Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo #10

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Yeah he had already given him the smaller one for urine, the bigger one was for a Number 2 as many like to say. :lol:
ok so i was so excited yesterday!! i went to go to cheerleading practice (tumbling class) and i saw this guy there, and OMG he looked almost EXACTLY like Eric!!!!! i was like AHHHHH(gets on knees and is nonstop bowing down)
totally made my night!
I've worked with a guy a couple times that reminded me of Eric a lot. I have not seen him in awhile though.
Ahh. , I envy you lizanator112890 :lol:
I always thought that Eric in real life will be more hotter than just be seen in the pictures
I want to meet him!!! (growl) Umm, just someone looks like him also be appreciated :D
I've heard that Eric is very shy, I think that's cute. A hot guy being shy is just too adorable.
Sadly Eric did not get an Emmy nomination (nor did anyone else from CSI) however FannySmackin did get a nomination for best make-up! At least we should be glad that TPTB recognised Eric's talent by submitting him.

for more info and to discuss the nominations please go here.
Yeah I noticed the make-up nom for that ep. I really did not expect them to pick any of the CSI people. Well at least the actors on CSI know that we still love them. :D
Who knows? Maybe next year Emmy'll turn for CSI people. :)
At first, I was disappointed but since I've noticed that there's a bunch of Grey's names on it,
I feel much better now. Definitely CSI' is better than Grey's. I'm sure 'cause they'd had so much trouble this season :D
Thanks for the info, Wojo!
ARGH!!!!! i am so mad...what happen?? i really want him to nominated cuzz he's good in that epi...its ok better luck next time... :D we still love him no matter what
Ok so here's some info on Eric from the CBS All Star Party:

"The one original CSI guy in attendance, Eric Szmanda, was still excited about his June trip to Burma, where he got to meet people who have been displaced from their villages. "I visited refugee camps and got a taste of what it's like there," he said while chomping on a salad. "At one of the clinics, I saw people whose limbs had been blown off from landmines and children born with crazy birth defects. There was an AIDS ward and a maternity ward all in the same place."

On screen, Szmanda says, he's about to meet with producers in hopes of finally getting a love interest for his character. "I do need a love interest or something," he said. "People need to see how Greg lives outside of work. We've gotten to see that from every other one of the CSIs." The first episode of the new season he describes as "probably the most suspenseful and violent episode we've ever had."
Ahh. I wish I was with him, chomping on a salad.
That would be a whole lot different experience :lol:
Thanks for the info, Wojo !
A love interest huh? Hmmm... *thinks* ;) Can't wait for the next season its not I'll be able to see it but I'll still know what will happen. *points at ths site*

Too bad, Eric wasn't nominated. :( But he was still amazing in the epi. :D
Eric being shy, it only makes him cuter :rolleyes: Or is it just me?!

Well, thanks for the interview Wojo. A love interest seems perfect for him, I like the idea, and I couldn't agree with Eric more ;) A violent episode, huh? That's great.

I can't wait to see it...Well, as Pau I don't know when I will see it *thinks that season 7 hasn't started yet :(*, but I'll know what happens (don't know if that's good or bad though)

As for him not being nominated, it's really disappointing :( Seriously, because we know that CSI is centred on the crime, and for once it was considerably focused on a character (we have to be glad that TPTB gave us that with Greg), the actor was outstanding (IMO), and still no nomination. Sadly I think that if it wasn't now, Eric is not going to get any Emmy ever while on CSI :( Maybe I am being too pessimistic, but I love the episode too much, that I can't help it thinking this way. It's not that I think that Eric can't do the same again, acting as good, I just think that he won't have another storyline as good as this one. I hope I am wrong, though :rolleyes:
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