Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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I was thinking that maybe he took her to dinner as a favor to Cath or something. :lol: Nothing dirty or "The Graduate" like. :lol: Just thought maybe she and Cath were supposed to go somewhere, but Cath got held up at work and asked Greg to fill in for her until she could meet them there. :lol:

I'm disappointed:lol:

"Hey, Greg. Can you take my mom to a dinner? I have no free time and I promised that we'll go to one fancy restaurant..." It's even cute scenario:lol:

Szmile, you're not the only one to eat this guy alive:devil::lol:
The hat by itself is kind of yeck... but it looks really good on him. :lol: On anyone else, that hat would be atrocious. Funny how he can make even not so attractive clothing look attractive. Hehe. :D
Hey everyone... Loving the pics of Greg in a hat and his character from the Net with pants on his head lol I snagged them all!!!

LOL personally Eric would look nice in nothing more than a pair of socks and a smile!

greg would look good in a plastic bin bag... or an old newspaper. Or anything... Or nothing :D..

Anyway. . . I loved Greg being taken out by Cath's mom to talk about old Vegas. And i love Greg's hats :D
I think that option "nothing" is the best:devil::lol:

I love his hats too. He really looked in them great.
I think we'll all agree on that one :D We are bad, lol :D There's something about him in a hat that is just so sexy.

Let's hope for hats in season 9 lol.
Hats? Bubbles, I want his tight trousers in next season. I don't mind hat too;)

Cause of this brown trousers I can watch Cockroaches ten times a day:lol:
How about tight trousers and hats together... Now that would probably kill me... Yeh, I've had to watch cockroaches a few times :)
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