Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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Well at least we got a decent reason for him not being on it. It is a bummer he had to be out of town for the commentary, but cool that there will seem to be some kind of commentary track for Fannysmackin' anyway. Eric seems to spend most of his summer out of town anyway.
I agree that the commentary would be nice but they do have lives that they want to live off set, besides there are other dvds that will have commentary so we have something to look forward to, :D
churchmouse said:
Can we say reschedule? Well something is better then nothing.
I was thinking that too. But maybe the way things work there would be such a timing issue. In getting it recorded, and the product made and sent out on time, it just could't get done. But still! I want some Eric.
Thanks for sharing, Wojo. Even though I am disappointed to know that he won't be doing the audio commentary for FannySmackin', it's good to know that at least there will be one, and now we know the reason, which is nice.
About the covers, oh well, couldn't they think before the size they needed things to inlcude them all?! :p Anyway, it's just the way it is, and there's nothing we can do about it right now. At least they know our opinion, and know that there are fans who care about these details.

About the Emmy nominations, does anyone know when the final ones will be out? Anyway, I have my fingers crossed for Eric and for FannySmackin'.
By the way, I was trying to be image/video free for FannySmackin' (because I wasn't spoiler free anymore :p), but my curiousity was bigger than that, and I had to watch a clip of it. I saw that part with Sara which was beautiful :)
I only saw bits and pieces of fannysmacking, but from what I could tell, it looked like an excellent episode.

I'm glad that you got a reply about why he was taken of the season 6 cover, and now we know what the season 7 cover looks like.

By the way, Hi again everyone. ;) I'm slowly but surely getting through the first season's of CSI. So far, I'm liking how they were able to juggle seriousness with comedy, and sarcasm. It has just the right touch of everything, and at the right moments too. ;)
First seasons of CSI were wonderful ! the second one (Cats in the Cradle , Chasing the bus)is my fav ... and the third (Play with fire , Inside the box)... and the seventh (everybody knows why !)! so much PRETTY Greg ...I need more Greg !
I finally watched "FannySmackin'". Oh yeah, finally the so-waited moment came :D I just loved it! People had told me it was awesome, and I am not disappointed at all!
I loved the scene with Sara (obviously :rolleyes:), it was so beautiful, and the way he talked to her. OMG, it was lovely :) I also loved when the guy he saved went to talk to him. And the scene with Grissom, when he cried, broke my heart. Greg is fantastic!
All in all, I think Eric's acting was very very good :D It's one of my favorite episodes, no doubt.
Glad you finally got to see it!! It is definitely probably one of Eric's best episodes.
yah...the way he acted in the episode...aww...really make me cry...i use the term 'make' cuzz it still make me cry...
uhuhuhu :(....i love when Sara said 'I came here for you Greg' oooo....i really cry...uhuhuhu... :( what a great actor...
Yeah it still makes me cry too, and the beating still makes me cringe! I still cheer every time I see Nick punch K-Fed too!!

Yeah! hit him Nicky! He hurt our presious Greggo! :lol:
Yeah the only shameful part about that eppy is K-Fed being in it. But Nick punching him was great!! :)
That, for me, was the highlight of the episode. I keep rewinding that scene and watching it over and over... still wish the punch had been to the face though.
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