Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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I loved K-Fed in Fannysmackin ! He was acting really natural -but he had the role of a bastard with no life- so I think it was perfect !
:eek: K-Fed was in FannySmackin'? You see how much I care for him that I didn't even notice that he was there :p
I guess I was distracted by other "things", such has a super cute guy in need of help, beautiful scenes played by the real good actors...All that made me not even noticing that he was the guy who was trying to piss our Nick. But he sure knew how to show who rules ;)

Does anyone have any other information on the Emmy Awards? When will they annouce the nominees?
Thanks Dizzney! It's not going to be possible for me to watch it anywhere on TV, so I'm just going to wait for news online...
Anyway, I just hope Eric gets nominated :rolleyes: I am with some feeling that CSI is going to get nominated this year for something (ok, maybe it's just my hope :p)
Eric's birhtday is coming up and I just made him another card, will send it out this week sometime. Just a reminder, if you plan to send Eric cards now is the best time. Can you believe he's going to be 32!
Yeah one of these days soon I have to get on my card for his birthday. I just have been really busy working a lot lately.
No activity in the last few days in this thread. Anyway, here I am now.

I saw "Big Middle" this morning, and Greg is just so cute in there...and funny ;)
I love the way he is analizing the crime scene with Grissom, he misses the purple fibre, but he goes all like "I saw that, it's just that I have my own rythm" :p
Also, I just have to love the scene where he has to simulate he is the victim. He look so worried about how they are going to take that once he can't breathe anymore :lol: But I really love more the comments about the dreams..."Once I had a dream like this...but Grissom wasn't watching...That was another dream" :lol: Greg is so funny!
In the end, Grissom's comment was kind of cold, but I am sure it taught our boy something...He wasn't doing that with any bad intention, and he didn't ask it in a bad way, he was just acting without really thinking about it, but Grissom told him well not to judge people's attitudes and mostly their tastes :rolleyes:
ericloca said:
I loved K-Fed in Fannysmackin ! He was acting really natural -but he had the role of a bastard with no life- so I think it was perfect !

I can't stand K-Fed and this whole Brit/ Kev thing, so I really loved the scene when Nick showed him who is the real man, you know. And I also loved the scene because it showed how much Nick cares for Greg.

Yeah the weight experimant scene is cool, and well, I just love Greg's hair in season 5. In season 7 he looked so grown-up suddenly but I prefer his boyish look^^ Just snagged this wonderful wallpaper made by LoveCSI with wonderful Greg pics and now it's on my desktop and I smile everytime I see it! :D
I had this weird dream this morning, I was wa tching an award show (Golden globes I think) and they panned the audience and showed Eric asleep in the crowd. He was sitting beside two guys who both looked like Frank Zappa and once in a while he'd wake up and talk to them only to go back to sleep. Strange huh?
Wojo! :lol: That is weird, but it sounds like the kind of dreams I sometimes have. Just odd, out of nowhere type dreams. I hardly remember mine most of the time though.
Wow! :eek: Haven't been here in awhile. Well, I watched Viva Las Vegas and the epif after that (was it down the Drain?) and I just love him those epis. Love the hair. And when Grissom gave hima abigger container for the urine sample and he did this cute smile, I could faint. I wanted to melt in my seat. :D ;) *squeel*

I miss Yurek. :)
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