Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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Oh my oh yes Dizzney

Grissom is very proud of Greg that is for sure, but bless him, cause I do have a soft spot for Grissom. He's soo cool on many many levels, a character that I can identify with.... He does try and stay clear of all 'ofice politics, what he said, what she said' etc..

I just hope lets say no more CSI till season 9 then I wanna see Greg premoted to level 2.

He must've done enough now to become level 2.
Yeah, let's hope Greg will be level 2 CSI guy who becomes a famous writer around the world and a mature man who has a great sense of humour in season 9 :)
I'd love to see Greg start working on his Ph.D.

I also love to watch Greg and Grissom working together. It's comical how they try to one-up each other with the quips. So cute! And I agree that Grissom is proud of Greg's work. He knows Greg has the brains, and Greg has matured a lot over the past couple of years. Give that man a CSI Level-II promotion! He's overdue for it.
Yeah maybe once the writers are back we need to start a petition to make Greg a CSI Level II on the show...and I mean actually show him getting the promotion on the show. That would be nice.
It would be nice to see him get lvl 2 on the show, but he's only been a lvl 1 for a few years. Does he have the required amount of cases to recieve it?
He's been a level 1 for 3 years now...I think he probably has had enough cases to reach it. Everyone else on the show is Level is time for him to go the next level.
Maybe now that the big problem is out of the way they can focus on the rest of the CSIs, like Greg and getting his promotion.

But by the looks of the goings on it's going to be a very long time till we get anything new.
I agree with Dizzney that perhaps we should petition the writers to show Greg getting his CSI Level 2 grade.

The writers can "invent" that Greg has gotten enough cases under his belt because time seems to go by quickly in magical TV land. Very few fans would be the wiser. I'm all for rushing his CSI Level II promotion. Let's see him get some kind of a reward for God's sake. It would be a nice perk for both Greg and his fans.
It's a very well thought out idea and I'm all for it as well. But with the writer's contracts terminated and no sort of second string writing team in sight, to whom would we try directing this? The studios aren't making head way on anything.

Sadly there isn't going to be anything new for this season and S9 looks to be on the skids as well. At this rate we may never know what happens to Greg or anyone and frankly it sucks.
Well my suggestion was to start one once the writers' strike is over. Not now due to no one to really direct it too.

Ugh, I really hate this strike...they are ruining my tv fun. I need more Greg.
I did contact David Rambo (CSI writer) shorty after the strike began and suggested that Greg be promoted...
Excellent, Wojo! I didn't know you had Mr. Rambo's ear. Did you actually speak to him, and if so, did he agree with you? I hope so.

Dizzney said:
Ugh, I really hate this strike...they are ruining my tv fun. I need more Greg.

Me too. I love all the pics on this thread. <3 My friend & I have fallen totally and hopelessly in love with Greg/Eric... So this thread is like heaven. :D
To get some action on this thread again, if you could see Eric on another show, what show would it be? I'll tell my answers later on. :)
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