I think most of us want that one specific relationship but I still do not see them actually going with that. But overall I would love for them to just tell us more about our Greggo that we already do not know.
Just more privet life of Greg
I'd like to see flirting Greg with someone but I want him in one "specific" relationship. I think that many of you agree with me, right
That one specific relationship:lol:
Anyway, you're right Dizz, we all really want to know more. About Nick we know a lot, even that he hates peanut butter. Small detail but nice to know, sometimes it's giving more than, for example, a big drama in past. It's making fictional characters more real for us (I hope it has sense, lol).
I never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather they avoid canon romance. I'd rather see them focus on exploring his character and giving some more general background info on his life than use character time exploring or creating a new relationship. I feel like any work on relationships is bound to disappoint somebody, be they The Love shippers or those who are uncomfortable with same-sex relationships. Personally, I have no problem with slash couples, and the Love is definitely growing on me (especially thanks to WMTDB and MsMaggs), but it seems inevitable that any slash romance would disappoint quite a few viewers, while any romance for Greggo that isn't the Love would disappoint the solid NG ship fan base. It feels like a no-win situation.
It seems preferable for TPTB to just continue to throw in subtext-y scenes between Greg and various possible romantic interests, and let shippers see in those scenes what they will. As long as there's fanfiction, then I for one don't really need on-screen romance. I honestly wonder if the writers could top some of the fanfiction I've read for Nick and Greg, and don't really want to see them try.
At the same time, I feel it's more the fanfiction author in me talking, because having less solid info on relationships, but more on characters' backgrounds (as well as more subtext and fun scenes between characters), creates a lot more potential for different fics, about different ships. It fuels the imaginations of viewers who want to be able to see something more between any combination of characters, if that makes any sense.
Anyways, for now I'm just crossing my fingers for more Greggo screen time. If Hodges gets more screentime than Greg again tonight, I'm gonna be peeved. If we're lucky, maybe TPTB will be kind enough to throw in more character drama/development/background in S9, but, given the attention Greg's gotten in the last few seasons (aside from the Fannysmacking arc), I really doubt it.