Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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It's good to see a news article and interview with him. And it's good to see him going out for a cause, trying to help people. It certainly is a worthwhile thing to do. I'm interested in seeing what else happens with this.
Nice find, Wojo. It's a shame there is so many atrocities all over this world. It is nice to see people speaking on behalf of those that cannot. Glad to see Eric taking part in that. Nice photo too with the kids all around.
He's looking amazing , like always . I so luv him ... more Eric, more sweet Eric , cuz he's such a sweetheart !
YES!!! he is a sweetheart....thats why we love him...the autograph was adoreable!!!!! that pic of him is so damn i wish i was you... :D :D you're a lucky lucky person....seriously...but WAIT WAIT!!!! u wrote to him again or ju juz simply write to you?? :confused:

i hope he will reply to my letter *pray..pray...pray...* :D
Oh! Yay! *dances* Is that final? Anyways, he deserves it. He's amazing in the epi. And I love your icon, eggb4thechicken. :D
Oh I hope they confirm this. He deserves to be in the running. Here's hoping that when it's all officially announced Eric's still nominated on the final list.
Eric's in the running for an Emmy guys, for FS, best supporting actor. He really deserves to be on the final list.
Take a look
OH MY GOD! That's AWESOME! :) I hope he gets it!
He deserves it! Oh what do you know? I'm jumping and squealing now!!!
I hope Jorja gets it too. This season with Empty Eyes, she was phenomenal!
OMG!!!!! i hope he's on the final list!!!!! cuzz hes the best on that eppi...and all the eppis...i hope starworld really have emmy award...or could ya tell me which channel have emmy award..i really wanna see eric... :D
Yeah , he totally deserves the prize , hell, Fannysmackin was one of the best episodes of the series ! And he was amazing ! I love him and his character !
Aww, Eric is just such a sweetie, thanks for sharing that,please don't hate me guys, i haven't been over in this parts for a long time,
That is great, I reall hope he gets the nomination, I hope CSI does not get snubbed like it has been. Eric deserves some recognition! *prays*
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