Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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Well he was in some, about the same amount of time as last week I would say. He looked great as always, though. :D
Yeah I am totally use to his shorter hair now. He does look very good. And I love when he wears the coverall for some reason...he's just hot in it. :lol:
Ok, I agree but we better be careful or Destiny will come in here and hose us down!

I was happy with the amount of time we saw Greg and that it was spread out throughout the episode was nice too. Hopefully I'll have some screencaps soon.
Just watching the episode now - stone the blimmin' crows - GREG SANDERS IN THE INTERROGATION ROOM?!?! I just about had a heart attack!!!! Holy moly! *does stupid uncoordinated dance of flipping bloody happiness*

I think the writers have now found their niche with Greg - he does the sensitive stuff.

How much did Nick rock at the beginning of the ep?! Having said the above, the wroters are typecasting the actors - George- tough guy, Eric - sensitive sweetie. It would be nice to see Greg going hell for leather chasing after a suspect.

I think Riley's getting too much screentime. Work with the actors you've got, dammit.

Liked the bit at the end with Greg - as soon as I saw her I knew he'd be the one to process the scene. I actually think that since he'd met her before he would have been the last person chosen to process the scene.

Greg's/Eric's legs, while being stunningly long, are, well, a bit thin, don't you think?

Nice work again, Eric. And a good episode overall! This season is shaping up to be much better than the appalling 8.
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I was happy with the amount of time we saw Greg and that it was spread out throughout the episode was nice too. Hopefully I'll have some screencaps soon.

It's great that he had there some good onscreen time! And thought that I was afraid that not much Greg would be in last epi.

Greg's/Eric's legs, while being stunningly long, are, well, a bit thin, don't you think?

Maybe a little bit too thin but still perfect for me.
FYI - I posted some screencaps on the pic thread.

I saw Greg in the extended promo for next week.
Oh I just watched it and saw him briefly too. YAY!

I did love that he was alone in the interview room, plus alone at the scene in the end. Shows he is working solo more often now.
I don't think his legs are too thin. I remember seeing them (well, part of them) in a TV Guide story a couple of years ago, and they looked great to me. Those jeans he wears makes him look thinner than he really is, I think.
lol, couple years ago he had some extra weight, and he looked just gorgeous. Now he's skinny, it started from 8th season. He's so lucky to have such a fast metabolism. And still he looks awesome... well, like always.
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