Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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Not much Greg last night but he did find the crucial evidence that lead to the killer! Plus it was nice to see a few scenes with him and Nick. He looked great as usual - I have posted screen caps on the pic thread.
What are the stand-out episodes for greg in the entire CSI history? I saw the sherlock episode last night and I think that was one.
Who Shot Sherlock is definitely one, along with Viva Las Vegas from Season 5. I also think Fannysmackin', Post Mortem, and Big Shots from Season 7. I can name more when my head is clearer. :lol:
One of my favorite Greg episodes was back in season 4 when he posed as a coin collector and tricked that guy into showing him a murdered man's coin collection. Then he accompanied Grissom and the cops to the bad guy's business and was absolutely relishing that he got to be there for the bust. Grissom and Greg were so cute together in that episode.
Yeah Chasing the Bus was one of my faves too due to that reason. Also Playing with Fire from S3 was good because it was the first time Greg serious storyline (but one that was hardly followed through).
S6 had some of my faves too.
i liked chasing the bus too.
playing with fire made me sad =( i liked the fact that catherine got a wake up call. like the fact that Sara made the first move with Grissom..hated the fact that poor greggo got practically blown up. :(
Well with what repeats that are going to be on we should be getting at least some Greg time per ep.

Just wish they hadn't choose to repeat those 2 eps....
Another one one of my favorite Greg episodes was No Humans Involved. Greg had really rough night. :(

Another good one for Greg angst is Spark of Life. I really liked the scene with Sofia in the locker room.
Yeah I love Spark of Life for Greg angst. I thought Eric was really good in that episode.
I found this on the web; I think the person who wrote this has nevr seen ANY CSI before. Read the last line.

DEEJAY Marky Ramone spinning against a backdrop of rock and pop-culture relics at the new Hilfiger Denim store in SoHo for the likes of Eric Szmanda from "CSI Miami" and Traver Rains of Heatherette.
:lol: Wow they must have had a bit too much to drink. Or it was a misprint...the page editor might have gotten mixed up or couldn't read hand writing. But it's a glaring error none the less.

Thanks for the head up, Churchmouse! :)
Wow - someone didn't do their homework! That is one rather large goofus who would mistake Eric's top of the line TV drama with one that is a complete laughfest. The only thing CSI LV has in common with CSI Miami is the "CSI" in its title.
Totally agree Toots, I hate everything about CSI:Miami and associating Eric with that show is an insult IMHO.
As if somebody actually wrote that though, I mean they were either drunk, or need sacking! Misprint hmph, and poor Eric, they don't know which CSI he belongs too :( he couldn't belong to any but the best!
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