Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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Yeah Caro that's what I was thinking too...if ever they had to choose that'd be too hard...they'd just have to save the innocent/bystander first...which would be HARD when the one you love is in danger too...

Yeah I don't want them to, but I can see the PTB bringing Jake back to try and stir up trouble! But we all know she'll stick with her "Uh, no thanks!" she's moved on to MUCH greener pastures! ;) :D
I had this long post all ready to go in my head about how I just loved the sceneS (oh yes, because they had more than one, rock on.) But then I kept reading all the posts, and everything I had to say was already said.

You'd have to be blind not to be able to see the chemistry between the two. Adam is a really good actor, I have to say. He's able to play up blushing with Natalia about Calleigh, and blush in the glass shard scene.

I totally agree about the scene with Nat. It was just friendly banter.
I would KILL for a Natalia/Calleigh scene now. I'd love to see Calleigh being confronted about it. How would she react?
Me too, me too.
Good lord, check out the size of Eric's feet:


Damn, Calleigh. Lucky bitch.

I want them to take it slow, too. I don't mind waiting if I know it'll be worth it at the end. If they continue having scenes after scenes after scenes in every episode it might get too repetitive. I think Calleigh is having a bunch of scenes with Natalia in the upcoming episodes, though. I hope Natalia at least has the decency to pull Calleigh's pants down and shove her into whatever room Eric happens to be working.
Happilyhappy said:
You'd have to be blind not to be able to see the chemistry between the two.

Now that definetly sums it up.

You know a lot of people are saying how this relaionship is just weird and I have to admit that I find everything a little weird myself. I don't know why they find it weird, it might be because they don't like the two together or something, but I find it weird because even though I really pushed for Eric and Calleigh, we have always had our times when we were screwed over. Once you're finally getting something that you're pleased with, it feels weird. :D
Been there, xanessa, been there. My other favorite ship has been like this the last couple of years, but it looks like things are finally turning. I really can't believe that my ships are happening! I am totally loving it, but it does feel wierd, in the sense of, where will they go with it now?
Catey who's your other favorite ship? (D/L yeah?! ;) )
*Mo stares at the size of Eric's feet and giggles jealously along with Caro...lucky!* :lol: Very lucky! :devil:
Hopefully we'll get Nat asking Call about E and Call letting something slip, even a small smile and blush would totally "say" something! :D YAY!
Okay, three pages of post!!!You guys are on fire!! So today, at school I couldn't stop anoying my friend about the E/C, some of them are actually now going to see it. That scene just made my day, I have watched it sooo many times too, lost count.
The dating a coworker, I think it's okay, as long as it doesn't interfere with the job, like with Eric/Natalia/Ryan, but that's history.
Okay, I also got an email from Corey.
Stay tuned for the E/C stuff, because there will definitely be some drama there... Corey
URGH!! Work today was brutal I wanted to yank my frickin hair out! The only thing that kept me going was knowing I could come home and watch that scene over and over and over again! :lol: God bless Tivo ;)

I absolutely love the smirk that appears on Eric's face when Natalia mentions how Calleigh has taken an interest in him. He was "Yeah she has been great" HUGE SMILE then of he adds "everyone has" to cover up the fact that he was totally thinking about that kiss and he was sooo bluching! ;)

I really hope the writers take things slowly but at the same time we can't stay with the eye sex for too wants some SEX!! :devil: :lol: I just hope Calleigh doesn't see Ryan's mistake as a reason to pull away and go for that neanderthal Jake. I can understand the whole need for angst but she nearly lost Eric to a bullet to the brain! While it porbably has made her re evaluate things....I hope she follows her heart and not her head b/c she is afraid of the rules and probably her emotions.

She sooooo said in his name in a dreamy sort of way and there was sooo much more she wanted to say after he pulled the glass out....she just couldn't find the words ;) But the way she said it was definately a "I'm feeling something here" way and not "I think this is bad" way. GOD I can't wait for more.

Well I can't say that a cryptic Corey is a bad thing :lol: He has been cryptic for months and look at what we are getting!!:D I like drama; A ship w/o drama is boring and I am soooo not worried about Jake.
Ooooooh, drama! I love it! I wonder what he means. Jake? Jake, you jerk! Stop coming in between the love.

I can see Calleigh pulling away, but I can also see Eric realizing why she's doing it. I mean, he knows her better than anyone.

It would also be awesome if Duke came back and figured out what's going on between Eric and Calleigh and advised Calleigh to follow her heart, else she'll end up lonely like him.
The drama doesn't have to be bad and it will probably be the triangle with them and Jake. But obviously Jake will not last long. He'll be gone (or at least out of Calleigh's love life) by the end of this season or sometime next.

Do you all see the way Calleigh and Eric looked into each others eyes? They are obviously in love and nothing can stop them. Only evil would try to do that!

Oh yeah and it will feel weird for a little while I think but we'll get used to it. And a scene with Duke would be great! I think that would be the start of meeting the family. ;)
How could anybody miss the looks? :lol:

Calleigh surprised me more than Eric did. He's always looked at Calleigh with those eyes. But Calleigh has never looked at anyone like this, not even Hagen or Jake or Peter.

God, I'd give anything to know what she was thinking. We all know what was going through Eric's mind. *cue porn music*
Please, help! I am a longtime lurker who never had anything special to add, but I love reading all of your posts. Now I need your expert assistance to convince my hubby that the E/C 'ship is truly mutual, and that we are not just reading too much into every touch and look.

He worked late last night so I watched the show without him but recorded it, and we just got done watching it together. I had been over the moon about E & C's scenes, but after the glass shard scene he told me I was nuts. That Eric has it bad for Calleigh, but that Calleigh looked "creeped out" at how long he was holding her hand and she yanked her hand away from him. Then hubby added that the way Calleigh said Eric's name sounded to him like she was warning him, like "Eric..." don't start, or "Eric..." I don't feel what you are obviously feeling.

We rewatched it over and over and hubby is right about Calleigh pulling her hand away from Eric's. So how do I explain that to him in our "romantic" way?


Hey, Katrina. Welcome aboard.

Your problem has an easy solution: withhold sex until he changes his mind. He'll be posting here in no time.

Seriously, though, I think he may be teasing you or something. There's no way that Calleigh was going to tell him to back off. Again, if that had been her intention, she would've told him without any qualms because Calleigh doesn't beat around the bush.

Also, when you're about to tell a guy to back off, you don't whisper his name. You say his name loud and sternly. That wasn't the case here. She said his name like she was in the middle of an orgasm.

I don't know if Calleigh pulls her hand away. Actually, I don't think she does. When the scene ends, you'll notice her hand is still extended towards Eric. There's a cap of it up there ^ (if you can concentrate on something other than Eric's, erm, gigantic attributes). They lose contact because Eric starts analyzing the glass. But the whold time Calleigh has her hand stretched.
Caro I totally agree...I've been a Calleigh fan for awhile now ;) and I gotta agree with ya, she's never looked at anyone the way she gazed at Eric and it was "gazing"...soulfully! :devil: Smitten she SO is! :D

And can I just say, y'all post fast in here! :lol: Not that that's bad, it's fabulous...I'm just impressed...if I weren't home from work I'd have missed like so much! :D Now if only I could figure out a way to stay home every day and still get paid...hmmmm...
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