Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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lostladyknight said:
As long as he doesn't make the same mustache mistake that Nicky made, I'm okay with almost anything he goes with.

I agree, I hated the mustache. I actully cheered when it was gone. I also hope another mistake Greg doesn't make is shaving his head like Nick has done - hated that too. Oh and since S8 is satring off where S7 ended his hair will be the same, at least at first.
Hmm, but he has his hair shorter now so I am thinking it will be looking how it has in the latest photos of him.
Could be he knows how fast his hair grows, he cut it and so by the time they start filing it will be like it was?
Could be, it was pretty short at the end of the season...he could just comb it back down. But on that same note, because it was shorter on top, it is easy for him to just style it like he has been wearing it now.
CSI_Dani said:
About the mustache, yeah, do not even think of that Greggo! There's no way you're going to do that, is there? Nah :p

I honestly can't even picture that. That would be crazy...I definitely was not a fan of Nick's porn star mustache, and we can't have any of that with Greg next season.
I could see him putting one on as a joke, but growing one? No.
Well if anyone saw him in Snow Wonder, that was the only time I saw him have some scruff on his face. It was not bad, but I do prefer him clean shaven. Most men I do except for a rare few.
^^I have never seen him, Dizzney. Do you have a picture or something? I am curious :rolleyes:

Other than that, I watched "Who shot sherlock" last night, and needless to say why it is so important!
I like the way they did the whole Greg storyline, they didn't put him doing everything ok and cracking the case brilliantly at first, but showed to him what the CSI job is about, and that the important is to not give up and when you find something that isn't matching, go see again and find an explanation.
I like when he finds the gun in the fireplace, but what I really like the most is his face when Nick and Warrick tell him that Grissom is waiting for him. It's so cute, makes me go like "poor Greggo :(" But the surprise is very nice, and I love evryone's happy faces congratulating him :) Greg is a CSI! Congratulations 'Mtv boy' (love this scene as well :p)
There's only one thing that I don't get, that is how the chair turns to show the "you passed" sign :confused:
I thought that they could had connected the chair to wire or sth like that and then just pulled them.
I don’t know. Maybe it’s staffs’ magic job :lol:

I also have seen scruffy Eric in some pics. He looks more like a man and rough and I like it,
but I prefer Eric shaved clearly, too :cool: :cool:
I think thr scruff in Snow Wonder was kinda sexy, But I agree he looks best clean shaven. Hell he's hot either way!!
There's only one thing that I don't get, that is how the chair turns to show the "you passed" sign

i think grissom was there turning the chair..well we cant see him because he wore an invisibility cloak.. :lol: :lol:

when the chair turned and show the "you passed" sign, Greg's face was shocked...(ahh what a cute face) i think greg wasnt shocked about the 'you passed' thingy...i think he was figuring out howcome the chair can turn by itself..haha

Greg went in the office...and suddenly the chair turned and showed him a 'you passed sign'

Greg: What the hell?!!

Everyone: hahahehe...yay! you passed! we're proud of you!*clap hands*

Someone at crowd: look when he saw the sign, he was shock to see it..he cant believe his eyes!! Greg! you passed there's nothin' to be shocked about...

Greg: Noo...i was shocked to see the chair turn by itself...howcome it can do that? i think there's some physics hidden in this case...i must find out how..

Nick: But we can tell you how...lets celebrate!

Greg: No! a CSI must investigate...

Grissom: Let him be my fellow friends....he's a CSI now and he needs to adapt to this CSI thingy..and finding out how the chair can turned is a good start..*turn back to laugh*

well its not good btw :D
I know on the DVD they have a commentary on "Who Shot Sherlock" and they said some behind the scenes crew guy was the actual guy pulling the chair around from a string, but they (the writers/producers doing the commentary) thought it was funny to see the chair turn and no one doing it on screen.
^^Haha, ok, Dizzney, thanks for the information. I think it turned out pretty cool as well, in fact ;) I was just wondering if it was suposed to be strange or if I was missing something.

g_s_l, I like your dialogs ;) Always bringing something funny on the thread.

So, has any of you heard any spoilers of Greg on this season?
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