of your own home!

If you do, please post the pictures :D
Haha awesome Szmile :) Please someone try it lol. I could on my cousin... Maybe not...

Why would 1 country call it pokey, and one cokey? Madness. :)
Haha awesome Szmile :) Please someone try it lol. I could on my cousin... Maybe not...

Why would 1 country call it pokey, and one cokey? Madness. :)

Well, I guess it's kind of like how there are different words for bathroom (loo, lavatory, etc) in different countries. Or elevator (ie: lift). :) But, I didn't know about the "cokey" thing. You learn something new every day, I guess. :D

I was watching my Season 5 dvds the other night and in one ep, Sofia says something about Greg's place being messy and Sara says "You've been to Greg's place?" And Sofia says, "Who hasn't?" I wonder if Greg had a party while Sara was in her AA class or something. :lol:
Well, he didn't invite us *sobs*
Hahaha, that cracked me up!!!

I think Greg's just a generally friendly guy who likes company and is always there for anyone, which is probably why sofia had been there. I think Sara has too, many a time as they're such good friends, I think she just wondered why Sofia had.
You know ppl, I would try and post a picture lol but :guffaw: you all know how hard it is from me to get it right.

Yeah I'm an addict of Eric/Greg. Many hours I have on msn discussing character development or the lack of.

Hokey, pokey sokey, as long as Eric's in the middle who cares? hahahahaha *sorry watching wayyy to much Will and Grace!*

I know it seems odd though that Sofia went to Gregs place and not Sara. Of course she's been to his place, but maybe not at the time. I wonder who has though?

OOh i've been watching a lot of Eric stuff on youtube. Some of it is classic... Very good and funny!
By Sara's comment, I think she was just surprised that Sofia had been to his place. I do not think she was saying it like she had not been. I mean Sara probably could not imagine Sofa at his place.

If you do the photo and send it to me I can post it for you. :lol:
Yeh, that's what I was trying to say Dizzney, you put it better than me lol. I think Sara has been to Greg's, and Nick (obv :)). I guess the others may have done for a get together or something.
By Sara's comment, I think she was just surprised that Sofia had been to his place. I do not think she was saying it like she had not been. I mean Sara probably could not imagine Sofa at his place.

If you do the photo and send it to me I can post it for you. :lol:

Exactly their on screen characters reflect their off screen brother/sister friendship. I meant Greg and Sara as well as Eric and Jorja !!!

I thought it was odd that Sofia had gone to Gregs house. Odd especially as we the viewers hadnt.

LOL No thanks, lol im not doing that lol, you have to be a member lol and i dont have the face for it, and u know what posting the picture would be a hassle lol.
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