Just watching the episode now - stone the blimmin' crows - GREG SANDERS IN THE INTERROGATION ROOM?!?! I just about had a heart attack!!!! Holy moly! *does stupid uncoordinated dance of flipping bloody happiness*
I think the writers have now found their niche with Greg - he does the sensitive stuff.
How much did Nick rock at the beginning of the ep?! Having said the above, the wroters are typecasting the actors - George- tough guy, Eric - sensitive sweetie. It would be nice to see Greg going hell for leather chasing after a suspect.
I think Riley's getting too much screentime. Work with the actors you've got, dammit.
Liked the bit at the end with Greg - as soon as I saw her I knew he'd be the one to process the scene. I actually think that since he'd met her before he would have been the last person chosen to process the scene.
Greg's/Eric's legs, while being stunningly long, are, well, a bit thin, don't you think?
Nice work again, Eric. And a good episode overall! This season is shaping up to be much better than the appalling 8.