Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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I know the only reason I'd watch it would be for Eric ;) Just wondered if it was worth hunting around for? Oh i quite liked lying down with dogs too, I forgot that one, damn... Actually I liked GBaGL too, but my third favourite was A thousand days on earth, because I liked how Cath was wrong (strange i know). I've actually been quite impressed with season 8 on the whole, except for you kill me.

This is hilarious. I HATED ATDOE, although I loved the end (see, I DID pay attentionn :guffaw:) I hope that we get to see more of him in Season 9; if we don't the writers have seriously missed a wonderful opportunity. Conversely, and the total opposite to you, I ADORED YKM. David Berman totally stole the show, if you ask me. His wounded expression when Doc Robbins ordered him to get out was just sheer class :p

I just noticed that bubbles doesn't like YKM. Just like you Szmile I adored this epi. Really David Berman stole the show, I liked him the most in Greg's part. And Greg's expression about poor Wendy:lol: Oh, and "crunchy":lol:
I loved YKM too, Greg was pretty funny in it the way he changed the accident board. And oh I agree about Super Dave, he was very funny telling everyone there was no sign of sexual trauma and whispering it into Greg's ear really cracked me up. I wish they'd have given an explanation as to why Greg snapped at Grssom at the end, of course I bet TPTB meant it to be about Sara (because thats all they care about)
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Yeah YKM was a fun episode. Well maybe we will get an explanation about why Greg snapped at her this season.
I really liked the opening scene in Season 6 season opener where the whole group was walking together to the crime scene. It just said, "Hey, we're all back together again!" :lol: I loved it! And with the placement of everyone, it kind of makes me wonder. Cause you had Greg, Nicky and Cath on one side and Griss, Sara and Warrick on the other side. It's just kind of weird that the three that left/are leaving the show were all on the same side of the screen in that group scene. :lol:
I think that what Wojo said is the closest to the TPTB's truth. Surely it was about Sara. In my mind I have different explonation, but what can I know? My idea is far away from TPTB's one. Ehh... Would be nice to know for sure.
Yeah, it's just weird that it seemed to come out of nowhere. :lol: Greg just isn't the happy-go-lucky-bouncy guy he was in the past. He's more mellow now. He gets annoyed easier, etc. I think it must be the stress of the job. DNA is one thing, but seeing the horrific-ness of the crimes up close and personal is a lot for someone to take.
Well I still think it as about Sara why he was grumpy with Grissom. I mean as far as we know she left without saying goodbye to Greg and he thought he was really close to her. Or maybe he just blamed him for her leaving.
I guess I'm out-numbered on YKM then ;) David Berman was great in the first bit I acutally paid attention too, then I kind of drifted, I just didn't like it ;)

I would like to see a bit of explanation to why Greg snapped, because if there wasn't a 'real' reason for it, why would they have even put it in? It'd be good to find out why.
Even if Greg was upset about Sara not saying goodbye, why take it out on Grissom when everyone knew that Sara left of her own accord and that it really had nothing to do with Grissom?
That's cause when something like that happened you want someone to blame. Of course when it was really the reason of Greg's behaviour.
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