Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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I can agree with you Candy that season was in some weak. But we can't forget about the strike so season was shorter. I guess also that many things were just underdone so I won't complain too much. They just hadn't enough time to make it more thorough I think. But no matter of the obstacles Eric had in 8th season great moments.
I can agree with you Candy that season was in some weak. But we can't forget about the strike so season was shorter. I guess also that many things were just underdone so I won't complain too much. They just hadn't enough time to make it more thorough I think. But no matter of the obstacles Eric had in 8th season great moments.

True that Deirdre, true that!

Hey I'm a fickle kinda person.

As long as we get to see Eric/Greg for more than say 20 seconds per show/episode,(Or lets say 10 minutes on a good day) and as long as he is (for the most) paired up with Nick/George I'm a happy bunny!

~BYW I'm still enjoying Eric's interview with the "Black Kids" band. That is my natrual anti-depressants, it really is! Just sooo cute interview.

I think S8 had a lot of great Greg stuff in it. I agree with Wojo. I enjoyed him in A La Cart (With Nick), Cross-Dressing Carp (just old mob story stuff was cute), Lying down with the Dogs and Bull (both with Nick). He also had a lot of good scenes in Grissom's Divine Comedy, The Theory of Everything, and I loved his bit in You Kill Me. Compared to season 7, only two episodes did we see him for like 30 seconds or less. There were more than 2 episodes in Season 7 where we barely saw him.
I think Season 8 on the whole was ok ( haven't seen last 2 episodes yet). I think Greg had a lot more airtime overall than in s7, except for the fact that ins he had the storyline. I thought there was quite a bit of good Greg in season 8 too. I thought he was great in A la cart too, and the mob story bit, and taking Lily out to dinner was too sweet :)

I guess the only thing he didn't have was a proper storyline, but only Sara and Warrick really did I guess.

And somebody mentioned Greg/Eric and tight trousers in the same sentence... :drool:Man are you trying to kill me ;)
And somebody mentioned Greg/Eric and tight trousers in the same sentence... :drool:Man are you trying to kill me ;)

Haha, that was me, bubbles. I hope you're still alive;)

I mentioned Greg in tight trousers from epi Cockroaches. When I saw it first time it was WOW. When I've seen epi again it was still the same feeling:lol: He looked really hot in this brown ones. I just hope that in next season we'll see him in the similiar pair of trousers (maybe he should borrow few from Nick?:lol:).
I'm just about still alive after that;)... I remember Cockroaches, but I just imagined even tighter trousers and well, I forgot what i was thinking after that...
I don't love this epi, only moments in it:lol:

GNRFan, I'm afraid to ask about what you were thinking when bubbles mentioned that Greg had a dinner with Cath's mom:lol:
I was thinking that maybe he took her to dinner as a favor to Cath or something. :lol: Nothing dirty or "The Graduate" like. :lol: Just thought maybe she and Cath were supposed to go somewhere, but Cath got held up at work and asked Greg to fill in for her until she could meet them there. :lol:
No they were going out to dinner so she could fill him in on more things from her days as Vegas Showgirl and dating Sam. She knew stuff about mob guys.
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