Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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ouh in the episode 'table stakes' i love that too..he so cute and him in the swami i can melt... hehe.. but they says that hes a shy guys...hehe i looove shy HOT guys :D
by the look on his face, i can say that he is not arrogant and a funny guy...hehe my mom teach me how to know ppl's personalities by looking at their face... :D he love to smile...thats why he look so damn young!! love him!! i miss all those funny riddles he gave to the others. to me his riddles are more logic and funny than *coughHodgescough* :D
oh my goodness... ok so before i posted at my tumbling class there was a guy who looks almost EXACTLY like Eric... well i see him now every tuesday and thursday and yesterday....wait for it.... he talked to me!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D big smiles!! it pretty much makes my night and morning every tuesday and thursday (i HATE tumbling) when i see him! **deep sighs**

well that is all. :D
ooo you should take a picture of him..and send it here :lol: juz kidding...

well i want to meet eric in person..(have i said that?) well, i will say it again :D but nevermind. i should just keep dreaming and dreaming.. :(

whenever Greg said something, i mean like anything, i will smile cuzz he make me smile and laugh. when i look at his face, i'll shout.. HOT HOT HOT HOT!! and at the end, i get slapped :lol:
I agree greg-sar-love, whenever I see him I'm like "Hmmmm Greggo" btw your avi just kills me!! :devil: I love it.

His sense of humor is what attracted me to him in the first place then his good looks. Some say he's not as funny anymore but I disagree, he's just more mature and his humor is as well.
Exactly how I see Greg now too, Wojo! He sense of humor is just more mature, plus last season he did not have as many reasons to be funny. I have a good feeling about this season though. I think we will see him show some more of that humor again.
OMG I didn’t notice till Wojo said it and now.. *giggles* I’m in that mood too :lol:

I agree with y’ll. I like humorous people but also good looking guys. And Greg has that two features all together. It was like thunder of the falls to me when I recognized him first on the show :D I can’t help it but love him.
Greggo is just so cuddly ^^
You just wanna squeeze him!
Greg's been my favorite character ever since the beginning. Always will be.
I would totally like to snuggle up with him. Cute like a teddy bear is a great way to put it. I'd love to cuddle and snuggle him for hours. He's a cutie.
haha...yess and i will headbangin and sing along to Marilyn Manson's song... :lol: hmm i wonder what type of hairstyle will he do in this season 8.. :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: yah..just imagine greg with a mustache...i'll die of laughter..yah..i will definitely laugh...

Warrick: Wow!! look who's commin? Nick he make the same mistake as you..
Nick: what? *turns around* WOW!! Sara look at Greggo
Sara: What? *turns aorund* What the hell! *falls down from the chair..

Greg: Hey guys...
all of them: hiee..
Sara: Greg, i got something to tell you.. *stand up and pull greg awayfrom the rest*
Greg: What?
Sara: Loose that mustache..please for our sake....
I couldn't help but think of Richard from Frineds every time I saw Nicky with that hidious thing. I honestly wish they would go back over all the recordings of that episode and digitally edit that sucker out!

Greg's smarter than Nick though so he won't make the same mistake.
Welcome to the new faces around here :)

Greg sure has a great sense of humor, and even though in season 7 he doesn't seem to have many reasons to joke around, I don't think he lost it. Greg's humour is hiding a little behind the problems, but hopefully it will come out in the next season again. Anyway, I guess he would never act the same as back in the first seasons, he matured so he can't have the exact same way of acting. But the jokes can come out again :)

About the mustache, yeah, do not even think of that Greggo! There's no way you're going to do that, is there? Nah :p greg_sara_love, loved the dialogue ;)
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