Oh my, but aren't we all in a posting frenzy :lol:
Star, I'm so sorry and sad to hear what is happening in RL

I can't believe peopel can be so mean. What's the point? I always lived with the principle to never do to others what I don't them to do to me. But well... it's really one-sided. I remember someone once telling me when I confronted him about his actions, that I was dumb to act like that and that he didn't have that kind of hang-ups. And I was free to hit back. That left me speechless. Needless to say that I gladly left that company.
Be brave and live by your standards. The important thing is to be able to look yourself in the mirror when you get home at night
Well there have been so many posts since i was last here. I don't even know where to start :lol:
I guess at Calleigh saying Eric's name in warning way. OKay I guess we're definitely not watching the same series and episode :lol: Because if that was warning away, I don't know

I guess you probably just don't want to see what this was about, because neither actor could have played out clearer. I understand people having mixed feelings about that ship (okay totally theoretically I might add, because I don't see what is to object :lol

, but seeing things that haven't been said or displayed always confuses the hell out of me. If you want to see how Calleigh rejects people, just go back a few season and check out what happened with Hagen. She was pretty straight forward. She knows Eric so well, if she had wanted to say 'don't go there' she would have said it. If she felt uncomfortable she wouldn't have worked the case this closely with him, but sent Natalia with him (she was also involved).
For me the way she said his name had a dreamy quality, like being there this close to him had made her forget where they were and what surrounded them.
And she definitely didn't pull her hand away. The last scene we see Eric is still holding her hand and they are both looking down at it. Just watch again...
I'm always scared by fluffy storylines. I'm more of a drama queen or it's porn or comedy :lol: I sure hope we'll see they care about each other but not in ways that are too sickenly sweet
It's true that our Calleigh changed this year. Well at least in the second part of the season. For someone who didn't like contact, she sure has her hands on Eric pretty often lately. No wonder Natalia picked that up. I guess it's more obvious to her because she is the newest on the team. She sees things with different eyes. I thought about writing a 'rumor' fic with her, Dan and Max, but I already did that with ER... and I hate to copy myself reusing storylines (even if the series is another one and not to add Inever finished it because a friend of mine wanted me to write porn and I could only write EC porn :lol

. But maybe during the summer hiatus
Okay that was is way too long, just ignore my rambling...