Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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A few weeks back someone mentioned reading "CSI Magazine", and had gotten some pretty good spoilers from it, so I've been to Barnes & Noble and Borders Bookstore several times looking for those issues. No luck. I see issues of "Lost", "Grey's Anatomy", and several science fiction shows, but no CSI. I wonder why the bookstores seem to not carry CSI Magazine, at least not here in central Texas?
I just bought it last night. It only came on the shelves yesterday. Overall I was not overly impressed with the magazine.
So Dizzney how much of Greg was in the mag if at all? I thought it wasn't coming out until the 15th, I better look for it.
He was hardly in it at all. I mean like two or 3 little photos and in a Character description thing.

I bought mine at Books-A-Million. I have membership there.
Thanks for the scans, now I won't have to buy a copy. LOL

Looks like the give Greggo the same attention as everyone else does, i.e. none. (sad but true.)

At least they don't still have him down as a lab tech. I seen many that still do. :rolleyes:
Hey there all,

I just bought the new TV Guide. Mainly for the Heroes cover... And they have a special on Sara's last episode. They have their top 5 Sara moments. The moment for season 3 is "Playing with Fire". The paragraph on it bascially says how brave Sara was for surviving the lab explosion. It doesn't mention Greg at all. Because Greg wasn't hurt in the least. A few scratches on her head and a gash on her palm is MUCH worse than being hospitalized and suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

I'm sorry for the rant, but that really got me angry. I <3 Greg.
Yeah I saw that too but they were talking about Sara moments so that is why I managed to let it pass. But overall I do not think it was a top moment for Sara.
I was flipping though TV Guide and the CSI magazine...and Eric got gyped, majorly. They had articles about Paul and Robert. But he ewas mentioned in meet the team and then a cast shot...from 2 year ago.

And the TV Guide...talked about Sara's moment...the lab explosion was more of a Greg thing all she got was cuts form glass....he was in the hospital with burns and a consussion. But yet it's a Sara moment. RAWR!

Sorry....just makes me mad Eric's not getting the recognition and press he deserves.
That does suck and makes no sense to me at all.

As for the pics - doesnt matter to me. He is cute in all pictures!
Well he maybe featured in the next issue of CSI magazine, but of course we have to wait until like May to see the next LV one. :lol:
So it was nice to see Greg in this week's episode more than I expected him to have airtime. Also very nice that he was working with Nick again. :D
Yeah I agree, it's about time that Greg work with Nick. I've always loved their scenes together when Greg was in the lab. Its fun to watch. Now that Sara is gone I hope to see it happen more often.

btw- I posted caps of this weeks ep on the pic thread.

also don't forget to vote as aften as you can for CSI for a people's choice award. vote here
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