Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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I know the only reason I'd watch it would be for Eric ;) Just wondered if it was worth hunting around for? Oh i quite liked lying down with dogs too, I forgot that one, damn... Actually I liked GBaGL too, but my third favourite was A thousand days on earth, because I liked how Cath was wrong (strange i know). I've actually been quite impressed with season 8 on the whole, except for you kill me.
You might want to rent Little Athens first to see if you really want to own it. Or you could do what I did and buy a used DVD off Amazon of it like I did for real cheap. :) I buy a lot of used DVD's and they are always in perfect condition.
You might want to rent Little Athens first to see if you really want to own it. Or you could do what I did and buy a used DVD off Amazon of it like I did for real cheap. :) I buy a lot of used DVD's and they are always in perfect condition.

Aww see the thing is Little Athens is only avalable on region one discs.

As far as I know I cant even rent it!
My only problem is my... DVD player. I can watch only DVDs from region 2.

Candy, I see we agree in that point about Little Athens;)
The best solution. But for a new DVD player I need to wait a little bit... but not too long I think, I hope, lol.
But Deirdre, it all depends really on the sales, cause some stuff we wont be able to get. Yeah a region free dvd player etc would be idea, but alas poor student/dont work so cant afford it.

At least we have CSI lol!!!!
what region are you Deirdre? I know UK is 2, is US 1? I might have a scan around for Little athens, see how cheap i can find it...
Actually there are some multi-region DVD players out there for pretty cheap. I bought mine a year or so ago for $50.00.
what region are you Deirdre? I know UK is 2, is US 1? I might have a scan around for Little athens, see how cheap i can find it...

UK is in the same region like Europe - 2

I can get here cheap DVD player too. It's really not a problem.
Ooh, I thought it was, but then I got confused- an easy thing to happen :D

I'm so un-knowledgable I didn't know you could get multi-region DVD's, I tend to watch all on my laptop anyway.
As far as Little Athens goes, I really did not like the movie. I thought it was way too long and boring. The only reason I even bought and watched it was for Eric, his scenes were the best and the funniest, and kinda hot too! But just because I didn't like it does not mean you won't, it just wasn't my kind of movie.

My DVD player can play both regions 1 and 2 (thanks to my husband knowing how to make it do so) which is why I bought The Net from someone in the UK on Ebay.
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Well some do not say it but if you look online first you can find out which ones are multi-region. Mine was sold as a Region 1 but online I found a code you use and it will change it to a multi-region. Same with your computer if you have a dvd drive you can change the region on it, but that you can only change 7 times.

Overall I did not care for the movie that much either.
Szmile, season 8 is quite good. :) Eric is great in the episodes he's got a few scenes in :)

Aw, Eric is always great in anything he's in, that goes without saying :D

I love how he was criticising the US president. He's gone way up in my estimation (actually he's orbiting Mars round about now).

I know the only reason I'd watch it would be for Eric ;) Just wondered if it was worth hunting around for? Oh i quite liked lying down with dogs too, I forgot that one, damn... Actually I liked GBaGL too, but my third favourite was A thousand days on earth, because I liked how Cath was wrong (strange i know). I've actually been quite impressed with season 8 on the whole, except for you kill me.

This is hilarious. I HATED ATDOE, although I loved the end (see, I DID pay attentionn :guffaw:) I hope that we get to see more of him in Season 9; if we don't the writers have seriously missed a wonderful opportunity. Conversely, and the total opposite to you, I ADORED YKM. David Berman totally stole the show, if you ask me. His wounded expression when Doc Robbins ordered him to get out was just sheer class :p
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