Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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I wish to heck that there would be an episode in this coming new season that would show that Greg had advanced to the next CSI Level, which I think would be Level 2 for him. It would be great to see him get promoted.
I remember an ep where Grissom and Warrick were discussing a case 10 years prior when Warrick was a CSI lvl 2. Simple deductions would say that they have to solve, be involved with, and do certian things on cases before they complete the required elements for the next step.
I think they have to do like 50 cases to make it to the next level. That is what was said in one ep. I can't remember what now though.
I just seen that epi where some man juice splashed into Greggo's face even in his mouth. *eewww* But I think he was really adorable in that epi. :) Especially when he smiled when he said "The student becomes the Master" (well, something like that). He smiled... and sheesh, he is so cuuuute. I could faint. :D
Happy Birthday luvincsi hope you have a good day and may your wishes come true.
Thanks so much, Destiny. :) I wished I could have Greg as a birthday present.. well, it didn't come true. :lol: :lol: I'll just wish again for next year. ;)
That would be a great present! Happt b-day. I loved that episode too and that scene was just so gross with the human soup as I like to call it. How Greg did not puke over that is beyond me, he must have a strong stomach!!!
Happy Birthday Pau!

I would like to date with him, it would be great. :p but that is just a dream, it will never happen..
Yeah that scene was gross. I know I would have puked for sure. Just the thought of it almost made me want to. I have a weak stomach.
I would like to have Greg as a present too. Yummy. I mean who needs birthdy cake when you can have him right? Yummy in my tummy.
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