Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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Oh that's right. :lol: I forgot. I was thinking it came out this month, but I guess that was Miami Season 6 that I was thinking of. :lol:

I loved Who Shot Sherlock too.

What's the name of the ep where Greg does that film noir type of thing? The case surrounded a wedding and I think it's the same ep where Nick's vehicle got broken into. Which season is that ep?
Season 8 part one is out here I think.:confused: I'm sure i saw it in HMV today, :confused:it said free uv light and pen, and I giggled to myself about it.

Who shot sherlock was a great episode :)

Are you talking about Rashomama gregnickryanfan? That was a great episdode too :D Where Nick's car's stolen when they're eating? And the wedding? That's season 6
Someone said Rashomama? I love this episode! Greg was so cute there and his part of the story was just great. I can watch it and watch it. Definitely it's one of my favourite episodes.
Mine too, I loved Rashomama. It was like the old Greg, very funny. And season 8 comes out Oct 14th, I know because I pre-ordered it on
Definately in my top 5 episodes:) Greg was awesome in Rashomama, i loved that ep too :)
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Are you talking about Rashomama gregnickryanfan? That was a great episdode too :D Where Nick's car's stolen when they're eating? And the wedding? That's season 6

Oh, good. I have Season 6. I haven't got to watching it yet cause I just got it last month. I loved the film noir thing even though I probably couldn't stand to watch a whole movie in that format. :lol: Thanks! :) I couldn't remember which ep it was. :lol:

I'm definitely putting seasons 7 and 8 on my Christmas list... then I'll be caught up on the dvd sets. :lol:
I think Greg might have known about Grissom and Sara. I think that maybe Sara told him in strictest confidence right at the start of the relationship, and maybe Greg had hard time not telling those closest to him, because Sara had told him in the strctest confidence.

Just going to leap in here... for an explanation of how Greg knows about those two, listen to the commentary for Gum Drops.

I hated Season 8 with an unbridled passion. However, I bought the DVD on Monday (LOVING the UV pen!) and realised how absolutely SMOKING (yeah yeah, szmoking!) Eric was in that helicopter!! How unbelievable would it be to see him in a filnm where he was in the army and had to fly helicopters! I think I'd drown in my own drool.

I also loved seeing his long legs step over that crime tape in... whatever that episode was ;) And he was damn fine lookin' in A La Cart too, talking to that cart racing woman. Person. Ya know. It's too early for me to be typing this ;)

EDIT: you guys don'ty have Season 8 out on DVD yet? HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!! At last the UK beats the US! AHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!
Yeah but we get the new episodes before you do nanny nanny booboo! :lol:
And actually I have all of season 8 on my own dvd...well edited episodes.

Why do you hate Season 8?? It was a pretty good season.
I was watching the first disc of Season 6 just a bit ago and in one episode Bobby called Greg "Mr. Greg". :lol: I thought it was cute.

In "Room Service", the scene where Warrick and Nick were teasing Greg about being back in the DNA lab. They were saying maybe he was confused about whether he was supposed to be there or in the field. He told them "Will you guys just shut up?" :lol: Then said he was doing DNA as a favor to Ecklie. Earlier, Nick told Greg he needed to stop kissing up to Ecklie. :lol: Love all three guys teasing each other. It was just funny.
I hated Season 8 with an unbridled passion.

Hmmm... Why? It was a good season. Much Greg, much nice scenes with Nick...

I also loved seeing his long legs step over that crime tape in... whatever that episode was ;) And he was damn fine lookin' in A La Cart too, talking to that cart racing woman. Person. Ya know. It's too early for me to be typing this ;)

Cockroaches - that's epi with Greg's long legs;)
Hmmm... Why? It was a good season. Much Greg, much nice scenes with Nick...

I think it's hilarious how I seem to have been watching a different season 8 to everyone else. I didn't think there was nearly enough Greg, for one thing. He turns up for 2 seconds then buggers off again for the rest of the show. Just give the guy a damn storyline and let him follow through with it on screen, would ya?!

I think I've already been over why I hate 8 in this thread already and I'm too lazy to say it all again ;)
It's a very good point. Of course we haven't there any storyline for Greg (except mentioning his book, but it's not enough). We can hope that in next season (after all these spoilers) he'll be often and with storylines.

I can't hate 8th season cause of Greg's long legs. Hey, maybe in new epis we'll see him again in these tight trousers? Please! More legs!;):lol:
I thought there was only a small amount of episodes that Greg had little screentime, most of season 8 IMO was really good for Greg. Remeber S8 was a short season due to the writers strike. My fave ep though was 'Bull' because it was a really good episode, Greg was adorable in it, and he worked with Nick (which I always love) but I love bull riding in general and watch it every weekend.

I do hope we got more of him in season 9 though.
Ahh but overal season 8 was kinda week for me! Sorry guys.

I mean the only highlight for me was well Eric being paired up with George again! YAY.

But over all season 8 was kinda weak. The season opener, blah... the horror done bad was ok, as it was taking the rise out of all horror movies etc, but blah still a week episode.:wtf:

I'm still unsure about the cross over~ althought it was good seing Grissom out of his comfort zone! in the Without a trace end (and the whole story line was ok, but kinda wanted both shows to have a balance!)

Sorry I can feel all your eyes glaring at me lol:eek:

Just kinda sucks that two characters leave in the same series/season.:shifty:

The only highlight was seeing more Eric ~ YAY!!!

I'm just a hard person to please!
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