Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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It would be nice if the shows could be bac or Feburary sweeps....but that seems like a long shot at this point.

Fall seems like a better bet. Just hope the writers haven't forgotten about the great arc they are working with Greg and the book.
Ah true true, very true, but also knowing the continuity on that show lol..... Who knows..... So its up to us fans then so they can not forget about that story line...

As well they've got nothing else to do, write to them Gregers and Greggets tell Eric that you dont want that storyline to go away...
Indeed. Though being named on that ET list...perhaps some of the writers and such have taken to reading this site. Then they would know how we really feel about Eric/Greg and the story lines anf archs....also lack of story lines and archs.
For me it was perfect. I've given my detailed interpretation on the shipper section... The evidence never lies...

It was a great Greg episode. Anytime Greg is with Nick it makes my day.

See how mature he is, especially when Wendy did the speach about the cow's and the sheep to Nick. Greg stepped in and saved the day for Nick...
Although I can remember the days when it would have been him saying a story like Wendy was. :lol:
Greg did well even handling the bull stimulater, there were times that he would have been making jokes and waving it around the lab.

I'm glad they are showing his mature side it shows he's taking the new position seriously, and proving that Grissom made the right choice in letting him out of the lab.
Yeah me too, although I do miss some of his humorous side. Overall I miss his big smile. He just does not seem to smile as much overall.
Greg was great in last night's episode!
To me, Greg has been getting more and more mature. But is it just me noticing this, or is it just until recently he's been more stiff than usual? He was a bit looser last season, even towards the end.
Yeah I guess that is what I mean, Skell. He is more stiff this season. I do not know if he is being written to be that way or it is just Eric? I think it is just the writing, not putting much into his character.
Maybe the writers will reveal a reason later -- if there is one.
Whenever... the writer's strike ends... D:
How is that going, anyway? Does anyone know?
It would be nice if there was a real reason for the way he has been this season, although he seems to have been more stiff since Sara left. Could it be that left over crush he had on her and missing her?

The writer's will not end soon enough as far as I am concerned.
I'm with you on that, Dizzney, about Greg feeling hurt after Sara leaving. But it's something I don't think will be elaborated on.

D: How far are they in making a deal? This wait is killing me.
I really have no idea about the writer's strike. I know there is a group of actors and stuff trying to get them back to negotiations.

Nah, I doubt they will elaborate on Greg missing Sara. I am just hoping they do not forget about the Book thing.
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