Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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I honestly don't know what I'd do. I would want to talk with him but I might not have the guts to do it, I'd be very nervous.
Hm, ok, so this question has been already asked, I asked it myself actually, that's why I remember :p But it's always good to hear it again, new people can be around.

Anyway, as I said before, and just because I am lazy to type everything again, I'll just quote myself
But anyway, who am I trying to convince that I would be able to even try to see where he was. If he really was there, I would look to the ground, trying not looking at him so he won't notice I knew him And trying to be as far away from him as I could. Yeah, I know, stupid super shy thing
Yeah, this is what I would do. Hiding in the next corner would be there too. I would probably get so nervous that my legs could start shaking. But I just remembered another thing...If I ever saw him on the street, I would think I was imagining it was him, confusing him with some other guy, and not even believing my eyes. Probably I will never know for sure if it was him or not :rolleyes: Ok, I am going too far :p I'm facing it, I will never see him.

Hm, ok, so I have a question to keep this thread going. How would you describe Greg's type of woman? Which type of woman do you see as being his type, in his mind? (we all know love can play a trick everytime and surprise him but anyway) This can either related to appearance and/or personality. Random question, I know. Please don't get shippy either :rolleyes:
Well, since Greg is an equal opportunity flirter, (meaning he flirts with everyone) it's hard to say. I see him liking someone who is smart and funny and maybe a bit shy because I think he'd enjoy making her blush. (I think Eric said that in an interview once)
People are usually inclined to someone who resemble with them at some respects. And some points they opposite to each other which make them more helpful to live with. I imagine his type of woman could have a confident manner and professional, but at some points has weak and soft aspect which would make Greg’s job more easily :rolleyes:
Yeah Nick has a pretty hot body but the rugged-square jaw look and piercing eyes is not my thing. Greg is the man! He may not be muscular but he's well toned and I am warm for his form.

I like them both together like Ice cream and cake. *See Avi*
Good questions! I agree with you, I can see Greg with almost anyone, but as Wojo said, I think someone smart and a little shy would be cute for him.

And by the way, I had then a 'guilt' feeling because I only said "women" in my question. I really didn't think of it much, because I suppose Greg can always be with a guy. And that's ok. But for some reason I think he likes women :rolleyes: Do we actually have any proof of that? I feel bad now :rolleyes:

Anyway, I obviously think Eric is cute. Who doesn't wouldn't probably come here anyway, as debje said.
Hey all, CBS is re-airing Leapin Lizards this Thursday, another great Greg episode. The bite, the morph, the crazy laugh, all in all a fun episode.
well with the relation(s) etc.. he has/had with Sara or Catherine etc, Greg likes teasing. i think he can really have a love affair with a girl not shy who has character. with Sara, he liked to try all kind of things knowing it wouldn't be easy..
and also for us to watch, Greg teasing all the time hiding his shyness, i suppose it would be great and funny to see him and a girl playing the game of the mouse and the cat...
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