Eric & Calleigh Thread #22 - Oooooooooooh! Hellooooooo!

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I can't believe how much we've been posting in the last couple of days. Insanity.

I'd love to see them play games with each other. I think Eric would love driving Calleigh crazy. And then Calleigh would figure it out and would start 'accidentally' flashing him some cleavage, etc. I mean, did you see what she's wearing in the finale? There's no way Eric will be able to make it through that episode.
Oh yes I want to see Cal's evil teasing side :devil: Cuz you know Eric wouldn't stand a snow ball's chance in hell if she started something :lol:

Finally a posting frenzy...I was getting a little nervous that everyone had sort of disappeared considering the spoilers we had been getting....but now I know that I worry too much :lol:
Well, I've been busy working on my newest vid, which I'll probably have to wait til tomorrow to finish. I'm making a vid to the song "something to talk about" which I've heard suggested/requested a few times here. Waiting on some Burned clips to finish it out. I'll post it to the LJ Community when I'm done.
I'm always here, just not always fully concentrating :devil:

this may just be my dirty mind showing itself, but did anyone else get porny thoughts from the whole "Wanna ride together?" with the evil grin from her and the goofy grin from him and then the cut to the Hummer with vaguely romantic music? :devil: Yeah, ride together to a secluded spot in the 'Glades maybe :lol:

The whole glass thing was just so telling, little miss never show weakness letting Eric come in and save her from the big bad glass shard. And the fidgeting!

*stares at icons* preeetty...
I can't wait to see your vid!

Come on ya'll. Emily can make Calleigh tease Eric. Just look at my location. :D

How awesome would it be if we had a scene where Eric was just fully checking her out? Yes, she would purposely wear some big cleavage and he'd be drooling over his desk. Poor boy. :rolleyes:
*watching the ep again* okay, in the scene right before the glass shard scene, when they turn to go upstairs to sift through the debris again, is Calleigh wearing her gun??? I don't see it...

I think when she says his name she may be trying to thank him or something. As she said, he'd do the same for her and this is his opportunity to um appreciate her again :devil:

What's the are we together thing that someone mentioned? together as in together together? I've yet to pick that part up...

Having seen the movie that has the topless shot of Emily, I don't know what that boy is waiting for! Seriously how has he not jumped her in the gun vault?
I think when she says his name she may be trying to thank him or something.

Maybe. I even thought there for a minute that she tried to say "Thanks, Eric," but that she was so flustered and she could hardly breathe and she was dizzy from the closeness, and all she could manage was that breathy "...Eric..." :D

But that's okay, since we all know the real thanking him came after shift. :devil: :lol: Hey, rescue sex is hot, and technically Eric did save her from the glass shard... :lol: Oh forget it, like they need excuses to have sex. :lol: :devil:

this may just be my dirty mind showing itself, but did anyone else get porny thoughts from the whole "Wanna ride together?" with the evil grin from her and the goofy grin from him and then the cut to the Hummer with vaguely romantic music?

I just knew they'd cut something! ;) They cut out the part where it took them eight whole hours just to even get to the crime scene. :lol: :devil:
Oh my gosh, that is so not cool! In the spoilers they promised we'd see them doing it in that Hummer but they did obviously cut that out! :mad: I knew they did something wrong. :lol:

Don't you all think we'll get a longing kiss next season? If it all goes into next season, then we probably should, right?
A longing kiss would kick ass, but we need supply closet sex :devil: Or gun vault sex. Maybe even firing range sex, there's plenty of walls and ledges in there :devil:
Sex all over the place with these surface would be safe :lol:

I hope we get a kiss in the season finale but realistically, I think we will have to wait til next season. I'm sure we will have something to keep us going over the summer but next year is the year. If they keep this going but I can't see them spending so much time to build it up only to stop it ya know.

I will combust if we a get a sex scene....oh yes, I will go poof :lol:
A longing kiss

Yeah. Apparently I fail at reading because I read that as tonguing kiss. :lol: Which we should totally get that too. :D

Mm. Firing range sex. That would be hot. :D I demand fic of that! :devil: And since it's a firing range, I imagine it's fairly well insulated, you know, keeps the sound in, no matter how loud... :devil: It's the perfect place! :D
Well the firing range *IS* where Calleigh takes out all her fristrations :devil: :devil: :devil: It's probably very well insulated. Plus the firearms lab is her domain and everyone respects that so they will be uninterrupted :devil:

Yes, someone needs to write firing range sex. I'm already working on bondage sex wherein Eric ties Calleigh up. A lot. In the secret room in her basement :devil:

Okay, I'm watching Just Murdered, and Im' more listening than watching and I just heard Calleigh say "so how are we doing with our personal trainer" and my first thought is flexibility :lol:
Oh my gosh, I always think of Eric just grabbing Calleigh and sticking his tongue down her throat. :devil:

Did you guys see those pics in the picture thread? My dad commented on Calleigh's(shall I say Emily's) nice butt, do you think we could get Eric to notice that butt? ;)
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