Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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I agree Wojo, some characters are getting all the screen time and it's not fair to the fan who like the how well rounded the show used to be.

I saw the pic of Greg from the crossover and I'm excited for his screen time this week!
Yeah as long as he gets pretty much equal screen time that is all I care about too. He had the major storyline last season. I do not see them giving him another one this one.

Yeah I was happy to see that pic too from the crossover ep. Now I have hope for this week's ep. And he's with Catherine of my secret ships. :lol:
Yeah! I was worried he wouldn't have any screen time this week! I have been loving him this season!
Well he was on in the beginning of this week's ep. Actually I was surprised when he first showed up on screen. I was not expecting him. :lol:
Me too, it was a pleasant surprise. His screen time was way better than I expected and he sure looked fine!!!
Yeah, he was onscreen for more then two seconds! :lol:

but he and Rick kinda disapeared after the first 15 minutes or so.

Here's hoping we get more next week.
Of course, all I expect to see is major Sara angst. :rolleyes:

The two are friends so he may show up and after next week they'll be more time available anyway.
I'm starting to think that a private eye should be hired to find where some CSIs goes between the crime scene and the lab. Somtimes Greg seems to get distracted and randomly wonder off....

That reminds of a scene from Bodies in Motion episode #601
when Greg and Sara are figuring out where the primary crime scene is and Hodges tells them his results.

Greg randomly walked out of the scene. He returned a moment later with his stereo.
Well in that episode he discovered a clue in the statement on the computer and went out to get his stereo to follow up on that clue which helped figure out who the killer was.

But yeah, I know. I thought it was weird how he was not in the scene around the table in this episode. I mean he had been working on the case, then you see Nick, Warrick, Catherine, Grissom and Jack all around the table at the Lab talking about the case and where was Greg? He was working on that case. I sometimes think he plays hookey a lot from work, that's why he is never there. :lol:
Dizzney said:

But yeah, I know. I thought it was weird how he was not in the scene around the table in this episode. I mean he had been working on the case, then you see Nick, Warrick, Catherine, Grissom and Jack all around the table at the Lab talking about the case and where was Greg? He was working on that case. I sometimes think he plays hookey a lot from work, that's why he is never there. :lol:

When I see scenes like this it really angers me, I sometimes feel like the writers don't seem to think Greg is as important as the others. It ticks me off and I think he deserves more respect than that. Its a wonder Eric doesn't follow Jorja and leave. I am hoping once Sara is gone he will have a more promenant role. One can dream.
I really hope he will.

Sara fans, don't take this the wrong way, but the cast is all ready too big and Sara's leaving may help the show be a bit more balanced when it comes to screentime for everyone.

I don't want TPTB to replace her right away for that reason.
Vegas has always had a prominent cast, even when Greg was taking the CSI tests there were times that his testing was barely there.

The opening up of a position means that the rest can spread out and hopfuly have the time that they deserve, especially Greg.

Now if the writers strike will end...perhaps we can pitch some ideas to them!
There are too many secondary characters vying for airtime now. I mean - for example - a whole episode with more of Wendy, Henry and Hodges than of Warrick? I love the lab rats, but giving over time each episode means displacing primary characters, you know, the ones we tend to watch the programme for in the first place?

Whinge over :D
Who's Warrick? Oh yeah I remember him! According to the spoilers I read Warrick is gonna get some drama this season. I just hope Greg gets his fair share, story line or not I just want to see more of him on screen.

BTW- CSI is nominated for a PCA (peoples choice award) go vote
Well I think we all agree Greg just is not on enough as he should be. I really do hope with Sara leaving we see him more, but this whole writer's strike does change things.
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