Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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One episode in Season five (the title escapes me at the moment), Sara and Greg are working on a case and they find all of this information on their own and tell Grissom and he looks proud and says "Wow. You guys are rendering me obsolete." :lol: And the students surpass the master. Hehe. It was great. It was kind of his way of saying "I am proud of you both."
That was in "Complusion". Greg even lowered his head and seemed to blush at the compliment in that scene. It was so cute.
Yeah I thought so too. But the "Student becomes the master" comment was to Sara and it was the first ep of season 6. They were discussing finding bite marks on sticky buns!

I hope this season we got some good Greg/Sara interaction while Sara is back, I have always loved their friendship (even though her and GSR ruined CSI for me).
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Yeah I thought so too. But the "Student becomes the master" comment was to Sara and it was the first ep of season 6. They were discussing finding bite marks on sticky buns!

Yeah, I know. That's just what I said after seeing that scene in "Compulsion". :lol:
Hi guys,

I just started watching season 8. Like I said on another thread, Greg looks more confident (espicially in A la Cart). I think he has gotten over what happened in Fannysmaking. At least he does not look like a wet puppy anymore (i mean that in the nicest way).
I agree, Greg has some great moments in season 8. You have some really good episodes to look forward to. My fave from S8 was 'Bull' - Greg works with Nick and it's just a funny and interesting ep.

Hey everyone!!!

In my opinon season eight is the better seasons for not only the love (case wise) but also for Greg!

I liked "Bull" as well, very good moments!
True that eighth season is also good for Greg. He had there few really good moments like in Bull or A La Cart. Today I need to watch some re-runs. I always need to do it again when we start to talk about this season.
You know what scene I like in Ala Cart-the one where Greg and Nick start chasing the guy. Really drool worthy!

This is my first post in the Greg thread..hey everyone! Greggo/Eric rocks...
True, I wish they would have showed Greg running too though. Welcome to the Greg/Eric thread myfuturecsi. (lots of Love fans here)

I don't think Greg really know about Gris/Sara though, I think he was just messing with Nick. Just to be funny.
Agree with you Wojo about messing with Nick. Greg's always pretending that he knows more than he really knows about relationships, girls etc. It's really cute:lol:

BTW, someone needs to explain this big phenomenon that the most of Eric/Greg's fans here are Love shippers... Hmm...:shifty::guffaw:

Oh, my manners... hello myfuturecsi!
Agree with you Wojo about messing with Nick. Greg's always pretending that he knows more than he really knows about relationships, girls etc. It's really cute:lol:

BTW, someone needs to explain this big phenomenon that the most of Eric/Greg's fans here are Love shippers... Hmm...:shifty::guffaw:

I dunno I think Greg might have had a clue about Sara and Grissom's relationship, because overall they were really close friends.

I just think we see the natural chemistry between the two handsome men. :D

Welcome, myfuturecsi.:)
Welcome in here myfutuurecsi :)

I think Greg might have known about Grissom and Sara. I think that maybe Sara told him in strictest confidence right at the start of the relationship, and maybe Greg had hard time not telling those closest to him, because Sara had told him in the strctest confidence.

I think its funny that a lot of Greg/Eric fans are Love fans too. It is a phenomenom :D
I was watching "Ch-Ch-Changes" again last night (I wasn't ready to go to sleep and it was on so...) and Nick tells Rick something about the distance from one spot to the crime scene and then he goes, "I had Greg run it." And he had a little smirk on his face. :lol: Rick laughed and said "nice". Hehe. Nick delegated responsiblity to Greg. haha.

Oh, I wish I had season 8 on dvd (if season 7 and 8 would ever get cheap enough I might lol). I'd like to see "Bull" And "Ala cart" again. :lol:
Season 8 is not out yet on DVD, so no one has it. :lol: It comes out in October though here.

Just watched Who Shot Sherlock...I love him in that episode. :D
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