Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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Well maybe he is irritated Sara, his close friend is gone and Grissom did not go after her. I dunno. I have a feeling it will not be addressed in future eps.
Doesn't suprise me that it probably won't be addressed, TPTB is notorious for not following up on stuff.

Still if he was angry he should have stopped and told Grissom so, Nick and Cath did. It's better to get it out then bottle it all up.
Haven't been over in these parts forever. I still love Eric/Greg. Ha

Greggo needs to let go of his angry or whatever. I love Greg. i don't want to see him mad. Hopefully it will be expalied laster.
Folks lets becareful discussing tonights episode not all the time zones have seen it yet, so they don't want to know what is happening. Thank you much. :)
That part irritated me, not because of Greg's anger but because there was absolutely no explanation that lead up to his testiness towards Grissom. Was he mad at Hodges for some reason or because Sara left without saying goodbye? We'll never know I guess. On the other hand it's good to see some raw emotion from Greg now and then.

I hope to get some screen caps up soon.
I rewatched the ep and here is my theory:

Perhaps Greg got wind of how dumb Hodges' thinking experiment made him look. And Hodges could have made Greg out to be like that because he's jealous that Greg got out of the lab and is working with Grissom so closely. Greg is a very smart guy and to be made look stupid by Hodges would send the most even tempered person over the edge. So his anger might have just been added to what he said to Grissom along with the long shift he already pulled.
Although that reason is possible, I think Greg was oblivious to the game idea. He didn't come from the room Hodges was in, he rounded a corner...

I think his anger has to do with Sara's leave. I hope they cover it in a future episode.
Just because Greg wasn't coming from the room Hodges was in doesn't mean that someone else didn't tell him what was going on. He's still friends with the rest of the Lab Rats. They could have told about the idea Hodges was throwing around.
wolfesgamergirl said:
Just because Greg wasn't coming from the room Hodges was in doesn't mean that someone else didn't tell him what was going on. He's still friends with the rest of the Lab Rats. They could have told about the idea Hodges was throwing around.

That's possible, too. :3
I guess this will be clarified if they don't talk about what happened in a future episode. Wonder when that will be...
I do think his anger was directed towards Grissom though probably due to Sara being gone. I just hope they do address it again but knowing the writer's they probably will not.
Dizzney said:
I do think his anger was directed towards Grissom though probably due to Sara being gone. I just hope they do address it again but knowing the writer's they probably will not.

Are the writers of CSI known for ignoring things? D:
The only things that has been the same is GSR, other than that the small details tend to be forgotten/omitted.

So if they do bring it up it'll be a huge suprise.
Well you know maybe Greg was just having a bad night and was tired and pissed, it happens. May be just that innocent.
That is possible I mean I can remember that one episode during season 3 where he was in fowl mood for no reason. The one where he yelled at Nick and Warrick to get out of his lab. People do have bad moods occasionally.

I was just noticing how when he walked down that hall, he had his head tilted to the side the whole time, almost like he has a stiff neck. Even when he glanced at Grissom he turned his head weirdly.
wolfesgamergirl said:
The only things that has been the same is GSR, other than that the small details tend to be forgotten/omitted.

So if they do bring it up it'll be a huge suprise.

That's a shame...
A neck ache? I didn't notice that... hmmm... possible. Poor guy, always overworked!
I guess we'll have to see what is written for our beloved Greggo. Can't wait.
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