Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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Wojo said:
I think thr scruff in Snow Wonder was kinda sexy, But I agree he looks best clean shaven. Hell he's hot either way!!

Ahh snow wonder is a film that eric was in... Ahh googled it.. Has anyone seen it? So when Eric was filming that which season would it have co-inside with - or did Eric shoot it after a season was finished???
I think he was filming it during the beginning of Season 6. I have not seen the whole things only his clips.
Yeah He filmed it before season 6 began filming I think. It was a typical cheezy holiday movie (about Christmas). I saw it once, that was enough. Eric was good in it and funny but the movie itself was nothing special.
I disagree, I thought last season rocked as far as Greg screen time went. There wer only about 8 episodes that we didn't see much of him. Also last season was Greg's first dramatic story arc, I loved last season.
Wow. :eek: I haven't been here for a long time.

Well, I hope to see more of Greg next season. I really want to see a happier and funnier Greg. :) I know he has to be like "more serious" but when I watch the episodes.. I see a sad Greg. :( Just want to see that funny happy guy again. :D
My dear ... Snow Wonder is one of my favs movies ... Yeah , Luke is different from Greg . And I like Greg more !
I hope they don't simply ignore what's happened with the character of Greg in season 7 like they did with Nick after the end of season 5. If they're going to put our favourite people in such life and death situations you have to follow through with the aftermath - good or bad.
I thought last season showed some excellent character development for Greg ( and plenty of screen time which always helps of course :D), they should work on that.
..and no sloppy writing him in one scene per show because they can't think of what else to do! The last 2 episodes were a tad shoddy - stick him on the day shift? C'mon.
I had the feeling that sending Greg to help the day shift (only in episode 23) might have meant something more, he and Grissom made a point to say that days couldn't keep anyone. Makes me think it might be solution to getting rid of Sara if Jorja is leaving CSI. Just speculation on my part.
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