Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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I am wondering what his part will be in this week's episode. I saw him for a brief second on the preview for the episode. I wonder if he will have a bickering scene with Hodges. They have not had one in awhile. :lol:
Last time that anything happened, that I can recall, was Lab Rats. And I still laugh when thinking about that scene.

I justhope Eric gets more deserved screen time, he's been pushed out soo much lately.
Yeah and I feel that sometimes he is just at scenes to take pictures and that is it. He always has a camera in his hand. :lol:
I've noticed the camera a lot too. And when he was training it was a lot of drawings of the scenes. Now it's here is an odd job to do, you may be a CSI level 1 but it's like a janatorial position.
Yeah he gets all the grunt work.

I still really hope that one of these days we get to see him actually be promoted to CSI Level 2, especially now that Sara is gone.
He's more than earned being a CSI lvl 2, look at everything he's been though in S7. Sometimes I think he's the hardest worker but it's never seen.
I wrote to Eric back in July and I received a short letter and autographed photo from him today. It is the same photo that Wojo got last time. Less than 6 months...I am impressed. :D
I'm just posting here because it's been quiet here lately. I hope Eric enjoys a nice Thanksgiving with his family tomorrow. I wonder if he is even in Wisconsin for the holiday? It's lovely to hope/think he's at home with his parents, brothers, and other relatives in the cold Wisconsin winter celebrating such a wonderful and uniquely American holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving Eric!
That's great Dizzney, that is such an adorable photo he sent us! It would be cool for Eric to celebrate the holidays with his family, but I think CSI might still be in filming until next week because of the strike so he may not.

btw - reminder, don't forget to vote for CSI for a people's choice award
Well my autograph was sent out from Arizona and I know he has family there too because he mentioned it in one interview, so maybe he will be there for Thanksgiving too. But I think Wojo is right about them filming until next week...although I am sure they have off the holiday itself.

I've voted a couple times already ;)
I'd be surprised if they were filming episodes at this time. Even actors get big holidays off. And I'd find it really hard to believe they'd be filming episodes during the writers strike. I mean, if a scene needed to be rewritten during filming, and I feel sure it happens a lot, who would be there to rewrite the scene? It's not going to write itself.
Marg said in an interview last week that they were filming through the 28 or 29 of November and then that would be it, so they still have some bit to film.

I get a feeling we will not see too much of Greg in tomorrow night's episode. I hope I am wrong.
That sort of episode pretty much screams "needs lots of Greg", but we didn't get much of him in "Lab Rats" (thought his bit was great), so yeah, I'm with you Dizzney. We won't see much of him, even though we should.
What I don't like is they give all the comedy to Hodges now and Greg hardly sees any of it. :(
What the heck?! Why was Greg so angsty towards Grissom? To respond to "Good night, Greg." with "Yea, whatever." Makes me wonder what they are doing to him.
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