Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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Season 6 he mentioned he did Tae Bo at the gym to Nick of all people. ;)

I believe you mean muai tai. Excuse the spelling.

Hmm sorry I was posting that just as I woke up for work at 2:30 am. :lol: I only got like 3 hours sleep...but you are right. I remember now it was muay tai.

:hugegrin: New erockster interview.

Eric talking with his hands all the time reminds me so much of me. I had an interview today and I was trying so hard to not talk with my hands but it did not happen. :lol:
Nice, too bad no close ups though. I thought it was interesting the way he held his feet (don't know why) with one on top the other. Also that the band lives in Omaha which I am very familiar with because I live near there.
Well the end part, all about Erockster was new and showed him closer up than in the interview. He was wearing that one black leather jacket he has.

Yeah I noticed how he had his feet too because I think on occasion I have done similar to that.
I think what made his feet stand out what that he had on light colored shoes and was wearing all darker colored clothes. I must admit the Black and White always annoys me. :lol:
:hugegrin: New erockster interview.

Eric talking with his hands all the time reminds me so much of me. I had an interview today and I was trying so hard to not talk with my hands but it did not happen. :lol:

Wahoo! I noticed he talks with his hands too. It makes me laugh, it's really endearing. Have you noticed as well that he never sits with his legs closed?

I have to say I really love his Santogold interview. Santoooooogoooooooooold. Lol love him.

I agree totally about the black and white thing! What is with that?

Doesn't he always seem to be grabbing his feet? Didn't I mention that previously? I wonder what a body language expert would make of him.
Hmmm, well I looked it up and here is what some of it says...
Sitting, legs apart =Open, relaxed
Hands folded=timid shy

And they say when you talk with your hands you are very animated.
I found this little quote too.
Although some might frown on this method of communication, it has been found that the use of body language helps illustrate a point or punctuate a story. Also, the people who use their hands seem to be more eloquent, speak more quickly, use fewer verbal pauses and repeat themselves less. Hand gestures act as a mental bridge between spatial concepts and words--helping us come up with the right word we’re looking for. So go ahead--talk with your hands.
Eric didn't need to stop his hands while he was talking. Funny, but I trust more people when they're making some gestures by their hands.

And legs. I was afraid about his one foot. I hope it wasn't numb after the interview.
I always thought people who talk with their hands are confident. I never know where to put my hands when I'm stood up talking, like doing a rpesentation or something.
Actually, talking with hands is making me more confident than I am normally. That's why I think that Eric really didn't need to stop his hands. Using gestures is more natural than sitting like the statue. I can't imagine myself during the representation and not using my hands, lol.
I guess body language is an interesting thing. And I guess it depends on the individual, I mean the difference between just me and you Deirdre shows that. I guess it's natural to use your hands when talking, a lot of the time you don't notice it, with me it's just when i'm nervous, i think about everything more, and therefor my hands don't move as they naturally would. lol.

I guess he didn't need to stop his hands. I always imagine him as beign the kind of person who would always without fail have kind of a flamboyant movement of his hands when talking. I don't know why, I'd never really noticed him not doing it before. It's interesting.
I use my hands even while talking on the phone. Since my job I am on the phone all day, you could walk by me and probably see me waving my hands around. :lol:

I do not think we said he needed to stop talking with his hands, did we?? Even on CSI I have always noticed that he talks with his hands a lot. I always think of the one scene in Season 6 Episode, Time of your life when Greg is describing how he use to love acting out movies from the one producer when he was a kid. He was so animated in that scene. And I loved Grissom's response.

Greg: Mick Sheridan the movie producer? I grew up watching his action
blockbusters -car chases, ninjas, cyborg death machines. We used to make body
armor out of tinfoil, and re-enact the scene all over the neighborhood. What
about you? You were a green beret kid? Secret agent?

GRISSOM: I'm not telling. And stay away from my tinfoil

I do not think we said he needed to stop talking with his hands, did we??

Actually I said:lol: It was one moment when he stopped his hands. It wasn't something big but it's easy for me to catch such a things.

Greg: Mick Sheridan the movie producer? I grew up watching his action
blockbusters -car chases, ninjas, cyborg death machines. We used to make body
armor out of tinfoil, and re-enact the scene all over the neighborhood. What
about you? You were a green beret kid? Secret agent?

GRISSOM: I'm not telling. And stay away from my tinfoil


:lol: I love this too
"Stay away from my tinfoil!" ROTFL! :guffaw:There were so many good Greg/Grissom scenes. I still think my favorite is the mildew one. I hope we get some good scenes with those two before Grissom leaves. I want to hear Grissom tell Greg how proud he is of him and stuff... cause I think Greg looks up to Grissom and thinks of him as a second father. It would definitely be good for Greg's confidence to hear Grissom tell him that he is proud of him.
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