Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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Wojo said:
Yeah Nick has a pretty hot body but the rugged-square jaw look and piercing eyes is not my thing. Greg is the man! He may not be muscular but he's well toned and I am warm for his form.

I like them both together like Ice cream and cake. *See Avi*

Nice ananolgy.. (sp!). Or like bread and butter..


I like Greg he's cute smart and funny. What more can a woman want? As i dont know much about Eric... Hmmm so who knows.
I love both Greg and Eric ... they are both cute . In fell in love with Greg since ?I first saw him in 2004... but I loved Eric since he was in The Net .
Greg is definitely into women. No doubt about that. I envision him with a pretty blonde lady, probably highly educated, and not silicone-enhanced. Well, that's who I'd like to see him with anyway.
Hmmm, I got a question to keep things going, what kind of case would you like to see Greg work on?
i don't really know.
maybe a case involving a child. i mean not an adult, not young teenagers as he already did but a young child. i know it's been done for some other characters like Nick or Sara..
but Greg has always a certain kind of reserve hidden behind his professionnal background. And a certain restrain hidden by teasings or humor. he shows he can react without restrictions and be really upset by a case (like for the burnt woman or in fannysmacking)but never with a young child.
with young children, you can't tease you can't hide yourself a long time. You completely involve yourself because young children are that true and without faking. i guess he would be interesting to see him in a kind of relation with a young child for a future case.
exactly :) buti did not mean the child neads to be dead :lol: i would prefer a relation between them...
Wojo said:
Yeah we knew, I'm just glad it's not GSR on the cover. I would not be able to look at it without puking.

Sorry but if the box of season 7 had GSR then thats wrong.Theres more than 2 people who are CSI.I personally think that they should redo it and have all of the main cast on it.....

Wojo i'm interested in watching Snow Wonder- but cant find the film anywhere. Where can i see it?....
to go on dizzney's question , yes a case with a young child, or maybe something a bit more interesting for Greg's character fans, a case that may be in relation with Greg's private life. not necessarly his loving life but more related with his family backgrounds.
We heard of papa Olaf in the early seasons - it took years and years of CSI and we got to wait the season 7 to first really heard about his parents.
So a case that could in relation with his own rags would be welcome :)
About Dizzney's question:
As sugested by miko, I can't think of anything that I would like to see more than Greg with a child. Definitely, that would be great. I am imagining him having to talk with a girl (like 6 to 8 years old), explaining/asking her something (you know when a CSI talks with someone, its probably not something that happy), seeing how he would deal with it. And then maybe a hug *melts* Greggo hugging a child, I would love to see that :) That's my wish from now on for Greg :rolleyes:

Btw, I watched the last half of "Grave Danger", and as I like evryone's expressions in the episode, I love when Warrick gets pissed off by everything and poor Greggo is the one that pays. But I understand Warrick's frustration. And I suppose Greg did too, but I loved his reaction. And I also love his face in the end, just looking. Oh, beautiful moments :)
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