Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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In any case, he should be on the DVD cover, espcially after the year he had on the show in Season 7. His was one in of the on-going storylines for the season.
I know on the show he has played marilyn Manson and Black flag in the lab. Anybody know any more?
I think he likes a wide variety of music from what I have heard. Well I guess I am referring to Eric, not Greg really.
I really hope he gets that nomination! He's phenomenal and with the follow up of Fannysmackin' too!
I thought he was great in Big Shots too! :D

For those of you who want to see a few of Eric's movies they are on TV at the end of this month.

Little Athens will air on The Movie Channel east on June 28th at 2:30 AM. and the Rules Of Attractions will reair on on HBOe June 29th at 2:50 AM. (check local listings)
Thanks but I have none of those channels. :lol: But I do own Little Athens and well Rules of Attraction, I did not care too much for his part in that film and then the film overall.
Rules of Attraction is one sick, sad film. I can't find any of his other movies here in Australia. I keep my fingers crossed that they might come available at some stage.
Well he is not in Little Athens all that much. He has about 5 scenes in it which are not too long. Although he plays opposite Rachel Miner who was also in the ep Rashomama.
Hey All,
Remember the letters I asked you to send about getting Eric on the S7 DVD cover? Well I got an answer today from Corinne and here is some of the things she said.

The S6 DVD artwork was temporary artwork put online to advertise the DVD before the packaging was actually approved. The fianl cover art was not oversight, nor was it a mistake. Unfortunatly Eric was removed from the S6 cover because CBS felt the cover was too crowded....

The season 7 DVD cover art will onlt have Grissom and Catherine on the front (like S3). The remainder of the cast will be on the back cover.

The season 7 DVD will feature commentary for the episode FannySmackin. Eric was invited to attend, and we were all disappointed when he realized he would be out of town the day of our recording session.

Eric Szmanda is a fine, a much loved member of our cast, as well as a personal friend of mine. We would never show him any disrespect, nor would we intentionally exclude him from special features or packaging.

Well thanks for all who wrote, at least we now know why Eric was removed form S6's cover and what S7's cover will look like (thank God it's not GSR!!)
I would have loved commentary from him, but at least now we know why he didn't do it and have a valid reason.

Thank you for sharing, Wojo!
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